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Steven Cassedy takes aim at two of the most enduring myths of modern criticism: that it is secular, and that it is new and autonomous. He argues that though modern criticism is often forbiddingly scientific and technical, the modern critic remains something of a mystic. Every school of modern criticism—from structuralism to postmodern criticism—rests on a faith in an "Eden," an irreducible essence, a myth, like the common myth that there is an intrinsic distinction between "poetic" language and "ordinary" language. The modern critic attempts to abandon all mystical faith; this is the "flight from Eden." But it is always in vain. It is traditionally assumed that modern literary criticism ...
"This book explores the word meaning as it is used in such expressions as "the meaning of life," "the search for meaning," "ultimate meaning." In many of the "metaphysical" contexts where we find the word meaning, it appears to mean "purpose," "value," "goal," "direction," and even "God." The book answers the following questions: How did the English word meaning come to carry these various sub-senses, given that its original sense has to do with signifying? When did the notion of a "meaning of life" arise in English and other languages? How does the English word meaning, which is a verbal noun, differ in these usages from the roughly equivalent words in other European languages? How did the ...
Between the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, Americans underwent a dramatic transformation in self-conception: having formerly lived as individuals or members of small communities, they now found themselves living in networks, which arose out of scientific and technological innovations. There were transportation and communication networks. There was the network of the globalized marketplace, which brought into the American home exotic goods previously affordable to only a few. There was the network of standard time, which bound together all but the most rural Americans. There was the public health movement, which joined individuals to their fellow citizens by making everyone responsible for the health of everyone else. There were social networks that joined individuals to their fellows at the municipal, state, national, and global levels. Previous histories of this era focus on alienation and dislocation that new technologies caused. This book shows that American individuals in this era were more connected to their fellow citizens than ever—but by bonds that were distinctly modern.
A pioneering study of the Symbolist Movement in early twentieth-century Russian opera.
Founded by Maksim Gorky and Kornei Chukovsky in 1919 and disbanded in 1922, the Petrograd House of Arts occupied a crucial moment in Russia's cultural history. By chronicling the rise and fall of this literary landmark, this book conveys in greater depth and detail than ever before a significant but little studied period in Soviet literature. Poised between Russian culture's past and her Soviet future, between pre- and post-Revolutionary generations, this once lavish private home on the Nevsky Prospekt housed as many as fifty-six poets, novelists, critics, and artists at one time, during a period of great social and political turbulence. And as such, Hickey contends, the House of Arts served...
A leading cultural historian explores the complex interactions of Jewish and American cultures.
No figure in turn-of-the-century Russia, John Malmstad asserts, better epitomizes the paradoxes of that era than Andrey Bely (1880–1934). Eulogized by Boris Pasternak as "the most remarkable writer of our age" and now widely regarded as the seminal figure in Russian modernism and as one of the major writers of this century, Bely subjected the received standards of truth and value in literature to a penetrating and radical critique. After a long period of suppression under the Stalinist regime, Bely has become the object of growing critical attention in both East and West. Originating in a symposium held in 1984 under the auspices of the Harriman Institute at Columbia University on the fiftieth anniversary of Bely's death, this volume includes ten essays by established scholars of modern Russian literature, including leading Western specialists on Bely. The essays survey Bely's major works in all genres, summarize present research on Bely, reassess critical approaches, and offer fresh interpretations. Analytic summaries of primary works make the essays fully accessible to non-Slavist readers.
This publication in three volumes originated in papers delivered at two conferences held in May 1988 at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies in Washington, DC. Like many other conferences organized that year in the United States, Europe, and the Soviet Union, they were convened to commemorate the millennium of the acceptance of Christianity in Rus'. This collection of essays throws light on the enormous, truly unique role that the Christian tradition has played throughout the centuries in shaping the nations that spring from Kievan Rus'—the Russians, Ukrainians, and Belorussians. Although these volumes devote greater attention to Rus...
In a compelling history of the Jewish community in New York during four decades of mass immigration, Tony Michels examines the defining role of the Yiddish socialist movement in the American Jewish experience. The movement, founded in the 1880s, was dominated by Russian-speaking intellectuals, including Abraham Cahan, Mikhail Zametkin, and Chaim Zhitlovsky. Socialist leaders quickly found Yiddish essential to convey their message to the Jewish immigrant community, and they developed a remarkable public culture through lectures and social events, workers' education societies, Yiddish schools, and a press that found its strongest voice in the mass-circulation newspaper Forverts. Arguing agains...
One of the most widely read and translated theorists of the former Soviet Union, Yurii Lotman was a daring and imaginative thinker. A cofounder of the Tartu-Moscow school of semiotics, he analyzed a broad range of cultural phenomena, from the opposition between Russia and the West to the symbolic construction of space, from cinema to card playing, from the impact of theater on painting to the impact of landscape design on poetry. His insights have been particularly important in conceptualizing the creation of meaning and understanding the function of art and literature in society, and they have enriched the work of such diverse figures as Paul Ricoeur, Stephen Greenblatt, Umberto Eco, Wolfga...