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Puji dan syukur atas limpahan rahmat dan nikmat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena dengan petunjuk dan maghfirah- Nya sehingga buku yang berjudul “Auditing Syariah” dapat diselesaikan dan telah berhasil diterbitkan. Pada buku ini terdapat 15 bab yang terdiri dari (1) sistem ekonomi Islam, (2) sistem keuangan syariah dan pentingnya audit, (3) filosofi, paradigma, dan sejarah auditing, (4) konsep dasar auditing syariah, (5) kinerja auditing dan profesi akuntan publik, (6) metode audit kepatuhan syariah, (7) kompetensi, standar profesional, dan kode etik auditing syariah, (8) audit kepatuhan syariah, (9) audit internal lembaga keuangan syariah, (10) audit laporan keuangan syariah dan tanggung jawab auditor, (11) sistem pengendalian internal: fraud (kecurangan) auditor, (12) pemeriksaan: audit di lembaga keuangan syariah, (13) pengawasan: audit di lembaga keuangan syariah, (14) implementasi audit syariah di lembaga keuangan syariah, (15) isu kontemporer dan tantangan audit syariah pada lembaga keuangan syariah masa depan.
Teknologi informasi mampu menghilangkan batas-batas geografis negara, meniadakan batas ruang dan waktu, bahkan mampu menciptakan dunia maya disebut internet. Perkembangan tersebut tentunya telah di manfaatkan sebaik mungkin oleh dunia bisnis untuk melaksanakan transaksi secara efisien dan efektif. Kondisi tersebut telah mengiring perusahaan di seluruh dunia untuk bersaing satu sama lain secara bebas. Untuk dapat mengikuti persaingan tersebut, para manajer terus berbenah diri. Di antaranya membuat keputusan bisnis yang berkelas dunia dengan cara membuat sistem akuntansi manajemen yang mampu menghasilkan informasi yang berkelas dunia pula. Oleh sebab itu, akuntansi manajemen juga telah berbena...
Buku "Buku Ajar Dasar Ilmu Akuntansi" adalah panduan yang disusun khusus untuk mahasiswa perguruan tinggi. Buku ini membahas konsep-konsep penting dalam akuntansi secara sistematis. Dimulai dengan gambaran umum tentang pentingnya akuntansi dalam konteks bisnis, buku ini menguraikan siklus akuntansi, termasuk pencatatan, pengklasifikasian, dan penyajian informasi keuangan. Persamaan akuntansi dijelaskan sebagai dasar dari setiap transaksi keuangan, sementara pembahasan laporan keuangan dilengkapi dengan daftar nama akun dan kode akun yang standar. Konsep aturan debet dan kredit, bukti transaksi, serta penyusunan jurnal umum dan buku besar juga diperinci. Buku ini mengulas pentingnya jurnal koreksi dan penyesuaian, serta praktik jurnal penutup untuk menutup periode akuntansi. Dengan contoh-contoh yang jelas dan penjelasan yang sistematis, "Dasar Ilmu Akuntansi" menjadi panduan yang sangat berguna bagi mahasiswa yang ingin memahami dasar-dasar akuntansi dengan baik.
Buku ini adalah literasi yang menyediakan panduan tentang penyusunan laporan keuangan khusus untuk perusahaan jasa dan dagang. Bab pertama dimulai dengan pengenalan terhadap konsep dasar akuntansi di kedua sektor ini, meliputi pengenalan akuntansi sampai dengan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan atas laporan keuangan. Bab-bab berikutnya membangun dasar tersebut dengan membahas persamaan dasar akuntansi, serta menjelaskan siklus akuntansi yang spesifik untuk kedua jenis perusahaan tersebut. Bab berikutnya secara khusus fokus pada akuntansi untuk perusahaan jasa dan dagang, menyoroti perbedaan dalam pendekatan dan teknik akuntansi yang diperlukan. Selanjutnya, buku ini menyediakan pengetahuan ten...
Literary Nonfiction. Poetry. Latinx Studies. LGBTQIA Studies. Edited by Ricardo F. Vivancos-Pèrez and Norma Cantú. Rooted in Gloria Anzaldúa's experiences growing up near the U.S./Mexico border, BORDERLANDS/LA FRONTERA remaps our understanding of borders as psychic, social, and cultural terrains that we inhabit and that inhabit us all. Drawing heavily on archival research and a comprehensive literature review while contextualizing the book within her theories and writings before and after its 1987 publication, this critical edition elucidates Anzaldúa's complex composition process and its centrality in the development of her philosophy. It opens with two introductory studies; offers a co...
This book highlights latest research advance in the field of Radioscience, Equatorial Atmospheric Science and Environment as part of the International Symposium for Equatorial Atmosphere celebrating the 21st Anniversary of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR) , organized by Research Center for Climate and Atmosphere (PRIMA) of National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). The symposium provides a scientific platform for researchers and professionals to discuss ideas and current issues as well as to design the solutions in the areas of space science, ocean science, atmospheric science, , environmental science, material science, and other related disciplines.
The book focuses on the impact of the 1997-99 economic crisis on human development in Indonesia, especially in 1998, its worst year. Based on the definition used by the UNDP, human development is analysed as covering human capital (education and health) and purchasing power. In this book, the concept of human capital is broadened to include freedom from fear, health, education, and migration. The first part of the book discusses the economic situation in Indonesia. The second elaborates on what happened to human capital during the crisis and the third part examines its effects on purchasing power. Because human development does not occur in a vacuum, the fourth part discusses some emerging issues in Indonesia. The book concludes with some thoughts on people-centred development, which may contribute to more sustainable development than the development concept that simply pursues high economic growth. With this people-centred development, growth rates of about 3 to 4 per cent are adequate, as long as Indonesia achieves success in human development.
This is an open access book. ICLEH will bring the theme of “Recover Together, Stronger Together Through the Development of Law, Economy and Health.”, as our commitment to continuously sharing and disseminating the development of knowledge in the field of Social Science and Law. Through this conference, therefore, we do encourage international collaboration, idea-sharing and networking among experts and participants in the respected field of law, economy and health discipliners.
An important collection, Cosmopolitan Archaeologies delves into the politics of contemporary archaeology in an increasingly complex international environment. The contributors explore the implications of applying the cosmopolitan ideals of obligation to others and respect for cultural difference to archaeological practice, showing that those ethics increasingly demand the rethinking of research agendas. While cosmopolitan archaeologies must be practiced in contextually specific ways, what unites and defines them is archaeologists’ acceptance of responsibility for the repercussions of their projects, as well as their undertaking of heritage practices attentive to the concerns of the living ...
This survey book reviews four interrelated areas: (i) the relevance of heuristics in problem-solving approaches – why they are important and what research tells us about their use; (ii) the need to characterize and foster creative problem-solving approaches – what type of heuristics helps learners devise and practice creative solutions; (iii) the importance that learners formulate and pursue their own problems; and iv) the role played by the use of both multiple-purpose and ad hoc mathematical action types of technologies in problem-solving contexts – what ways of reasoning learners construct when they rely on the use of digital technologies, and how technology and technology approaches can be reconciled.