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'Monetary Union, Employment and Growth provides a thorough and well-developed analysis of the macroeconomic and microeconomic implications of the single currency.' - Terrence Casey, Journal of European Area Studies 'This book offers an in-depth discussion of two highly topical European issues - the single currency and unemployment - making it suitable for professional economists and post-graduate students in economics, international relations and European studies.' - European Access There exists a twofold relationship between the factors affecting adoption of a single currency in Europe, employment, and growth. On one hand, the operation of the euro will be hindered if rigidities in labour and product markets persist - hence low employment and slow growth may be a cause of poor performance of the single currency. On the other hand, the functioning of the euro will affect future patterns of European employment. Pier Carlo Padoan and his distinguished group of contributing authors go beyond the common European-based debates to consider the impact of the euro as a global currency on the evolution of European labour, product, and regional markets.
The Euro in the 21st Century clarifies the perception of the euro and empirically demonstrates that the euro has become a true common currency and the Eurozone a true optimal currency area, presenting, in turn, a model to imitate. In order to demonstrate this, this study analyzes the economic and monetary requirements and policies required to introduce a common currency as well as the theoretical underpinnings of both the European integration process and the historical economic, monetary, political, and social circumstances that favoured the creation of the economic and monetary union. Furthermore, this book sheds light on how the current economic and monetary circumstances are affecting the...
Il volume esamina e valuta la politica di bilancio italiana realizzata nell’anno 2015, di cui vengono presentati gli impatti macroeconomici e distributivi. Si sostiene che, da una parte, le politiche di consolidamento fiscale mettono a rischio la crescita già bassa del Pil e finiscono per ritardare la riduzione del rapporto tra debito e Pil; d’altra parte, che i provvedimenti adottati non hanno ridotto la disuguaglianza nella distribuzione del reddito, che in Italia è una delle più alte in Europa. Oltre a ciò, vengono approfondite due tematiche salienti per la politica di bilancio: in primo luogo la relazione esistente tra struttura del prelievo fiscale, crescita, occupazione. Viene mostrano che, a parità di gettito, un aumento della progressività del prelievo incrementa l’occupazione, e che un trasferimento del prelievo dal reddito al consumo aumenta la crescita e l’occupazione. Il secondo argomento di approfondimento riguarda la misurazione del Pil potenziale, che è alla base delle regole fiscali europee. Due contributi mostrano la scarsa robustezza o l’inadeguatezza delle metodologie di calcolo del potenziale adottate dalla Commissione europea.
First published in 1952, the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology) is well established as a major bibliographic reference for students, researchers and librarians in the social sciences worldwide. Key features * Authority: Rigorous standards are applied to make the IBSS the most authoritative selective bibliography ever produced. Articles and books are selected on merit by some of the world's most expert librarians and academics. * Breadth: today the IBSS covers over 2000 journals - more than any other comparable resource. The latest monograph publications are also included. * International Coverage: the IBSS reviews scholarship published in over 30 languages, including publications from Eastern Europe and the developing world. * User friendly organization: all non-English titles are word sections. Extensive author, subject and place name indexes are provided in both English and French.
Con l’uscita dalla pandemia, la strategia europea per la sostenibilità ha iniziato a confrontarsi con la scarsità di fonti energetiche tradizionali e con l’assenza di quelle tecnologie che permetterebbero di completare il passaggio alle fonti naturali. A questi fattori si aggiunge ora l’acuta crisi geopolitica provocata dal conflitto in Ucraina. La dipendenza europea dalle forniture di gas naturale dalla Russia obbliga a ripensare in tutta fretta le modalità di copertura del fabbisogno energetico. Le possibilità di diversificare le importazioni di energia sono tuttavia esigue e le prospettive di incorrere in una scarsità nelle forniture stanno rapidamente aumentando. I fattori geopolitici potrebbero in breve tempo divenire preminenti, qualora proprio la riconfigurazione dei mercati dell’energia rinsaldasse l’asse fra Russia e Cina, accentuando la preminenza dell’Asia nelle produzioni manifatturiere. Il conflitto ucraino accentua dunque il conflitto energetico latente, ponendo forse termine al processo di globalizzazione dei mercati. Eventualità che potrebbe trovare l’Europa del tutto impreparata.
A Brookings Institution Press and the European Community Studies Association publication The European economic and monetary union has changed the structure of international monetary relations fundamentally. In this book two experts--one European, the other American--offer transatlantic perspectives on the ramifications of the monetary union and the launch of the euro. C. Randall Henning examines selected American views on Europe's monetary union, and looks at the political, economic, and institutional interests of the United States as they are affected by the creation of the euro. He examines the external monetary policymaking machinery of the union and discusses the relationship of the mone...
The creation of Monetary Union marked a major step in the evolution of the European Union. Is the EU now taking the next step of deeper integration towards a fully-fledged economic government? The book seeks to answer this question by studying the evolution, execution and performance of new modes of economic policy co-ordination as potential stepping-stones towards more institutionalized forms of economic governance.