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Penulis mengucapkan puji syukur kepada Allah Subhaana Wa Ta’aalaa yang telah memberikan berkah dan karunia-Nya sehingga tim peneliti dari grup riset Human Proteomics Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sebelas Maret dapat menyusun dan menyelesaikan buku “Hidup Sehat Bagi Diabetesi Melalui Optimalisasi Konsumsi Buah, Olahraga Dan Minum Obat”. Buku ini disusun atas keprihatinan penulis karena jumlah penderita diabetes atau diabetesi di Indonesia cukup tinggi, yaitu menempati rangking ke-2 di kawasan Pasifik Barat dan ke-5 di tingkat dunia. Selain itu, diabetesi juga memiliki kebiasaan kurang konsumsi buah dan sayur dan kurang melakukan aktivitas fisik. Namun, perlu diapresiasi diabetesi suda...
Tingginya kasus anemia pada remaja putri khususnya di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, baik internal maupun eksternal. Pertumbuhan yang cepat (growth spurt) pada masa remaja yang meliputi perubahan fisiologis dan psikologis serta diiringi dengan peningkatan aktivitas fisik membutuhkan asupan zat gizi makro dan mikro dalam jumlah besar. Semua zat gizi tersebut akan digunakan untuk pembentukan sel-sel baru seluruh jaringan khususnya otot, tulang dan organ reproduksi. Kekurangan kebutuhan nutrisi selama pertumbuhan pada masa remaja, khususnya remaja putri, lebih rentan mengalami defisiensi zat gizi khususnya anemia.
This accurate, profusely illustrated guide to the diagnosis and treatment of skin abnormalities and diseases covers various topical therapies as well as specific skin diseases such as dermatitis, warts, diseases, and tumors. It also details surgical procedures and chemical peels.
This book presents the current knowledge and understanding of the biological processes involved in the orthodontic movement of teeth and discusses recent progress in the field. It links research advances to their immediate clinical applications and offers researchers and clinicians a state of the art reference on topical issues relating to orthodontic tooth movement. Biological events play a central role in the movement of teeth during orthodontic therapy. The basis for understanding the sequence of cellular events that leads to orthodontic movement has been well established in the literature through the use of animal models. In recent years, researchers and clinicians have focused their efforts on developing treatment modalities to increase the speed of orthodontic treatment and provide better anchorage options for noncompliant patients. This book will be an invaluable aid in understanding the biology of tooth movement and the relevance of the latest concepts to clinical practice.
Now in its Seventh Edition, DeJong’s The Neurologic Examination has been streamlined and updated for a new generation. An absolutely comprehensive, detailed guide to techniques on the neurologic examination, this book integrates details of neuroanatomy and clinical diagnosis in a readable manner. The text is supplemented by helpful boxes that highlight clinical pearls and offer illustrative cases, and tables summarize differentials and lists of clinical findings.
Burns are one of the most devastating conditions encountered in medicine. The injuries affect people of all ages, both physically and psychologically, in the developed and the developing world. The correct management of burns needs a skilled multidisciplinary approach and this ABC provides an overview of the most important aspects of burn injuries for healthcare professionals. This ABC book offers a comprehensive yet accessible review of burn management. It introduces the range of burns that a GP may become involved in treating or having treated at hospital. From explanations of how burns happen, through to first aid applications, pre-hospital treatment, dressings, resuscitation and the mana...
"Encyclopedia of Surgery organizes researchers from around the world in surgery and related disciplines and maintains an up-to-date reference work for readers worldwide"--
This clear, concise manual fills the growing need for a text covering the process of physical examination of the spine and extremities. Serving students and clinicians as a functional guidebook, this text incorporates three important features: a tight consistent organization, an abundance of constructive illustrations, and an effective teaching method.