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Catalogus personarum et officiorum Provinciae Austriae Societatis Jesu
  • Language: la
  • Pages: 546
Catalogus personarum & officiorum Provinciae Austriae Societatis Jesu
  • Language: la
  • Pages: 36
Zeitgeschichte in Bewegung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 199

Zeitgeschichte in Bewegung

Rakouský výzkum dějin 20. století (Zeitgeschichte in Bewegung. Die österreichische Erforschung des 20. Jahrhunderts) popisuje vývoj a situaci rakouské historiografie soudobých dějin a klade si za cíl nabídnut širšímu okruhu zájemců vhled do rakouské „krajiny“ výzkumu zejména dějin nacistického a poválečného období. Jiří Pešek stručně načrtl kontury vývoje oboru. Následující dvě studie (Hanns Haas a Maria Mesner) věnují pozornost relativně novým tematickým polím výzkumu: regionálním soudobým dějinám a historiografii žen. Druhou část publikace tvoří tři interview s výraznými, přitom zaměřením badatelských zájmů odlišnými – vídeňskými – protagonisty oboru (Gerhard Botz, Gernot Heiss, Oliver Rathkolb).

Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 678

Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: Unknown


ZBLG 2009, Band 72, Heft 1
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 335
With Eyes and Ears Open: The Role of Visitors in the Society of Jesus
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 325

With Eyes and Ears Open: The Role of Visitors in the Society of Jesus

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-05-07
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  • Publisher: BRILL

In With Eyes and Ears Open: The Role of Visitors in the Society of Jesus, twelve historians examine important visitations in the history of the Society. After a thorough investigation of the nature and role of the “visitor” in Jesuit rules and regulations, ten visitations of missions and provinces—from Peru in the sixteenth century, to Ireland in the seventeenth, to the Zambesi mission and Australia in the twentieth—are considered. Visitors, appointed by the superior general in Rome, surveyed the situation for fidelity to the Jesuit way of life, resolved any problems, and recommended future paths, often to the disapproval of Jesuit hosts. One contribution concerns the canonical visitation of the non-Jesuit Francis Saldanha da Gama in 1758, which resulted in the expulsion of the Jesuits from Portugal in 1759.

Das österreichische Feldkirch und seine Jesuitenkollegien
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 538

Das österreichische Feldkirch und seine Jesuitenkollegien "St. Nikolaus" und "Stella Matutina"

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Peter Lang

Die Arbeit untersucht, wie sich der schulische und seelsorgliche Alltag an den Feldkircher Jesuitenkollegien «St. Nikolaus» (1649-1773) und «Stella Matutina» (1856-1979) über jeweils zwei gleichlange Zeitepochen hinweg anhand der Quellen darstellt. Wenn auch beide Institutionen nur bedingt miteinander vergleichbar sind, so können doch ähnliche ignatianisch-jesuitisch geprägte Erziehungsstile nachgewiesen werden. Ihre Spannbreiten reichen von Lehrplandiskussionen, Schulformfindungen und Schülerfrequentierungen bis hin zu Theater- und Sportveranstaltungen. Bei dieser Untersuchung wird auch ein interdisziplinärer Ansatz verfolgt. Denn neben didaktisch-methodischen, schulpolitischen und baugeschichtlichen Aspekten werden differente historisch-kontextuelle Rahmenbedingungen mit in die Überlegung einbezogen.

Cultura e formazione del clero fra ‘700 e ‘800.
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 86

Cultura e formazione del clero fra ‘700 e ‘800.

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1985-03-15
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  • Publisher: ISSRGORIZIA

Il confronto tra le diverse realizzazioni dei sistema giuseppino di formazione del clero in tre diversi territori della Monarchia asburgica consente di delineare percorsi e varianti locali di un progetto che mirava ad una uniformità. Con un’introduzione di F. Salimbeni, uno scritto di G. De Rosa, e interventi su specifiche realtà di F.M. Dolinar (Lubiana), A. Gambasin (Padova), L. Tavano (Gorizia) e X. Toscani (Pavia)

Il Frintaneum di Vienna e gli alunni del Litorale Austriaco (1816- 1918)
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 86

Il Frintaneum di Vienna e gli alunni del Litorale Austriaco (1816- 1918)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-12-02
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  • Publisher: ISSRGORIZIA

L’ “Institutum sublimoris educationis presbyterorum ad sanctum Augustinum” comunemente denominato “Augustineum” o “Frintaneum” (dal nome del fondatore Jakob Frint) per un oltre un secolo (1816-1918) fu il luogo privilegiato di formazione teologica e pastorale destinato a forgiare i membri scelti dell’élite ecclesiastica dell’intera monarchia asburgica. Vi studiarono futuri deputati, vescovi, docenti universitari, letterati e dirigenti, esponenti del cosiddetto “alto clero”. Il volume contiene i profili biografici degli alunni del Frintaneum originari delle diocesi di Gorizia, Parenzo-Pola, Trieste-Capodistria (I, SLO), e Veglia-Krk (HR). Il volume è estratto con paginazione autonoma dai 'Quaderni giuliani di storia', pubblicazione semestrale della Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Venezia Giulia, 28, n. 2, luglio-dicembre 2007, pp. 263-366

State and Society in Early Modern Austria
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 372

State and Society in Early Modern Austria

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1994
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  • Publisher: Unknown

The history of the Habsburg Monarchy and Austria in the early modern period continues to capture the interest of many scholars. This collection of essays by twenty leading authorities from the United States, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, and the Netherlands focuses on the interplay between the Habsburg government and a multiplicity of social aspects. As a whole, State and Society in Early Modern Austria reexamines and sometimes debunks old views about the Habsburg Monarchy and provides insight into the state of current historical thinking on the early modern state. Moreover, this broad focus will help the reader understand the complex cultural heritage of the turbulent nationalities of Ea...