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The Nordic Bioeconomy Programme presented in this document combines environmental, social and economic ambitions for a more sustainable Region. The bioeconomy is of fundamental importance to the national economies of the Nordic countries, and especially important for rural development in large parts of the Region. The programme aims to create new industries and value chains and to facilitate and guide the transition of bio-based industries into technology advanced industries, and to optimise the production and value creation of biomass. The programme sets out a vision for the Nordic bioeconomy based on four pillars: - competitive bio-based industries - sustainable resource management - resil... The world is currently facing a biodiversity and climate crisis which are globally interlinked. Nature-based solutions (NBS), defined as “actions to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems that address societal challenges effectively and adaptively, simultaneously benefiting people and nature” is part of the solution to these challenges. Here we give a status overview of nature-based solutions in the Nordic countries, obtained within the S-ITUATION project focusing on 1) what is the current status of research on NBS in the Nordic countries? 2) what policy framework(s) exist for NBS in the Nordic countries? 3) what ...
Stora delar av Norden upplevde extrem torka under sommaren 2018 vilket resulterade i minskad skörd jämfört med tidigare år. Vissa effekter syns även på animalieproduktionen. För att stå bättre rustade inför kommande extremväder behöver erfarenhetsutbytet och samarbetet mellan de nordiska länderna vidareutvecklas. Nordiska ministerrådet inrättade därför i september 2018 en arbetsgrupp för att systematisera de nordiska ländernas erfarenheter från torkan 2018 samt föreslå konkreta nordiska samarbetsområden som kan bidra till ett mer motståndskraftigt nordiskt jordbruk. Arbetsgruppen lägger fram fem förslag till samarbetsområden: Kunskapshöjning: klimatsmarta vatten- och odlingssystem, Växter anpassade för framtida nordiska förhållanden, Strategier för effektivare organisering i händelse av extremväder, Nordiskt kunskapsutbyte mellan rådgivare, Nordiskt nätverk för jordbruk och extremväder.
Yearbook of International Organizations is the most comprehensive reference resource and provides current details of international non-governmental (NGO) and intergovernmental organizations (IGO). Collected and documented by the Union of International Associations (UIA), detailed information on international organizations worldwide can be found here. Besides historical and organizational information, details on activities, events or publications, contact details, biographies of the leading individuals as well as the presentation of networks of organizations are included.
Available online: Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly attracting interest in research and practice due to their potential to address climate change, while at the same time safeguarding biodiversity and improving human well-being. The effective and efficient integration of NBS into Nordic planning and action, however, is still developing. This report, based on the S-UMMATION project, investigates enabling and constraining factors for effective and efficient implementation of NBS through interpretative case study analysis of eight NBS-projects in the Nordics. The report summarises experiences, derives insights and collects lessons-learnt, relevant for the future development of NBS in the Nordics. The S-UMMATION-project was carried out under the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) program on Nature-based solutions (NBS).
The bioeconomy consists of the management of renewable biological resources and their conversion into food, livestock feed, bio-based products and bioenergy via innovative and efficient technologies. It involves tackling major challenges, both now and in the future. These include the sustainable production of sufficient nutritious and safe food for our growing population, developing new and more environmentally friendly sources of energy, and combating global warming, which can have serious consequences both on land and in the oceans. In 2015, the Nordic Bioeconomy Panel was established with the mandate to develop a proposal on a joint Nordic bioeconomy strategy designed to stimulate innovat...
Det nordiske bioekonomiprogram som presenteras i det här dokumentet för samman miljömässiga, sociala och ekonomiska ambitioner för ett mer hållbart Norden. Bioekonomin har stor betydelse för Nordens nationella ekonomier och är särskilt viktig för landsbygdsutvecklingen i stora delar av regionen. Programmet syftar till att skapa nya industrier och värdekedjor och att underlätta och vägleda övergången från biobaserade industrier till tekniskt avancerade industrier samt att optimera produktionen av och mervärdet hos biomassa. Programmet innehåller en vision för den nordiska bioekonomin baserat på fyra pelare: – Konkurrenskraftiga biobaserade industrier – Hållbar resursh...
Í ÞEIRRI ÁÆTLUN UM NORRÆNA LÍFHAGKERFIÐ, sem hér er kynnt til sögunnar, eru markmið á sviði umhverfis-, félags- og efnahagsmála fléttuð saman með aukna sjálfbærni á Norðurlöndum fyrir augum. Lífhagkerfið er afar mikilvægur þáttur í hagkerfi Norðurlandanna allra og kemur það einkar skýrt fram í tengslum við atvinnuþróun í strjálbýli víða á norrænum slóðum. Áætlunin hefur það markmið að byggja upp nýjar atvinnugreinar og virðiskeðjur og að greiða fyrir, og beina í æskilegan farveg, þróun lífiðnaðar yfir í hátækniframleiðslu, jafnframt því að auka hagkvæmni lífmassaframleiðslu og verðmætasköpun í þeirri atvinnugrein e...