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Norse Revival offers a thorough investigation of Germanic Neopaganism (Asatru) through an international and comprehensive historical perspective. It traces Germanic Neopaganism’s genesis in German ultra-nationalist and occultist movements around 1900. Based on ethnographic research of contemporary groups in Germany, Scandinavia and North America, the book examines this alternative Neopagan religion’s transformations towards respectability and mainstream thought after the 1970s. It asks which regressive and progressive elements of a National Romantic discourse on Norse myth have shaped Germanic Neopaganism. It demonstrates how these ambiguous ideas about Nordic myth permeate general discourses on race, religion, gender, sexuality, and aesthetics. Ultimately, Norse Revival raises the question whether Norse mythology can be freed from its reactionary ideological baggage.
Irreverence and the Sacred brings together some of the most cutting edge, interdisciplinary, and international scholars working today in order to debate key issues in the critical and comparative study of religion. The project is inspired in large part by the work of Bruce Lincoln, whose influential and wide-ranging scholarship has consistently posed challenging, provocative, and often-irreverent questions that have really pushed the boundaries of the field of religious studies in important, sometimes controversial ways. Retracing the history of the discipline of religious studies, Lincoln argues that the field has tended to champion a "validating, feel-good" approach to religion, rather tha...
Being Viking provides a rigorous ethnographic account of the Asatru religion in America, also known as Heathenry or Heathenism. Arising from five years of original ethnographic fieldwork among American Asatru adherents, the book expands our understanding of this religious movement as part of the American religious context.
Antisemitismus und Antijudaismus gehören zur gesellschaftlichen Wirklichkeit Europas seit der Antike. Die politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Umbrüche im letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts bereiteten Weltanschauungen den Boden, die sich in starkem Maße über Feindbilder definierten. In der völkischen Bewegung verbanden sich an der Wende zum 20. Jahrhundert antisemitische mit nicht-christlichen religiösen Strömungen. In der Folge entstanden in Deutschland und Österreich Gemeinschaften und Bewegungen, die den Antisemitismus als Legitimation von so genannten "arteigenen" Religionen benutzten. Bestandteil des synkretistischen neuheidnischen Paganismus ist der Rückgriff auf antike R...
Så länge det har funnits litteratur har det även funnits försök att kontrollera och styra den. Konst och litteratur är ofta gränsöverskridande, och en betydande del av de texter som vi numera räknar till de litterära klassikerna har från början uppfattats som provocerande, blasfemiska eller anstötliga. Provokationen är ett kännetecken för den moderna litteraturen och har alltsedan 1800-talets mitt kommit att normaliseras. Därför är det lätt att glömma bort att bokcensur och andra mekanismer för att motverka spridningen av oönskade litterära uttryck är företeelser som inte enbart hör hemma i religiöst eller politiskt totalitära stater. I Forbidden Literature under...
Taking the reader into the heart of one of the fastest-growing religious movements in North America, Sabina Magliocco reveals how the disciplines of anthropology and folklore were fundamental to the early development of Neo-Paganism and the revival of witchcraft. Magliocco examines the roots that this religious movement has in a Western spiritual tradition of mysticism disavowed by the Enlightenment. She explores, too, how modern Pagans and Witches are imaginatively reclaiming discarded practices and beliefs to create religions more in keeping with their personal experience of the world as sacred and filled with meaning. Neo-Pagan religions focus on experience, rather than belief, and many c...
A Community of Witches explores the beliefs and practices of Neo-Paganism and Witchcraft—generally known to scholars and practitioners as Wicca. While the words "magic," "witchcraft," and "paganism" evoke images of the distant past and remote cultures, this book shows that Wicca has emerged as part of a new religious movement that reflects the era in which it developed. Imported to the United States in the later 1960s from the United Kingdom, the religion absorbed into its basic fabric the social concerns of the time: feminism, environmentalism, self-development, alternative spirituality, and mistrust of authority. Helen A. Berger's ten-year participant observation study of Neo-Pagans and ...
DIVAn ethnographic study of the development of racist paganism in the United States during the 1990s, examining the economic, cultural, and political developments racist paganism reacts to or makes use of./div
Since the dawn of Romanticism, artists and intellectuals in Germany have maintained an abiding interest in the gods and myths of antiquity while calling for a new mythology suitable to the modern age. In this study, George S. Williamson examines the factors that gave rise to this distinct and profound longing for myth. In doing so, he demonstrates the entanglement of aesthetic and philosophical ambitions in Germany with some of the major religious conflicts of the nineteenth century. Through readings of key intellectuals ranging from Herder and Schelling to Wagner and Nietzsche, Williamson highlights three crucial factors in the emergence of the German engagement with myth: the tradition of ...
Over the millennia since pre-Christian religions were actively practised, European - and later contemporary - society has developed a fascination with the beliefs of northern Europe before the arrival of Christianity, which have been the subject of a huge range of popular and scholarly theories, interpretations, and uses. Indeed, the pre-Christian religions of the North have exerted a phenomenal influence on modern culture, appearing in everything from the names of days of the week to Hollywood blockbusters. Scholarly treatments have been hardly less varied. Theories - from the Middles Ages until today - have depicted these pre-Christian religious systems as dangerous illusions, the works of...