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The Aztecs are the towns that inhabited the Valley of Mexico shortly before the Spanish conquest of Mexico in 1521. This ethnonym joins many tribal groups that spoke the Nahuatl language and exhibited common cultural characteristics. This group was made up of the domains of the Triple Alliance, made up of Texcoco, Tlacopan and México-Tenochtitlan. They formed one of the largest and most important empires of pre-Columbian America in just 200 years. They had aqueducts, palaces, pyramids and temples. By the thirteenth century the Aztecs settled in Chapultepec, from where they were expelled by a coalition of enemies. After being expelled they constituted their definitive settlement in Tenochtitlan, in 1325.
At its peak, the population of the city of Rome probably exceeded one million. However, the Roman Empire was an agricultural society where most people made a living from farming (although there were many artisans). Only a small minority of the population lived in cities. There were basically two types of people: citizens and non-citizens. Roman citizens had certain privileges. In 212 AD all free people in the Roman Empire became citizens (Edict of Caracalla).
A cidade de Roma era a maior megalópole da época, com uma população que poderia muito bem ter ultrapassado um milhão de pessoas, com uma estimativa de alto nível de 3,6 milhões. Uma proporção substancial da população vivia em inúmeros centros urbanos, com uma população de pelo menos 10.000 habitantes e em vários assentamentos militares, uma taxa muito alta de urbanização de acordo com os padrões pré-industriais. A maioria dos blocos habitacionais estava lotada e perigosa, os moradores viviam em constante medo de fogo.
Join a cold-case detective as he uncovers the truth about Jesus using the same approach he employs to solve real murder cases. Detective J. Warner Wallace was skeptical of the Bible's claims about Jesus. But he'd investigated several no-body homicide cases in which there was no crime scene, no physical evidence, and no victim's body. He wondered if the truth about the historical Jesus could be investigated in the same way. In Person of Interest, cold-case detective and bestselling author J. Warner Wallace describes his own personal investigative journey from atheism to Christianity as he carefully sifts through the evidence from history alone, without relying on the New Testament. In this bo...
Ancient Rome was an agrarian and slave economy, whose main concern was to feed the large number of citizens and legionaries who populated the Mediterranean region. Slaves were considered property under Roman law and had no legal personality. They could be subjected to corporal punishment, sexual exploitation (prostitutes were often slaves), torture and summary execution. Over time, however, slaves obtained greater legal protection, including the right to file complaints against their masters.
Huipussaan Rooman kaupungin väkiluku ylitti miljoona. Rooman valtakunta oli kuitenkin maatalousyhteiskunta, jossa suurin osa ihmisistä sai elantonsa viljelystä (vaikka käsityöläisiäkin oli paljon). Vain pieni vähemmistö väestöstä asui kaupungeissa. Ihmisiä oli periaatteessa kahta tyyppiä: kansalaiset ja muut kuin kansalaiset. Rooman kansalaisilla oli tiettyjä etuoikeuksia. Vuonna 212 jKr kaikista Rooman valtakunnan vapaista ihmisistä tuli kansalaisia (Caracallan tuomio).
The city of Rome was the largest megalopolis of the time, with a population that may well have exceeded one million people, with a high level estimate of 3.6 million. A substantial proportion of the population lived in countless urban centers, with a population of at least 10,000 and in several military settlements, a very high rate of urbanization according to pre-industrial standards. Most of the housing blocks were crowded and dangerous, residents lived in constant fear of fire.
Op het hoogtepunt overschreed de bevolking van de stad Rome waarschijnlijk een miljoen. Het Romeinse rijk was echter een agrarische samenleving waar de meeste mensen hun brood verdienden met de landbouw (hoewel er veel ambachtslieden waren). Slechts een kleine minderheid van de bevolking woonde in steden. Er waren in principe twee soorten mensen: burgers en niet-burgers. Romeinse burgers hadden bepaalde voorrechten. In 212 na Christus werden alle vrije mensen in het Romeinse rijk burgers (Edict of Caracalla).