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The Plant Contract argues that visual and performance art can help change our perception of the vegetal world, and can return us to nature and thought. Via an investigation into the wasteland, robotany, feminist plants, and nature rights, this phytology-love story investigates how contemporary art is mediating the effects of plant-blindness, caused by human disassociation from the natural world. It is also a gesture of respect for the genius of vegetal life, where new science proves plants can learn, communicate, remember, make decisions, and associate. Art is a litmus test for how climate change affects human perception. This book responds to that test by expressing plant-philosophy to a wider public, through an interrogation of plant-art.
During the last 30 years, Advanced Architecture has consolidated an interactive and informational logic that differs from that of Modernity and Postmodernity. This logic is threefold; it is modulated through three coexisting protocols -modes of action- whose peaks of intensity occur in three different decades: Conformative Protocols (1990-2000), Distributive Protocols (2000-2010) and Expansive Protocols (2010-2020). This work proposes a threefold cultural narrative whose interactive and informational logic differs from that of modernity and postmodernity. It positions three different ethos by critically approaching the architectural side of a cultural mutation that has been affecting the Wes...
This book explores the impact of artistic experiments in inspiring people to turn away from current food consumerism and take an active role in preserving, sustaining, and protecting the environment. As artists are expanding their practice into social justice and community concerns, erasing traditional forms of expression and integrating others, the culture around food and its production has been added to a new vocabulary of experiential art. The authors measure the impact of such experiments on local food consumption and production, focusing on education and youth, both in the surrounding community and culture at large. They suggest how these projects can be up-scaled to further encourage s...
This volume provides a state-of-the-art overview of the field of more-than-human studies, bringing together contemporary and essential content from leading authors across the discipline. With attention to the intellectual history of the field, its developments and extensions, its applications and its significance to contemporary society, it presents empirical studies and theoretical work covering long-established disciplines, as well as new writing on art, history, politics, planning, architecture, research methodology and ethics. An elaboration of the various dimensions of more-than-human studies, The Routledge International Handbook of More-than-Human Studies constitutes essential reading for anyone studying or researching in this field.
Essays, conversations, selected texts, and a rich collection of thought-provoking artworks celebrate a revolution in bio art. Expertly designed by Omnivore and printed on special papers, including chlorophyll cover and crush citrus and crush cocoa pages. The texts and artworks in Symbionts provoke a necessary conversation about our species and its relation to the planet. Are we merely “mammalian weeds,” as evolutionary biologist Lynn Margulis put it? Or are we partners in producing and maintaining the biosphere, as she also suggested? Symbionts reflects on a recent revolution in bio art that departs from the late-1990s code-oriented experiments to embrace entanglement and symbiosis (“w...
Der Band verbindet aktuelle Diskurse um nichtmenschliche oder mehr-als-menschliche Akteure in ästhetischen Prozessen mit der derzeit virulenten Debatte um „Care“ bzw. Fürsorgeethik in der Kunst. Gefragt wird nach den Bedingungen, Modi und Konsequenzen einer nichtmenschlichen Ästhetik und danach, in welcher Form Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze, Mikroben, Bakterien, Maschinen oder künstliche Intelligenzen im Rahmen von Kunstwerken handeln. Die Beiträge beleuchten, wie Künstler*innen mit nichtmenschlichen Entitäten im Rahmen von performativen oder installativen Kunstwerken interagieren und wie sie füreinander sorgen und füreinander verantwortlich sind.
In the face of climate change, the destruction of biodiversity or genetic experimentation, Bio Art appears as a form that is most directly grappling with the problems of the »Anthropocene«. It develops many different approaches and explores a variety of mediums, often related to scientific research, creating art that uses plants, insects, mammals, bacteria, bird songs, forest sounds, or genetic modification. Bio Art's uniqueness comes from incorporating, rather than just representing the living in a diverse range of artworks. In discussing such works from various world regions and time periods, the contributors address the divide between human and non-human animals, between »culture« and »nature«.
Šolski etimološki slovar slovenskega jezika 2021 je zasnovan na potrebi, da tudi mladostniki s še ne zadostnim jezikoslovnim in zgodovinskim znanjem dobijo vpogled v zgodovino in predzgodovino besed, ki jih vsakodnevno uporabljajo. Zato je slovarski geslovnik vezan na geslovnik Šolskega slovarja slovenskega jezika, etimološke razlage pa podane na način, ki kljub poenostavitvam ustrezajo znanstveni resnici. Slovar sestoji iz 2042 enot. Naslovni besedi najprej sledi ugotovitev o domačem ali tujem izvoru. Če je beseda domačega izvora in je nastala ali je motivirana znotraj slovenskega jezika, je v nadaljevanju povedano, iz katere besede je tvorjena. Če je nastala v splošnoslovanskih, praslovanskih ali še starejših, morda praindoevropskih časih, so v nadaljevanju navedene sorodne besede iz izbranih sorodnih jezikov in podana praslovanska, po potrebi še starejša rekonstrukcija, tej pa sledi etimološka razlaga. Če je beseda tujega izvora, je najprej navedena tujejezična predloga, tej pa sledi njena etimološka razlaga. Pri besedah domačega izvora je naveden časovni okvir nastanka, pri besedah tujega izvora pa časovni okvir prevzema.
Considero la disertación del profesor Saab una contribución decisiva a los estudios sociales en general y al papel que desempeñan los medios de comunicación en Colombia, puesto que abre sistemáticamente el campo de investigación de manera muy calificada y críticamente informada. En especial, en la emergencia de un nuevo pensamiento y contexto social global, cuya diversidad de trayectorias se perfila bajo la complejidad del posthumanismo. En un claro juego entre la indagación genealógica y la comprensión crítica y sistemática, el investigador se adentra en primera instancia en el contexto de la crisis del humanismo clásico y contemporáneo, para discernir un quiebre irreversible en su concepción, lo cual da lugar a la emergencia de los trazos posthumanos y transhumanos que se han entreabierto en la totalidad social actual y que demandan con urgencia la comprensión crítica de los estudios sociales. Francisco Sierra Gutiérrez, Ph. D. El lector compulsivo de ciencia ficción que era en mi juventud estaría cada vez más asombrado al constatar hasta qué punto ésta se ha vuelto parte indispensable de nuestra cotidianidad. Roch Charles Little, Ph. D.