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This book aims to provide a deeper understanding of the concept and negative outcomes of employee loyalty, considering employees in organizations and OB theory, and comparing employee experiences across both European and East Asian cultures. Through an international analysis of employee loyalty within the service industry, the author highlights the importance of this highly relevant but often overlooked topic to addressing practical issues such as conflict solution, employee retention, service mentality, and work effort. Building on a clear definition and evaluation of the concept of employee loyalty, this book explores meaningful theoretical and practical implications of employee views of the organization, working group, and supervisor.
This text integrates business and communication concepts to immerse students in the global communication experiences of business professionals. The authors argue that the essentials of intercultural communication, such as nonverbal communication, conflict, meeting management, interviewing, and negotiations, are most useful to burgeoning professionals when they are woven into discussions about economic systems, market forces, production processes, finance structures, and human resources priorities. Each chapter begins with an explanation of theories and key terms appropriate for introductory-level students in both business and communication, then supplements that discussion with examples that demonstrate the concepts at work. The cases chosen represent different market systems in both dominant and emerging economies, explaining the cultures of competitive markets with a global perspective rather than focusing on the United States. This book is ideal as a text for courses in international business or professional intercultural communication, or as a supplement for more general business and communication courses.
The Handbook of Clean Energy Systems brings together an international team of experts to present a comprehensive overview of the latest research, developments and practical applications throughout all areas of clean energy systems. Consolidating information which is currently scattered across a wide variety of literature sources, the handbook covers a broad range of topics in this interdisciplinary research field including both fossil and renewable energy systems. The development of intelligent energy systems for efficient energy processes and mitigation technologies for the reduction of environmental pollutants is explored in depth, and environmental, social and economic impacts are also ad...
The crucial element of this book constitutes the synthesis of cultural dimensions from existing cultural taxonomies, extended by the operationalization of the eight identified Universal Dimensions of Culture (UDCs) into a questionnaire. First, an extensive Systematic Literature Review (SLR) is pursued to identify the current state of research, demonstrating the research gap on a unified approach for classifying national cultures into cultural dimensions. Eight assumptions displaying the eight UDCs are derived from the results of the SLR. Subsequently, an evaluation and selection framework for identifying the research base of comparable existing cultural taxonomies is developed. A research base of 11 cultural taxonomies and 50 cultural dimensions is retrieved. These serves as the basis for developing the eight UDCs, following a synthesis process and protocol. The eight UDCs are operationalized into a questionnaire, which is extensively pre-tested by experts and in the field. An example country study for Germany, Canada, and Brazil is conducted, and the corresponding country profiles for the eight UDCs are displayed.
This book focuses on environmental aspects of Boka Kotorska Bay in Montenegro (South Adriatic Sea), an area that has been shaped by seasonal tourism, and explores the use and limitations of its natural resources. The individual chapters highlight its geographic and oceanographic characteristics, climate, history and development, biology, fisheries, agriculture, coastal zones, shipping, marine tourism and pollution. Above all, the environmental impact of tourism on marine, coastal and shoreline areas and the resulting conflicts are discussed in detail. The volume is intended for specialists working in various fields of environmental sciences and ecology, water resources and management, land reclamation and agriculture, and regional climate change.
Verstirbt ein Vertragsarzt, endet seine Zulassung. Ein Stillliegen seiner hinterlassenen Arztpraxis bis zur Nachbesetzung des Vertragsarztsitzes liefe den Interessen seiner Erben und der Patientenversorgung zuwider. Ausgehend davon ermoglicht das Gnadenquartal den Erben die vorubergehende Fortfuhrung der Arztpraxis. Lucas Reinert analysiert die Handhabung des Gnadenquartals in der Praxis und die bestehenden Regelungen unter Berucksichtigung der Historie, des Eigentumsgrundrechts sowie des sozialrechtlichen Kontextes. Dabei untersucht er mit Blick auf typische gesellschaftsvertragliche Gestaltungen auch, inwieweit das Gnadenquartal auf arztliche Kooperationen entsprechend anzuwenden ist. Im Anschluss hieran unterbreitet Lucas Reinert einen Vorschlag fur eine dogmatisch uberzeugende und zugleich interessengerechte Gnadenquartalsregelung, die neben Einzelpraxen auch arztliche Kooperationen umfasst. Der Autor wirft dabei zudem einen Blick auf vergleichbare Regelungen anderer freier Berufe.
Der Inhalt: Chefarztverträge sollen im Idealfall eine langjährige Zusammenarbeit zwischen Chefarzt und Krankenhausträger regeln. Dazu ist ein Ausgleich der beiderseitigen Interessenlagen der Vertragspartner notwendig. Das Buch stellt jetzt in zweiter Auflage einen Musterchefarztvertrag nebst umfangreichen Kommentierungen und Erläuterungen vor, der dieser Zielsetzung dienen soll. In einem Einführungsteil werden in mehreren Kapiteln die Themen besprochen, wo derzeit im Verhältnis zwischen Chefärzten und Krankenhausträgern das größte Konfliktpotential zu beobachten ist. Dazu gehört insbesondere die Rolle niedergelassener Ärzte in Krankenhäusern, die dort in Konkurrenz zu den Chefärzten treten.
Die Zulassungsgremien entscheiden über sämtliche Anträge, die den Status der Teilnahme an der vertragsärztlichen Versorgung betreffen (wie z.B. Anträge auf Zulassung von Vertragsärzten, von MVZ, auf Ermächtigung von Ärzten und Instituten, auf Genehmigung einer Anstellung oder einer Berufsausübungsgemeinschaft, über Zulassungsentziehungen etc.). Seit dem Inkrafttreten des Vertragsarztrechtsänderungsgesetzes (VÄndG) und den damit verbundenen erweiterten Kooperations- und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten ist die Anzahl der Verfahren vor den Zulassungsgremien stetig gestiegen. Die Rechtslage ist unübersichtlich u.a. aufgrund verzahnter Regelungskomplexe, der unterschiedlichsten betroffenen...
Guide to the Tuba Repertoire is the most comprehensive investigation ever undertaken into the literature and discography of any single musical instrument. Under the direction of R. Winston Morris and Daniel Perantoni, this publication represents more than 40 years of research by dozens of leading professionals throughout the world. The guide defines the current status of the tuba and documents its growth since its inception in 1835. Contributors are Ron Davis, Jeffrey Funderburk, David Graves, Skip Gray, Charles A. McAdams, R. Winston Morris, Mark A. Nelson, Timothy J. Northcut, Daniel Perantoni, Philip Sinder, Joseph Skillen, Kenyon Wilson, and Jerry A. Young.