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Before today’s teachers are ready to instruct the intellectual leaders of tomorrow, they must first be trained themselves. Information and communication technology can greatly increase the effectiveness of this training and also aid teachers as they seek to bring the latest technological advancements into their own classrooms. The Handbook of Research on Enhancing Teacher Education with Advanced Instructional Technologies explains the need to bring technology to the forefront of teacher training. With an emphasis on how information and communication technology can provide richer learning outcomes, this book is an essential reference source for researchers, academics, professionals, students, and technology developers in various disciplines.
This 'Yearbook' attends to various ways in which women were active and organized themselves in order to question sex and gender related issues in the political arena. Covering a diverse range of cultures and political situations the Yearbook discusses how women protested against perceived religious suppression; actively participated in local democratic political institutions whilst not really changing gender-roles; or discussed experienced discrepancies between socialism and feminism. How do women find their ways in democratic systems of governance? What do these systems offer them in terms of emancipation and involvement in political decision making affecting their lives?
Educators play a significant role in the intellectual and social development of children and young adults. Next-generation teachers can only be as strong as their own educational foundation which serves to cultivate their knowledge of the learning process, uncover best practices in the field of education, and employ leadership abilities that will inspire students of all ages. Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications explores the current state of pre-service teacher programs as well as continuing education initiatives for in-service educators. Emphasizing the growing role of technology in teacher skill development and training as well as key teaching methods and pedagogical developments, this multi-volume work compiles research essential to higher education professionals and administrators, educational software developers, and researchers studying pre-service and in-service teacher training.
In Rethinking Islam and Human Rights, leading Islam and human rights scholar Ozcan Keles examines how social movement practice unknowingly and unintentionally produces Islamic knowledge on human rights (i.e. change) in both scriptural reinterpretation and societal disposition, through a focus on the interaction between the two.
Modern toplum hayatında devlet tarafından üretilen hizmetler olmadan günlük ihtiyaçlarımızı karşılamak pek mümkün görünmemektedir. Kamu yönetimi, bu kamusal hizmetlerin üretilip vatandaşlara ulaştırılmasında önemli bir vazife görmektedir. Nüfusun artması, toplumsal ve siyasal yapının değişmesi, teknolojinin ilerlemesi gibi bir çok sebep, kamu hizmetlerine olan taleplerin çeşitlenmesine ve artmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu taleplere yönelik olarak üretilecek politikaların yürütme gücü olması nedeniyle, kamu yönetimi gün geçtikçe daha önem arz etmekte ve üzerinde daha fazla durulmaktadır. Bu açıdan kamu yönetimini daha etkin kılmak amacıyla kam...
Çocuk… İçinde; umut, heyecan, gelecek ve yarınlar barındıran sihirli kelime… Çocuklar, umudumuz, heyecanımız, geleceğimiz ve yarınlarımız… "Çocuk” ve "çocukluk” kavramları; tarihsel süreçte ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel pek çok değişimden etkilenmiştir. Ancak değişmeyen bir gerçek vardır ki o da çocuğun toplumu oluşturan önemli parçalardan biri olduğudur. Bir toplumun çocuğa bakış açısı, çocukluk olgusunu etkileyen önemli etmenlerdendir. Bu kitapta edebiyattan eğitime, hukuktan kamu politikalarına, kentleşme sürecinden sosyal politikalara ve tarihe olmak üzere birçok disiplin açısından çocuk kavramına ilişkin araştırmalara yer...
Bourdieu, sosyoloji uğraşısının mutluluk vaat eden bir yapısının olmadığını belirtir. Sosyoloji daha çok içerisinde keder barındırır. Toplumsal gerçeklik her zaman bir dizi eşitsizliklere, dışlamaya, ırksal ve dinsel ayrımcılığa, damgalamaya, güç mücadelesine dayanmaktadır. Sosyoloji ise toplumsal hayatı ve birlikte yaşamı bozucu bu türden olgularla-etkilerle mücadele eder. Bir mücadele alanı olarak görebileceğimiz sosyoloji bu hâliyle bir keder içerse bile sosyoloji uğraşısı her zaman umut vaat eden, problem çözücü ve gelecek inşa etme kudreti olan bir yapıya sahiptir. Toplumsal hayata dokunmak, toplumsal hayatı anlamaya ve yön vermeye ç...
In Gender and Biopolitics: The Changing Patterns of Womanhood in Post-2002 Turkey, Pınar Sarıgöl sheds new light on the life spheres of the woman as a means of uncovering neoliberal Islamic thinking with regard to individuals and the population. Informed by Michel Foucault's critical perspective, the governmental rationality of post-2002 Turkey's Islamic neoliberalism is examined in this volume. The tenets and merits of Islamic neoliberalism bring moral and religious practices into the discussion regarding ‘how’ the social order should be in general, and ‘how’ the ideal woman should be in particular. Islam and neoliberalism are well matched here because Islam takes society as a social body in which hierarchies and roles are divinely normalised. This book uniquely brings this point to the fore and draws attention to the interplay between the rational and moral values constituting Islamic neoliberal female subjects.
This book presents gendered readings of cultural manifestations that relate to the Ottoman era as a preferred past and a model for the future. By means of claims of authenticity and the distribution of imaginaries of a homogenous desirable alternative to everyday concerns, as well as invoking an imperial past at the national level. In this mode of thinking, shaped around a polarised worldview, Republican ideals serve as a counter-image to the promoted splendour and harmony of the Ottomans. Yet, the stereotypical gender roles inextricably linked with this neo-Ottoman imaginary remain largely unacknowledged, dissimulated in the construction of the desire of an idealised past. Our adaption of a cultural studies perspective in this volume puts special emphasis on agency, gender, and authority. It provides a shared ground for the interrogation, through the contributions comprising this project of knowledge production about the past in light of what constitutes acceptable legitimacy in interpreting not only the canonical literature, but history at large.