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Nine Lives of Neoliberalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 369

Nine Lives of Neoliberalism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-05-05
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  • Publisher: Verso Books

Untangling the long history of neoliberalism Neoliberalism is dead. Again. Yet the philosophy of the free market and the strong state has an uncanny capacity to survive, and even thrive, in times of crisis. Understanding neoliberalism’s longevity and its latest permutation requires a more detailed understanding of its origins and development. This volume breaks with the caricature of neoliberalism as a simple, unvariegated belief in market fundamentalism and homo economicus. It shows how neoliberal thinkers perceived institutions from the family to the university, disagreed over issues from intellectual property rights and human behavior to social complexity and monetary order, and sought to win consent for their project through the creation of new honors, disciples, and networks. Far from a monolith, neoliberal thought is fractured and, occasionally, even at war with itself. We can begin to make sense of neoliberalism’s nine lives only by understanding its own tangled and complex history.

The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 326

The Changing Politics and Policy of Austerity

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-09-30
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  • Publisher: Policy Press

Experts from around the world review the complex and rapidly changing politics and policies of austerity in this comprehensive collection of essays. The book details the many different means and expressions of austerity since the financial crisis of 2008, as well as backlashes and emerging political alternatives.

Transformation, Agency and the Economy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 125

Transformation, Agency and the Economy

Producing, buying, selling, inventing, destroying, caring, imagining, failing – with their everyday practices, people bring about what we call ‘the economy’. In order to both understand and transform these practices in the context of mounting socio-ecological challenges, respective knowledge on economic practices becomes crucial. Yet, when it comes to the respective scientific discipline – economics – such knowledge is limited due to a long-standing tradition of favouring abstraction and modelling over assessing real-world economic action. By contrast, this book draws the contours of an economics grounded in real-world phenomena and experiences by outlining the foundations of a Gro...

Making Economics Public
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 142

Making Economics Public

Economics – macro, micro and mysterious – is integral to everyday life. But despite its importance for personal and collective decision making, it is a discipline often viewed as technical, arcane and inaccessible and thus overlooked in public discourse. This book is a call to arms to bring the discipline of economics more into the public domain. It calls on economists to think about how to make their knowledge of the economics public. And it calls on those who specialise in communicating expert knowledge to help us learn to communicate about economics. The book brings together scholars and practitioners working at the early stages of an emerging field: the public communication of, and p...

Populismus für Anfänger
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 247

Populismus für Anfänger

Populismus für Anfänger Die einfachen Denkmuster der Populisten und wie man den rechten Volksverführern begegnen muss Deutschland, Österreich, Frankreich, Holland – die Populisten scheinen in Europa unaufhaltsam auf dem Vormarsch. Und alle anderen agieren, als gäbe es keine Strategien gegen die rechten Volksverführer. Dabei verfolgt der Populismus ein ziemlich simples Rezept. Das konnte der Ökonom und Kulturhistoriker Walter Ötsch schon mit seinem 2000 erschienen Bestseller "Haider light" am Beispiel von Jörg Haider klar belegen. In seinem neuen Buch "Populismus für Anfänger" zeigt Ötsch nun gemeinsam mit der Politikjournalistin und Rechtsextremismusexpertin Nina Horaczek wie einfach die Welt der Populisten gestrickt ist. Er entlarvt sehr anschaulich die Tricks und Täuschungsmanöver der rechten Demagogen und macht deutlich, was jeder Einzelne und die Gesellschaft dem Rechtpopulismus entgegensetzten kann und muss.

Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 343

Ordoliberalism, Law and the Rule of Economics

Based on the conference "Ordoliberalism as an Irritating German Idea" held at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin from the 13 to the 14 of May 2016, co-funded by the Thyssen Foundation and the REScEU project at the University of Milan. --ECIP preface.

Power and Influence of Economists
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 287

Power and Influence of Economists

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-05-23
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Economists occupy leading positions in many different sectors including central and private banks, multinational corporations, the state and the media, as well as serving as policy consultants on everything from health to the environment and security. Power and Influence of Economists explores the interconnected relationship between power, knowledge and influence which has led economics to be both a source and beneficiary of widespread power and influence. The contributors to this book explore the complex and diverse methods and channels that economists have used to exert and expand their influence from different disciplinary and national perspectives. Four different analytical views on the ...

Organisierte Halbbildung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 419

Organisierte Halbbildung

Was bedeutet Studieren heute - 25 Jahre nach der Bologna-Reform? Wie haben sich Studium und Hochschulen verändert? Und welche Auswirkungen haben diese Entwicklungen auf unser Verständnis von Bildung? Unter dem Begriff »Organisierte Halbbildung« vereint dieser Sammelband vornehmlich studentische Stimmen, die sich auf vielfältige Weise kritisch mit dem Studium 25 Jahre nach Unterzeichnung der Bologna-Erklärung auseinandersetzen. Die über 30 theoretischen, analytischen, kreativen und fühlenden Beiträge ergründen unter anderem, wie es aktuell um Hochschulpolitik, Ökonomisierung und Widerstand, um strukturelle Missstände, verstellte Zugänge und verklärte Erinnerungen steht. Sie alle zeigen: Es muss sich etwas ändern.

Keystroke Capitalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 145

Keystroke Capitalism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-03-01
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  • Publisher: Verso Books

Why society needs to reclaim the power to create money At the heart of capitalism lies the ability of private banks to create money at the stroke of a key. Why have we ignored this unique privilege for so long – and at what cost? Aaron Sahr attributes the lack of attention paid to money creation to the core of popular theories of capitalism, which equate economic power with capital ownership. This conceptual framework obscures the real drivers of capitalist dynamics as well as the causes of increasing inequality. By exploring the transformation of banking over the last half century, Sahr shows how the creation of money has driven the rise of finance as well as splitting incomes from wealth...

Die öffentliche Meinung
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 516

Die öffentliche Meinung

Walter Lippmann gilt als einer der einflussreichsten Propagandisten des Neoliberalismus und einer gelenkten Demokratie, der dem marktradikalen Denken zum Siegeszug verhalf. Lippmanns 1922 erschienenes Buch "Public Opinion" gilt als ein Klassiker in Sachen Manipulation und Beeinflussung der öffentlichen Meinung. Von ihm wurde der Begriff "Kalter Krieg" geprägt und in den allgemeinen Sprachgebrauch gebracht. Weil die Durchschnittsbürger in einer Demokratie damit überfordert sind, komplexe gesellschaftliche Zusammenhänge zu durchschauen, entwickelte er das Konzept einer gelenkten Demokratie, um die Meinung der Masse mit Hilfe manipulativer Techniken zu steuern. Seine Methoden der Meinungsbeeinflussung sind heute aktueller denn je.