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Kurdish Studies Archive publishes the content of volumes 1 to 10 of Kurdish Studies. This interdisciplinary and peer-reviewed journal was dedicated to publishing high-quality research and scholarship. Since 2023 the journal has been continued as the new Kurdish Studies Journal, published by Brill, and focuses on research, scholarship, and debates in the field of Kurdish studies in a multidisciplinary fashion covering a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, economics, history, society, gender, minorities, politics, health, law, environment, language, media, culture, arts, and education.
Social Relations in Ottoman Diyarbekir, 1870-1915, offers new perspectives on the political conflicts and violent events that shaped the history of the region.
Refusing to take part in war is as old as war itself. This wide-ranging and original book brings together four different bodies of knowledge to examine the practice of conscientious objection: historical and philosophical analyses of conscientious objection as a critique of compulsory military service and militarization; feminist, LGBT and queer analyses of conscientious objection as a critique of patriarchy, sexism, and heterosexism; activist and academic analyses of conscientious objection as a social movement and individual act of resistance; legal analyses of the status of conscientious objection in international and national law. Conscientious objection is an increasingly important subject of academic and political debate in countries including the US, Israel and Turkey. This book provides a much needed introduction and tool for making sense of the history of nation-states in the 20th century and understanding the political developments of the early 21st century.
The Hemshin are without doubt one of the most enigmatic peoples of Turkey and the Caucasus. As former Christians who converted to Islam centuries ago yet did not assimilate into the culture of the surrounding Muslim populations, as Turks who speak Armenian yet are often not aware of it, as Muslims who continue to celebrate feasts that are part of the calendar of the Armenian Church, and as descendants of Armenians who, for the most part, have chosen to deny their Armenian origins in favour of recently invented myths of Turkic ancestry, the Hemshin and the seemingly irreconcilable differences within their group identity have generated curiosity and often controversy. The Hemshin is the first ...
This book vividly describes the historical background, current issues, and remaining challenges of Turkey's security sector institutions and their democratic oversight. As Turkey proceeds on its path towards possible European Union membership, this book documents its progress on the touchstone issue of contemporary civil-military relations, the challenging issue of instituting civilian and democratic oversight and control mechanisms over a whole array of security institutions including the police, gendarmerie, army, intelligence services and many others. Military relations in Turkey have undergone great and constructive changes during the past few years, which, if continued, will also have a positive impact on the accession negotiations with the European Union. In this context it will be very important, building on the goodwill which the Turkish military possess in society, to develop an informed security community consisting of members of parliament, academicians, journalists underpinning of security policy.
An analysis of the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne from multiple historical, economic, and social perspectives. The last of the post-World War One peace settlements, the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne departed from methods used in the Treaty of Versailles and took on a new peace-making initiative: a forced population exchange that affected one and a half million people. Like its German and Austro-Hungarian allies, the defeated Ottoman Empire had initially been presented with a dictated peace in 1920. In just two years, however, the Kemalist insurgency enabled Turkey to become the first sovereign state in the Middle East, while the Greeks, Armenians, Arabs, Egyptians, Kurds, and other communities previously...
“Annem her zaman, ah, işte üzgün, işte çok acılı… Bir de kalp hastasıydı; hiçbir zaman iğnesine, ilacına, tedavisine devam etmedi. Her gün ölmek istedi. Kız kardeşimden sonra, altı sene sonra öldü. Babamı kendinden öteledi, istemedi yanında. Hayat dolu, sıcak bir insandı, ama işte aşırı üzgündü, yani hem yaşıyordu hem yaşamıyordu.” Madımak, 2 Temmuz 1993’ten beri Türkiye tarihinin en karanlık günlerinden birinin adıdır. Madımak Oteli, o gün Sivas’ta yapılacak kültürel bir etkinliği “dinsizlik”le, “zındıklık”la suçlayan bir linç topluluğu tarafından saatlerce kuşatıldı, sonuçta etkinlik için şehre gelen otuz üç ki...
Rather than subscribing to a single position, this collection informs the reader about the current state of the discipline looking at changes across the broad field of methodological, theoretical and geographical plurality. Divided into three sections, Rethinking Architectural Historiography begins by renegotiating foundational and contemporary boundaries of architectural history in relation to other fields, such as art history and archaeology. It then goes on to critically engage with past and present histories, disclosing assumptions, biases and absences in architectural historiography. It concludes by exploring the possibilities provided by new perspectives, reframing the discipline in the light of new parameters and problematics. This timely and illustrated title reflects upon the current changes in historiographical practice, exploring potential openings that may contribute further transformation of the disciplines and theories on architectural historiography and addresses the current question of the disciplinary particularity of architectural history.
No detailed description available for "Turkey in the Twentieth Century".
“Sivas’ın bir Kürt-Alevi köyünde dünyaya gelmekle birlikte, ‘’Alevi’’ ismiyle ilk kez Ankara’da tanıştım. Köyde iken biz, ‘’Kurmanc’’ yani Kürt idik. Genellikle ılımlı düzeyde dindar olan köyümüzde, bir tek dedem Şiiliğe yatkın bir dindarlığa sahipti. Yaşamıma Ankara’da devam edip sol düşüncelerle de tanışınca din hayatımızdan kayboldu. Bizim etik değerlerimizin çocuklukta şekillendiğinin farkına, bazı olumlu ve olumsuz tecrübeler neticesinde, sonraları varacaktım. 2 Temmuz 1993’de Madımak’da gerçekleştirilen katliam, bir çok kişi gibi beni de sarstı. Kendisini İslam içinde gören iki akım arasındaki büyük farkl...