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1. OUTLINE German has the three main perfect constructions which are illustrated in (1. 1). 1 In each of these constructions, the verb appears in the past participial form and is combined with an auxiliary - in this case, haben ('have'); other verbs form their perfect constructions with the auxiliary sein ('be'). 2 The auxiliary can then be com bined with a tense -Le. the present tense as in (Ua), the past tense as in (b), or the future tense as in (c). 3 (1. 1) a. PRESENT PERFECT: Die Eule hat die Schule verlassen. the owl has the school left b. PAST PERFECT: Die Eule hatte die Schule verlassen. the owl had the school left c. FUTURE PERFECT: Die Eule wird die Schule verlassen haben. the owl will the school left have As will shortly become clear, the present perfect is the most intricate of the perfect constructions in German. It has been investigated intensely in the past, with the result that today there is little doubt about what the core problems concerning its semantics are.
The 13th International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction, HCI Inter- tional 2009, was held in San Diego, California, USA, July 19–24, 2009, jointly with the Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2009, the 8th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, the 5th International Conference on Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction, the Third International Conf- ence on Virtual and Mixed Reality, the Third International Conference on Internati- alization, Design and Global Development, the Third International Conference on Online Communities and Social Computing, the 5th International Conference on Augmented Cognition, the Second International C...
The International conference on Multiscale problems in science and technol ogy; Challenges to mathematical analysis and applications brought together mathematicians working on multiscale techniques (homogenisation, singular perturbation) and specialists from applied sciences who use these techniques. Our idea was that mathematicians could contribute to solving problems in the emerging applied disciplines usually overlooked by them and that specialists from applied sciences could pose new challenges for multiscale problems. Numerous problems in natural sciences contain multiple scales: flows in complex heterogeneous media, many particles systems, composite media, etc. Mathematically, we are l...
This concise and clear introduction to the topic requires only basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra - all other concepts and ideas are developed in the course of the book. Lucidly written so as to appeal to undergraduates and practitioners alike, it enables readers to set up simple mathematical models on their own and to interpret their results and those of others critically. To achieve this, many examples have been chosen from various fields, such as biology, ecology, economics, medicine, agricultural, chemical, electrical, mechanical and process engineering, which are subsequently discussed in detail. Based on the author`s modeling and simulation experience in science and enginee...
This is the fifth annual volume of the remarkably popular journal of biblical theology edited by Scott Hahn and his St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. This volume features important new works by Hahn, Brant Pitre, Matthew Levering, and Robert Barron, among others. The issue explores the biblical themes of Church and state; idolatry and power; religion and violence; worship and sacrifice; the Kingdom of God; and the Eucharist. Highlights include Hahn's new essay on the prophetic historiography of 1 and 2 Chronicles; and Pitre's essay on Jesus, the Messianic Banquet, and the Kingdom of God. The journal, which always seeks to reprint classic texts alongside groundbreaking new works, this time includes a new translation of St. Thomas Aquinas' Lectures on 2 Thessaloniansthe first time this work has been translated into English. Also included are an influential work by Louis Bouyer on Satan and Christ in the New Testament and Early Tradition. The volume concludes with a classic homily by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI on the morality of exile.
Agency and Bodily Autonomy in Systems of Care examines the ways in which humans and their bodies become enmeshed in various systems of care. Seven case studies demonstrate the ways in which people lose, negotiate, establish, or impose bodily autonomy in diverse contexts. Diverse methods and perspectives from cultural and medical anthropology, bioarchaeology and public health establish the need for advocacy and policy change to improve health outcomes by re-envisioning systems of care as spaces that include room for individual agency and bodily autonomy. This volume explores diverse subjects to promote advocacy for patient-centered care and bodily autonomy, and for liberation from over-medicalization.
Virtually all areas of life were plunged into crisis when the Covid-19 pandemic struck in 2020. While innovation offers paths out of the crisis, many aspects of innovation are themselves feeling the effects of it. Against this backdrop, the question is how the Covid-19 pandemic will impact the future of innovation. In the following section, we will examine this by reviewing the “Understanding Change, Shaping the Future. Impulses for the Future of Innovation” paper in a pandemic context. Starting with the relevant trends for innovation systems identified in 2018, and the theses developed on this basis, we would once again like to take you forward in time to 2030. From this vantage point we will look back on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on innovation systems and examine the resulting opportunities and risks in more detail. Among the trends considered relevant for innovation systems were the digital transformation, the growing complexity of innovation systems, the continuously expanding stakeholder base, a more frequent use of Open Science approaches, and a trend towards the development of holistic and systemic solutions.
This book offers an insider's view of how industrial problems are translated into mathematics and how solving the mathematics leads to convincing industrial solutions as well. In 6 technical chapters, a wide range of industrial problems is modeled, simulated, and optimized; 4 others describe the modeling, computing, optimization, and data analysis concepts shaping the work of the Fraunhofer ITWM. Each technical chapter illustrates how the relevant mathematics has been adapted or extended for the specific application and details the underlying practical problem and resulting software. The final chapter shows how the use of mathematical modeling in the classroom can change the image of this subject, making it exciting and fun.
Eine turbulente Liebesgeschichte, in der alle Beteiligten an ihre Grenzen geraten und diese überschreiten lernen. Eine Geschichte über Liebe, aber auch Homophobie und den langen Weg, den jeder zu sich selbst finden muss. CJ ist Postdoc und startet in seinem Beruf gerade erfolgreich durch. Er hat wunderbare Freunde, die unterschiedlicher kaum sein könnten und CJ durch Höhen und Tiefen seines Lebens begleiten. Nur in der Liebe läuft es nicht wie CJ sich das wünscht. Nach einem schrecklichen Vertrauensbruch will er erstmal nicht auf die Suche gehen. Ein neues Forschungsprojekt bringt diesen Plan ins Wanken. Aber ist es Liebe? Gegensätzliche Lebenskonzepte, familiäre Hintergründe und Ziele im Leben stellen sich den beiden in den Weg. Alte Muster brechen auf und müssen überwunden werden. Werden die beiden es schaffen ihre Grenzen zu überwinden oder ist die Liebe doch nicht stark genug?