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Republicanism and Democracy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 238

Republicanism and Democracy

This book discusses whether democracy and republicanism are identical, complementary, or contradicting ideas. The rediscovery of classic republicanism a few decades ago made it clear how profoundly modern notions of democracy had been shaped by the republican tradition. But defining these two concepts remains difficult, and the views diverge widely. The overarching aim of this book is to discuss the extent to which democracy and republicanism are identical, complementary or mutually contradicting ideals / ideas. Pursuing this open approach to the subject means calling into question a widely used formula according to which modern democracy is composed of liberal principles such as individualism, the rule of law and human rights, on the one hand, and of republican principles such as focusing on the common good and popular sovereignty, on the other. This book will appeal to students, researches, and scholars of political science interested in a better understanding of political theory and political history.

Citizen Marx
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 440

Citizen Marx

The first book to offer a comprehensive exploration of Marx’s relationship to republicanism, arguing that it is essential to understanding his thought In Citizen Marx, Bruno Leipold argues that, contrary to certain interpretive commonplaces, Karl Marx’s thinking was deeply informed by republicanism. Marx’s relation to republicanism changed over the course of his life, but its complex influence on his thought cannot be reduced to wholesale adoption or rejection. Challenging common depictions of Marx that downplay or ignore his commitment to politics, democracy, and freedom, Leipold shows that Marx viewed democratic political institutions as crucial to overcoming the social unfreedom and...

Federal Democracies at Work
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 330

Federal Democracies at Work

  • Categories: Law

Applying an innovative approach to capture varieties and dynamics of federal democracies, this collection examines the conditions, mechanisms and practices that make federal democracies work.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 554


Das Handbuch gewährt einen umfassenden Überblick über Tocquevilles Leben, Werk und Wirkung auf dem aktuellen Stand der historischen, philosophischen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung. Dem äußerst facettenreichen, in Deutschland aber nach wie vor unterschätzten Autor widmet dieser Band eine ebenso kompakte wie systematische Darstellung, die auf der Basis eines strukturierten Zugriffs und unter Berücksichtigung aller seiner Schriften verschiedene Aspekte seines Denkens erfasst. Deutschsprachige Leserinnen und Leser können sich schnell und zielführend fundierte Informationen über Tocquevilles Theorien, seine zentralen Begriffe sowie die wichtigsten Einflüsse verschaffen. Zugleich dient das Handbuch als Kompass zur Einordnung von Tocquevilles Analysen in gegenwärtige Debatten und Themengebiete und gibt anschlussfähige Hinweise für die Konzeption von Projekten in Forschung und Lehre.

Marriage Discourses
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 261

Marriage Discourses

Marriage was historically not only a romantic ideal, but a tool of exploitation of women in many regards. Women were often considered commodities and marriage was far away from the romantic stereotypes people relate to it today. While marriages served as diplomatic tools or means of political legitimization in the past, the discourses about marital relationships changed and women expressed their demands more openly. Discourses about marriage in history and literature naturally became more and more heated, especially during the "long" 19th century, when marriages were contested by social reformers or political radicals, male and female alike. The present volume provides a discussion of the role of marriage and the discourses about in different chronological and geographical contexts and shows which arguments played an important role for the demand for more equality in martial relationships. It focuses on marriage discourses, may they have been legal or rather socio-political ones. In addition, the disputes about marriage in literary works of the 19th and 20th centuries are presented to complement the historical debates.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273


We describe people who are “consumed” or “devoured” by ambition as if by a predator or an out-of-control inferno. Thinkers since deepest antiquity have raised these questions, approaching the subject of ambition with ambivalence and often trepidation-as when the ancient Greek poet Hesiod proposed a differentiation between the good and the bad goddess Eris. Indeed, ambition as a longing for immortal fame seems to be one of the unique hallmarks of the human species. While philosophy has touched only occasionally on the problem of burning ambition, sociology, psychoanalysis, and world literature have provided rich and more revealing descriptions and examples of its shaping role in human history. Drawing on a long and varied tradition of writing on this topic, ranging from the works of Homer through Shakespeare, Freud, and Kafka and from the history of ancient Greece and Rome to the Italian Renaissance and up to the present day (to modernity and the current neoliberal era), Eckart Goebel explores our driving passion for recognition - that insatiable hunter in the mirror - and power.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 370


In diesem Standardwerk zu Demokratietheorien ordnen verschiedene Autor*innen Ausschnitte aus Originaltexten historisch ein. Sie analysieren und kommentieren die Texte hinsichtlich ihres ideengeschichtlichen Hintergrunds und ihrer Bedeutung für die Gegenwart. Für die 10. Auflage wurden die Interpretationen – wo nötig – aktualisiert und die Auswahl der Quellentexte teilweise geändert. Neu ist das Kapitel zu Gegenwartsproblemen der Demokratie, das jüngere Entwicklungen im Feld der Demokratietheorie nachzeichnet. Studierenden der Politik- und Geschichtswissenschaft, Schüler*innen der Sekundarstufe II und Lehrenden in der politischen Bildung sowie allen Interessierten bietet der Band ei...

Handbuch Kommunitarismus
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 716

Handbuch Kommunitarismus

Dieses Handbuch vermittelt umfassend und systematisch alle Grundlagen zur politischen Theorie und Philosophie des Kommunitarismus.

Comparative Federalism in Asia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 195

Comparative Federalism in Asia

He, Breen, and Allison-Reumann combine qualitative and quantitative research to compare the successes and failures of attempts at federalism in Asian countries. Federalism is an increasingly common approach to improving governance and resolving ethnic conflict in Asia. However, Asian federalism faces three thorny problems. First, the ethnic federalism paradigm dominates political and intellectual life, rendering political compromise difficult and creating an obstacle to establishing or improving federalism in Asia. Second, religious fundamentalism and secular refusal to accommodate religious demands pose an existential threat to federal politics. Third, a majoritarian democracy is itself a t...

Religion des Bürgers statt Zivilreligion
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 110

Religion des Bürgers statt Zivilreligion

Dass Religion und Aufklärung unvereinbar sind, ist eine gängige Ansicht. Deshalb vertrügen sich gelebter Glaube und aufgeklärte Gesellschaften nicht miteinander. Alexis de Tocqueville hat demgegenüber nicht nur betont, dass Religion – in erster Linie die christliche – für den Bestand freier und offener Gesellschaften notwendig sei. Er hat auch einen Weg gewiesen, wie sich Religionsgemeinschaften und deren Anhänger in der pluralistischen Gesellschaft demokratiekompatibel einbringen können. Die katholische Kirche hat mit dem II. Vatikanischen Konzil (1962–1965) Tocquevilles Ansatz weitergeführt. Sie schlägt heute ein universalisierbares Modell vor, das es auch anderen Religionsgemeinschaften ermöglicht, sich in offenen und freien Gesellschaften konstruktiv einzubringen.