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The cartoon is a graphics art, which tells a funny and/or satiric story in form of an affirmative picture, mostly with a point. Normally no words are used for the picture joke – sometimes just keywords. The cartoon is a drawing, that often in a humoristic way comments or criticises conditions of political or social character. The cartoon should easily perceive, which situation, person or problematic is intended to be told by the cartoonist. Also human attributes and characters can be put down in an overdoing manner. Scouting – with all its all-round attitude towards clean, truthworthy and moral values offers quite a lot of opportunities for critics, comments and interpretations – in particular, if the way of the cartoon is put in a fair, never offending, discriminating or even insulting form.
Climate change, and the inevitability of sea level rise, will require much more of us than simply pulling back from the coastline. The thesis of Weston Wright's More Water Less Land New Architecture is that we need to start thinking in an entirely different way about the relationship of cities to waterfront sites and of the relationship of buildings to water, which means rethinking many of architecture's implicit premises. If architecture has been confrontational with water—think bold towers erected beside the sea, as if to dare the water to challenge them—Wright's argument is that we will need to be modest, accommodating, and accepting of the power and presence of water if our cities ar...
This book explores experimental approaches to the design and construction of wooden structures in architecture, while presenting the results of an artistic research project. Through the use of digital tools, the anatomy of wood becomes a design-determining principle for spatial structures. The architects and artists also explore the potential of traditional craftsmanship and derive from this a material-oriented practice. Structures are not designed here for a specific use, but rather open up various usage possibilities due to their unique spatial and geometric properties. The documentation provides insight into an open-ended research process. Guest contributions reflect on the underlying concepts and thus the future relevance of wood as a building material.
A NEW MANIFOLD, the inaugural issue of SAC JOURNAL, addres- ses the increased specialisation and possible fragmentation of ex- pertise within architecture. Whilst historically always an amalgam of numerous forms of input, architecture is currently facing the necessi- ty to assimilate and process hitherto unknown amounts and rates of information flow. How can architecture relate to the emerging forms of specialisation within the discipline - not the least in its pedagogy and academic programmes? The issue uses the academic programme of the Städelschule Architecture Class to reflect on these questions. The work presented comprises the finalists for the AIV Master Thesis Prize 2013.
Der vierte Band zum Themenbereich Pfadfinden enthält Beiträge zur Biographie des jüdischen Pfadfindergründers Alexander Lion in Deutschland und zu seinem Überleben in der Gestapohaft 1938/39. Die Beiträge thematisieren die ästhetische und pädagogische Praxis der Pfadfinderbewegung in ihren Voraussetzungen, die Emigration und Erinnerungskultur in der österreichischen Pfadfinderbewegung, die Verklärung des Bündischen in den zwanziger Jahren bis nach 1945 und ihre Infragestellung. Sie bieten darüber hinaus auch einen Einblick in die Entwicklung der Geschichte der Pfadfinderinnen. Besonders durch die Mädchen- und Frauengruppen setzen sich ab 1965 pädagogische Konzepte durch, die an der Reformpädagogik orientiert sind. Das Prinzip, mit dem Kind auf Augenhöhe zu kommunizieren, ist allerdings auch hier das Einfallstor für Formen des Missbrauchs.
Within a relatively short time, Augmented and Virtual Reality have emerged centre stage in architecture and the arts as novel means for exploring how their creative output is produced, mediated and experienced. Feeding the continuous spectrum between the "fully real" and the "fully virtual," the underlying technology of these media present machine-generated sensorial input where to date the image-based dominate. With these inputs, corporeal existence see "virtual" experiences thrown on the scale with "real" ones as the concepts and models for how we understand perceptional dynamics are shifting. While teasing the disciplines with creative opportunities, the use of the media presents a stagge...
"Als ich zum ersten Mal in die Wölflingsgruppe kam, musste man mich hineinzwängen. Nachdem neunzig Minuten und damit eine volle Gruppenstunde vergangen waren, musste man mich herauszerren. Seit diesem Tag hat sich die Pfadfinderei für mich zu einem Lebensweg entwickelt. Dieses Buch begann als einfaches Onlineprojekt welches zunehmend wuchs. Auf Bitten mehrer Leser habe ich mich entschieden, dieses Werk zu erweitern und als gebundene Ausgabe zu veröffentlichen. Es ist ein Handbuch, welches auf Erfahrungen aus der Leiterpraxis beruht und nicht lediglich pädagogische Weisheiten enthält. Im schwarzen Schimmel findet jeder Leiter etwas, von Informationen über die Geschichte und den Verzweigungen unserer Bewegung bis hin zur optimalen Berechnung von Teilnehmerbeiträgen sowie Organisation von Fahrten. Als Leiter sollte man die Zügel in der Hand halten und selber Spaß in seinem Ehrenamt haben. Möge auch Dir, lieber Leser, der schwarze Schimmel ein guter Gefährte dabei sein."
Nach 1945 ist die Jugendbewegung verstärkt Gegenstand von Geschichtsschreibung und autobiografischer Reflexion geworden. Perspektive und Fluchtpunkt war dabei meist das Verhältnis von Jugendbewegung und Nationalsozialismus. Heute wird in Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit nicht mehr nur über die »dunklen Seiten der Jugendbewegung« kontrovers diskutiert, sondern auch über die Historisierung und Selbsthistorisierung nach 1945. Dieser Band thematisiert die wissenschaftliche Historiografie zur Jugendbewegung, ihren Bünden sowie einzelner Protagonisten – in der Zeit vor 1933 sowie im Nationalsozialismus. Zudem reflektiert er die Einschätzung der NS-Zeit in der bündisch-jugendbewegten Sze...
MEDIATED ARCHITECTURE: Vivid, Effervescent and Nervous, the second issue of the SAC JOURNAL, presents three projects de- signed at SAC during the last eight years. The three projects are: The Theatre of Immanence (2007), an installation and exhibition project in Städelschule's Portikus gallery; Digital Bodies (2013-14), an experimental research project; and Orkhēstra (2014), which was an installation on a large, public square in Frankfurt and part of Luminale, 'Biennale of Lighting Culture'. The projects vary in scale and nature from gallery installation via laboratory-style modelling experiment to an urban intervention. They span a period in which architecture's contribution to the production of space has become increasingly me- diated by technology. Each in their own way, the three projects probe this condition and explore new design opportunities given to archi- tecture. The results are vivid, effervescent and nervous – and always a mediated architecture. Accompanying extensive portfolios of drawi- ngs and pictures that document the respective design processes and their results, are texts that expound on the theoretical and practical implications of each project
GARDEN STATE - Cinematic Space and Choreographic Time is the third issue of the SAC JOURNAL and explores the garden as a utopia wherein time and space may be thought of in archi- tectural terms yet not easily deciphered against architecture's traditions and practices. The garden herein is a changeable and vulnerable condition, embodying the ephemerality of life, which in turn contrasts with the customary expectations of architec- ture's longevity. However, Garden State also engages with the contemporary arts, specifically video, cinema and ballet, and with it time and space open up with new, fragile dimensions. A choreographic framework emerges which is at once more precise yet loose, more r...