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This book presents an expert analysis of the transnational aspects of Finnish cinema throughout its history. As a small nation cinema, Finnish film culture has, even at its most nationalistic, always been attached to developments in other film producing nations in terms of production and distribution as well as genres and aesthetics. Recent developments in film theory offer exciting new approaches and methodologies for the study of transnational phenomena in the field of film culture, both past and present. The authors employ a wide range of cutting edge methodologies in order to address the major issues involved in transnational approaches to film culture. Until recently, much of this resea...
A Companion to Nordic Cinema presents a collection of original essays that explore one of the world’s oldest regional cinemas from its origins to the present day. Offers a comprehensive, transnational and regional account of Nordic cinema from its origins to the present day Features original contributions from more than two dozen international film scholars based in the Nordic countries, the United States, Canada, Scotland, and Hong Kong Covers a wide range of topics on the distinctive evolution of Nordic cinema including the silent Golden Age, Nordic film policy models and their influence, audiences and cinephilia, Nordic film training, and indigenous Sámi cinema. Considers Nordic cinema...
Children’s films have been an integral part of the Finnish film industry throughout the 2000s. Several films are produced annually, attracting vast audiences among both children and adults. Despite the significant role of children’s films in Finnish film culture as a whole, only little research has been conducted on the subject so far. This collection of articles provides a fascinating overview on the past and present of Finnish children’s film and its complex role in today’s Finnish film culture. The contributors approach children’s film from a cross-disciplinary viewpoint, including perspectives from Film Studies, History, Childhood Studies and Educational Sciences. The book explores children’s film as a professional choice for Finnish filmmakers and as an international business card, while also assessing the pedagogical possibilities of strengthening multiliteracy. Lastly, through analyses and close-readings of different Finnish children’s films, the articles discuss themes such as girlhood, child-animal-relationships, imagery of death, and resistance to neoliberalism, and do so in novel ways.
International directory of archives / Annuaire international des archives.
Published in 1995, "Film & Television" is an important contribution to Film and Media.
Suomalaisen elokuvan tarina Jussi-palkinnon silmin. Sota-aikana syntynyt palkinto on ollut useasti uhattuna, mutta aina se on noussut takaisin juhlistamaan suomalaista elokuvaa ja sen tähtiä Regina Linnanheimosta Krista Kososeen ja Matti Kassilasta Aki Kaurismäkeen. Jussi-palkinto syntyi halusta juhlia, kun maailma ympärillä paloi. Vuoden 1944 prameiden juhlallisuuksien jälkeen Jussi-gaala on peilannut suomalaista elokuvaa. Palkintoja on jaettu juhlasaleissa ja teattereissa mutta myös työväenopistossa ja auditoriossa. Suomalaisen elokuvan historiaan mahtuu huippuvuosia ja totaalista alakuloa, pidäkkeetöntä iloa ja repiviä riitoja. Jusseja on pokattu smokeissa ja farkuissa. Gaala...
Modernism and the Architecture of Private Life offers a bold new assessment of the role of the domestic sphere in modernist literature, architecture, and design. Elegantly synthesizing modernist literature with architectural plans, room designs, and decorative art, Victoria Rosner's work explores the collaborations among modern British writers, interior designers, and architects in redefining the form, function, and meaning of middle-class private life. Drawing on a host of previously unexamined archival sources and works by figures such as E. M. Forster, Roger Fry, Oscar Wilde, James McNeill Whistler, and Virginia Woolf, Rosner highlights the participation of modernist literature in the creation of an experimental, embodied, and unstructured private life, which we continue to characterize as "modern."
Uuno Turhapuron uskomaton elämäntarina vihdoinkin kirjana! Uuno Turhapuro on lumonnut suomalaiset sukupolvi toisensa jälkeen, ensin televisiossa ja sitten valkokankaalla. Miljoonat ihmiset ovat nähneet tämän selittelyjen epävirallisen maailmanmestarin milloin lottovoittajana tai rautakauppiaana, milloin armeijan leivissä tai jopa tasavallan presidenttinä. Kokonaisesitys Uunon uskomattomasta tarinasta on kuitenkin vielä kertomatta. Tommi Aition elämäkertateos piirtää laajan kaaren Uuno Turhapuron vaiheista ja tämän omintakeisesta elämänfilosofiasta, jossa ei koskaan sekoiteta vysiikkaa ja kemiikkaa. Uunon tarina on kertomus kaupungistuvasta Suomesta. Uuno urbanisoitui samaa ...