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This is an open access book. The Unima International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanity (UNICSSH) 2022 was conducted on October, 11th – 13th 2022, at The Grand Kawanua International City, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. In 2022, Universitas Negeri Manado will host the Indonesian National Education Convention (KONASPI) X. Konaspi is a routine activity of the PPTKN which is held once every four years. The fourth industrial revolution (4.0) is marked by technological advances and supported by artificial intelligence that creates opportunities and challenges for the education system. University and vocational school graduates are facing a world transformed by technology which in tur...
The city of Manado and province of North Sulawesi have built a public identity based on religious harmony, claiming to successfully model tolerance and inter-religious relations for the rest of Indonesia. Yet, in discourses and practices relevant to everyday interactions in schools and political debates in the public sphere, two primary contested frames for belonging emerge in tension with one another. On the one hand, “aspirational coexistence” recognizes a common goal of working toward religious harmony and inclusive belonging. On the other hand, “majoritarian coexistence,” in which the legitimacy of religious minorities is understood as guaranteed exclusively by the goodwill of th...
This Handbook provides a comprehensive look at the educational scope of life and values that characterize 21st-century Asia, as well as those values shared across cultures. Some values are deeply resonant with the region’s past while others reflect modernity and the new contexts in which Asian societies find themselves. Exploring these values of different types and the way they are constructed in Eastern and Western contexts, the contributors delve into the diversity of religious, moral and social education to promote greater understanding across cultures. While a range of values is identified here, there is no single set of values that can be applied to all people in all contexts. The tim...
Buku ini membahas Isu-isu Kritis Pendidikan, Utama dan Tetap Penting Namun Terabaikan. Beberapa isu kritis antara lain: pendidikan kewirausahaan, peran pemerintah dan masyarakat madani dalam pendidikan karakter dan homeschooling. Isu pendidikan kewirausahaan ditemukan bahwa Indonesia tidak akan maju karena tidak cukup mempunyai entrepreneur, menurut konsep David McClelland, suatu negara akan menjadi makmur apabila mempunyai entrepreneur sedikitnya sebanyak 2% dari jumlah penduduk. Permasalahannya adalah mengapa kita tidak cukup mempunyai entrepreneur? Jawabannya adalah silakan membaca buku ini Para pakar pendidikan mengatakan bahwa kelebihan homeschooling adalah proses belajar yang berdekatan dengan orangtua. Aslinya, yang mengajar homeschooling memang orangtua, bukan guru privat. Hal ini sesungguhnya sangat mendasar dan filosofis, karena dalam Al-Qur’an pun dikatakan bahwa orangtua-lah yang bertanggung jawab atas pendidikan anaknya, namun banyak pendapat yang kurang setuju. Untuk memahami lebih mendalam konsep homeschooling, silakan membaca buku ini. Buku persembahan penerbit PrenadaMedia
Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement: An Introduction to Practice, Second Edition offers an accessible, practical introduction to program evaluation and performance measurement for public and non-profit organizations, and has been extensively updated since the first edition. Using examples, it covers topics in a detailed fashion, making it a useful guide for students as well as practitioners who are participating in program evaluations or constructing and implementing performance measurement systems. Authors James C. McDavid, Irene Huse, and Laura R. L. Hawthorn guide readers through conducting quantitative and qualitative program evaluations, needs assessments, cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses, as well as constructing, implementing and using performance measurement systems. The importance of professional judgment is highlighted throughout the book as an intrinsic feature of evaluation practice.
This book centres on a broadened view of complexity that will enrich engagement with complexity in the social sciences. The key idea is to employ complexity theory to develop a holistic account of practice, agency and expertise. In doing so, the book acknowledges and builds upon the relational character of reductive accounts. It draws upon recent theoretical work on complexity, emergence and relationality to develop a novel account of practice, agency and expertise in and for workplaces. Biological, psychological and social aspects of these are integrated. This novel account overcomes problems in current views of practice, agency and expertise, which suffer from reductive, or fragmented, ana...
An increasing number of developing countries are introducing School-Based Management (SBM) reforms aimed at empowering principals and teachers or at strengthening their professional motivation, thereby enhancing their sense of ownership of the school. Many of these reforms have also strengthened parental involvement in the schools, sometimes by means of school councils. SBM programs take many different forms in terms of who has the power to make decisions as well as the degree of ecision-making devolved to the school level. While some programs transfer authority only to school principals or te.
This updated, significantly expanded revision of the text previously published as Educational Evaluation, offers a wide-ranging introduction to evaluation procedures in all fields. The text encompasses evaluation practices, a history of the field, its conceptual bases, and current controversies.