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Theatermania in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 198

Theatermania in Eighteenth-Century Europe

The group volume distinguishes itself by its multidisciplinary, comparative approach and by the network of relationships it weaves between the various European languages and cultures. The study takes shape from its different viewpoints and in its diverse contexts, to chart a detailed historical-conceptual map of the basic role theater played in forging the modern European consciousness. The thematic core of ‘theatermania’ lay in the authentic theatrical passion that manifested itself in different ways from one country to another throughout the 18th century. While the aesthetic, social and political value of theater took a variety of forms, its central feature was the privileged place it ...

La MaMa Experimental Theatre – A Lasting Bridge Between Cultures
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 217

La MaMa Experimental Theatre – A Lasting Bridge Between Cultures

This book focuses on the role of La MaMa Experimental Theatre within Avant-garde theater during the 1960s and 1970s. This study investigates the involvement of the Off-Off Broadway circuit in the Avant-garde experimentations both in the United States (New York specifically) and in Europe. This exploration shows the two-way influence – between Europe and the United States – testified by documents gathered in years of archival research. In this relevant artistic exchange, La MaMa (and Ellen Stewart as its founder and artistic director) emerges as a key element. La MaMa’s companies brought to Europe the American culture and the New York underground culture, while their members learnt Euro...

Music, Place, and Identity in Italian Urban Soundscapes circa 1550-1860
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 358

Music, Place, and Identity in Italian Urban Soundscapes circa 1550-1860

Music, Place, and Identity in Italian Urban Soundscapes circa 1550-1860 presents new perspectives on the role music played in the physical, cultural, and civic spaces of Italian cities from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century. Across thirteen chapters, contributors explore the complex connections between sound and space within these urban contexts, demonstrating how music and sound were intimately connected to changing social and political practices. The volume offers a critical redefinition of the core concept of soundscape, considering musical practices through the lenses of territory, space, representation, and identity, in five parts: Soundscape, Phonosphere, and Urban History Urban Soundscapes across Time Urban Soundscapes and Acoustic Communities Urban Soundscapes in Literary Sources Reconstructing Urban Soundscapes in the Digital Era Music, Place, and Identity in Italian Urban Soundscapes circa 1550-1860 reframes our understanding of Italian music history beyond models of patronage, investigating how sounds and musics have contributed to the construction of human identities and communities.

Metamorphosing Shakespeare
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 242

Metamorphosing Shakespeare

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2004
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  • Publisher: Unknown


The Oxford Handbook of Shakespearean Tragedy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 993

The Oxford Handbook of Shakespearean Tragedy

The Oxford Handbook of Shakespearean Tragedy is a collection of fifty-four essays by a range of scholars from all parts of the world, bringing together some of the best-known writers in the field with a strong selection of younger Shakespeareans. Together these essays offer readers a fresh and comprehensive understanding of Shakespeare tragedies as both works of literature and as performance texts written by a playwright who was himself an experiencedactor. The collection is organised in five sections. The opening section places the plays in a variety of illuminating contexts, exploring questions of genre, and examining ways in which later generations ofcritics have shaped our idea of 'Shake...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 354

Die "Persona" der Virtuosin Eleonora Duse im Kulturwandel Berlins in den 1890er-Jahren

Hauptbeschreibung: Im letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts wird die Stadt Berlin als Folge der Reichsgründung 1871 sowohl zur Hauptstadt des Deutschen Reiches als auch immer mehr zur internationalen Metropole. Diese parallelen Entwicklungen, angesiedelt zwischen Nationalismus und Kosmopolitismus, schlagen sich auch im Geschehen auf den Bühnen der neuen Welt- und ""Theaterhauptstadt"" Berlin nieder. Insbesondere das florierende internationale Gastspielwesen darf dabei als Spiegel von nationalisierenden sowie internationalisierenden Strömungen gesehen werden. Ziel dieses Buches ist es.

Autunno a Berlino
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 477

Autunno a Berlino


Re Lear
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 348

Re Lear

Cura e traduzione di Guido Bulla Edizione integrale con testo inglese a fronte Opera di alta poesia e immensa forza teatrale, il Re Lear nasce nella massima fase creativa di Shakespeare, situandosi quasi certamente fra Otello e Macbeth. Partendo dalla dimensione favolistica e folclorica della spartizione del regno a opera del vecchio sovrano, il dramma ci trascina per gradi nel cuore di una spietata riflessione sui rapporti familiari, sulla crudeltà della lotta per il potere, sugli istinti predatori mai sopiti nell’uomo, fino a raggiungere, dopo un’immersione nel baratro della follia, una sanguinosa e ambigua rigenerazione. È significativo che questa tragedia, manifestando un’allarma...

Luci sulla città
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 224

Luci sulla città

Napoli, fine Ottocento. Quando gli ingranaggi della rotativa sbuffano, vuol dire che si va in stampa. Cuore pulsante del giornale è Matilde Serao, per tutti: ’a signora. Alle sue dipendenze ci sono un tipografo troppo affezionato al gioco d’azzardo e un caporedattore cui spetta l’ingrato compito di mediare tra lei e il marito, il direttore Edoardo Scarfoglio. Con Edoardo, infatti, la relazione vacilla tanto sul piano sentimentale quanto su quello editoriale: per lui “Matildella” dovrebbe privilegiare articoli di cultura o costume, e tralasciare le inchieste sul campo. Di tutt’altro avviso è Eleonora Duse, grande amica e attrice “Divina”, che spesso la rimprovera ed esorta a...

Mimesis Journal vol. 2, n. 1
  • Language: mul
  • Pages: 192

Mimesis Journal vol. 2, n. 1

Rivista semestrale di studi sulla vita e le forme del teatro. Articoli di G. Altamura, L. Bosco, C. D'Angelo, G. Guérin, G. Randone, G. Vaudagna, A. Pizzo, R. Gregg, M. Lenzi, A. Petrini, M. Giacobbe Borelli, M.P. Pagani.