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Bares the soul of a saint and reveals the methods which were so successful for him in converting others. From age 5 he was haunted by the thought of the souls about to fall into Hell. This insight fueled his powerful drive to save as many souls as he could.
Short stories about unusual events and miracles in his life--all in chronological order. The Saint ate no meat or fish; drank no wine; slept 3-5 hours a night. Heard Confessions up to 15 hours a day. An incredible book; an incredible life. 336 pgs; PB
Incredible Spanish bishop. In 35 years he preached 25,000 sermons, wrote 144 books, and had 14 attempts on his life. In 6 years he confirmed 300,000 and validated 9,000 marriages. Prophesied, read people\'s hearts, worked miracles. 320 pgs, PB
The author offers an interpretation of Mary that is theologically sound, spiritually empowering, ethically challenging, socially liberating, and ecumenically fruitful. She construes the image of Mary so as to be a source of blessing rather than blight for women's lives in both religious and political terms.
Read this book and learn all about the greatest heroes of the rosary in Church history, prepare yourself to join their ranks, and respond to the challenges of the present age by taking up the spiritual sword of Heaven: the rosary!
Within Christian tradition the veneration of relics has happened quite naturally. From the first few moments of Christian history, as the three Marys looked on with surprise upon the empty tomb of Christ, to the most recent martyr, who in their own way suffers and joins him or herself to Christ's passion, the church has always shown a great desire to provide special dignity to the dead and proper veneration and respect for their remains. The Liturgy in a special way unites the most august celebration of the Eucharist with the memorials of the saints. This not only reflects the eternal union that Christ desires for each of us in heaven but it also expresses the incredible love that God has for his creation. This work attempts to tap into this marvelous reality. By focusing primarily upon the saints of the Roman Catholic Liturgical Calendar it is hoped that the pilgrim may in a unique way participate in the Divine Liturgy by visiting the shrines of the saints on their feast days.
In this handy little guide, best-selling author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, teaches you how to pray the Rosary well and why it matters, addressing issues such as: Why pray the Rosary? How long should a well-prayed Rosary take? What are the graces attached to praying the Rosary? How can I become a champion of the Rosary? Our Lady needs Rosary champions to help bring peace in the world. Will you answer her call to prayer?
Unlock the Power of Faith and Mission with 'Novena to St. Anthony Mary Claret'! Join the visionary saint on a journey of discovery and purpose. This novena invites you to: - Explore the remarkable life and legacy of St. Anthony Mary Claret - Embrace his zeal for spreading the Gospel and serving others - Ignite your own passion for faith and mission Through daily prayers and reflections, let St. Anthony Mary Claret's witness: - Inspire your heart to boldness and courage - Guide you toward a life of purpose and evangelization - Strengthen your resolve to share God's love with the world Start your novena today and let St. Anthony Mary Claret's infectious enthusiasm and unwavering dedication be your constant companion, propelling you forward on your own journey of faith and mission!
Champions of the Rosary, by bestselling author Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, tells the powerful story of the history of the Rosary and the champions of this devotion. The Rosary is a spiritual sword with the power to conquer sin, defeat evil, and bring about peace. Read this book to deepen your understanding and love for praying the Rosary. Endorsed by 30 bishops from around the world!
The biographic text of St. Anthony is presented complete in this edition for the reader's absorption and contemplation. First published in the 4th century A.D., Anthony the Great's biography was authored by Christian Saint Athanasius of Alexandria. Since its release, the book has helped spread the beliefs, practices and arduous faith of Anthony the Great. A significant progenitor of the monastic tradition, Saint Anthony lived an ascetic lifestyle in the arid lands of Egypt. Although not the earliest of religious figures committed to this tradition, through actions and preaching Anthony helped popularise and spread principles that would contribute heavily to the establishment of Christian monasteries in Europe and beyond. One event in St. Anthony's life was his encounter with the supernatural in the remote Egyptian desert. This occurrence, where the otherworldly presence tried to tempt him from his spartan philosophy of living, is much recreated in Western art and literature.