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The Perfect Spiritual Guide
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 116

The Perfect Spiritual Guide

The Perfect Spiritual Guide is English Translation of Urdu Book Murshid e Kamil Akmal written by Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman Sarwari Qadri. This English Translation is don by Sahibzadi Muneeza Najib Sarwari Qadri. For online reading please visit http://sultan-ul-faqr-publications.com/ Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain

My Experience with Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 89

My Experience with Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen

Have you ever wondered who Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen is beyond what the ordinary disciple would know! Facts start to become alive when narrated from experience. This is not a biographical account but the unravelling of the hidden spiritual aspects of the descendent of Sultan Bahoo. What predictions did Islamic Sufis make regarding Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen years before his birth? What made Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen so unique that he was to become the next heir of the Mohammadan heritage of Faqr and the Shaikh of Sarwari Qadri Order? Find this and so much more in this book, including what revolutionary contributions he has made in the world of spirituality. Discover the grandeur of Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen through the experience of a disciple based on authentic facts with an exciting blend of poetry and spiritual inspirations. #myexperiencewithsultanulashiqeen #shansultanulashiqeen #grandeurofsultanulashiqeen #sultanulashiqeen #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sufibooks #tasawufbooks

Purification of Innerself in Sufism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 73

Purification of Innerself in Sufism

Nafs is a veil between Allah and His slave. If nafs is removed, there remains no veil between Allah and His slave. This veil of nafs is commonly known as “spiritual vile” or “vile of nafs”. These spiritual vile or vile of nafs include arrogance, pride, vanity, jealousy, narcissism, pretence, grudge, falsehood and sensual desires like sensual desire of appetite, sexual desire and lust for prominence and fame etc. It is obligatory upon everyone to get rid of these spiritual ailments. This book is the translation of Urdu book “Nafs Kay Nasoor” written by Shabeeh-e-Ghaus-e-Azam Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib ur Rehman. In his book he has explained spiritual ail...

Sufism-The Soul of Islam
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1026

Sufism-The Soul of Islam

Sufism is a journey. A miraculous one. Filled with hurdles yet easy for those who are born pure and those who choose. It is the choices and not always the actions as they could be deceptive. Sufism is the spiritual and mystical aspect of Islam. The esoteric cosmos has every spiritual blessing, notion and trial. In the universe of Sufism, the destination is being One with the Divine Essence (tawhid) and the dear friend and leader on this path is the spiritual guide. Motivation and power to accomplish comes from loving Allah only, as Sultan Bahoo has famously said, “Only Allah! Everything other than Allah is lust.” The names Allah and Mohammad (Ism-e-Allah Zaat and Ism-e-Mohammad) are sust...

Ain ul Faqr (The Soul of Faqr)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 400

Ain ul Faqr (The Soul of Faqr)

Ain-ul-Faqr (the soul of Faqr) is the most popular book by the eminent Saint of Sub-continent Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo. This subtle book contains spiritual lessons for all the common and special seekers of Allah whether they are at initial, middle or final level. It invites every Muslim towards the closeness, vision and union of Allah, hence achieve the main objective of life and religion. Sultan Bahoo beautifully uses verses of Quran, Hadiths and sayings of other Saints to endorse his words, which makes the seekers of Truth, believe and follow his sayings spontaneously. The marvel of this miraculous book is that is spiritually elevates its readers just by reading it with faith and true dev...

The Divine Reality of Ism-e-Allah Zaat
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 118

The Divine Reality of Ism-e-Allah Zaat

For everything the name and self are different but as Allah is unique and has no partner therefore He is One in name and Essence “Allah”. This is Ism-e-Allah Zaat or more popularly known as Ism-e-Azam. With the guidance of the perfect spiritual guide of the era of Sarwari Qadri order, when a person remembers Allah with His personal name Allah i.e. Ism-e-Allah Zaat, Allah blesses him with the Self disclosure of His Essence which possesses all the Divine attributes, due to which the invoker witnesses the Divine light of the Essence within himself. His being is enlightened with this Divine light and he is blessed with the vision of the Divine Self. The book “Haqeeqat Ism-e-Allah Zaat” i...

Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan (The Key of Divine Oneness)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 621

Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan (The Key of Divine Oneness)

Tauheed, literally meaning the Divine Oneness, is the basic pillar and foundation of Islam. Common Muslims consider that the requirement of this most important pillar of Islam is fulfilled just by declaring “La illaha ilAllahoo” i.e. “No one is worthy of worship but Allah” by tongue and superficially believing that Allah is the Creator, Master and Sustainer of every creation and only He should be worshipped. They neither know the essence of Tauheed nor verify it inwardly. For online reading please visit http://sultan-ul-faqr-publications.com/ Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #abyatebahookamil #abyatebahoo #nurulhudakalan #kaleedultauheedkalan #shamsulfuqara #ameerulkaunain #mohkimulfuqara #qurbedeedar #sultanbahoobooks #sultanbahoobooksinenglish sultanbahoobooksinurdu #risalaroohisharif #kashfulasrar #ganjulasrar #sirulasrar #ainulfaqr #sufismthesoulofislam #risalaghausia #shamsularifeen #sultanulwaham #haqbahoosultan #bahoosultan #haqbahusultan #sultanbahu #bahusultan #hazratsultanbahoo #hazratsultanbahu #sakhisultanbahoo #sakhisultanbahu

Sultan ul Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali Life and Teachings
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 238

Sultan ul Faqr VI Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali Life and Teachings

This book is biography of famous Sufi Saint Sultan-ul-Faqr VI Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali. He is 30th Sheikh of Sarwari Qadri Order of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo. This books is written by spiritual Successor of Sultan Mohammad Asghar Ali named Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman Madzillah-ul-Aqdus. He is current 31st Sheikh of Sarwari Qadri Order. For online reading please visit http://sultan-ul-faqr-publications.com/ Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain

Ganj ul Asrar (The Treasure of Divine Secrets)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 65

Ganj ul Asrar (The Treasure of Divine Secrets)

The literal meaning of Ganj-ul-Asrar is “The Treasure of Divine Secrets”. The writer Sultan-ul-Arifeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Bahoo has very conveniently and interestingly disclosed these secrets in the book. For online reading please visit http://sultan-ul-faqr-publications.com/ Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #abyatebahookamil #abyatebahoo #nurulhudakalan #kaleedultauheedkalan #shamsulfuqara #ameerulkaunain #mohkimulfuqara #qurbedeedar #sultanbahoobooks #sultanbahoobooksinenglish sultanbahoobooksinurdu #risalaroohisharif #kashfulasrar #ganjulasrar #sirulasrar #ainulfaqr #sufismthesoulofislam #risalaghausia #shamsularifeen #sultanulwaham #haqbahoosultan #bahoosultan #haqbahusultan #sultanbahu #bahusultan #hazratsultanbahoo #hazratsultanbahu #sakhisultanbahoo #sakhisultanbahu

The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 760

The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order

The book is the English version of Mujtaba Akhir Zamani written by Sultan-ul-Ashiqeen Hazrat Sakhi Sultan Mohammad Najib-ur-Rehman. It is a record of the authentic biographies of The Spiritual Guides of Sarwari Qadri Order.The original concept behind this book is to obliterate the differences in the information about the Sarwari Qadri Spiritual Guides which have arisen over the passage of time as well as to meet the need of the availability of authentic and relevant historical material about them. For online reading please visit https://sultan-ul-faqr-publications.com/ Contact # +923224722766 #sultanbahoo #sultanularifeen #sultanulashiqeen #imamhusainandyazid #sufismthesoulofislam #propheticwayofpurgationofinnerself #themohammadanreality #thespiritualrealityofsalat #thespiritualrealityoffast #thespiritualrealityofzakat #thespiritualrealityofhajj #thespiritualguidesofsarwariqadriorder #theperfectspiritualguide #thedivinerealityofismeallahzaat #purificationofinnerselfinsufism #sultanulashiqeenbooks #sultanmohammadnajiburrehman #shamsulfuqara #shamsularifeen #risalaroohisharif #qurbedeedar #nurulhuda #kaleedultauheed #ameerulkaunain