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Applications of human skin in vitro
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 113

Applications of human skin in vitro

Chronic wounds are a substantial problem in today’s health care and place significant strains on the patient. Successful modelling of the wound healing process is pivotal for the advancement of wound treatment research. Wound healing is a dynamic and multifactorial process involving all constituents of the skin. The progression from haemostasis and inflammation to proliferation of epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts, and final scar maturation can be halted and result in a chronic wound that fails to re-epithelialise. The wound healing process constitutes an example of dynamic reciprocity in tissue where cellular changes take place on cues from the extracellular matrix and vice v...

Sex differences in atherosclerosis and exercise effects
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 81

Sex differences in atherosclerosis and exercise effects

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death globally, with atherosclerosis being the main cause of cardiovascular diseases. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of the blood vessel wall, which over time will cause thickening and hardening of the vessel wall. Atherosclerosis can result in catastrophic vascular events, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. There are distinct sex differences in CVD mortality at different ages, before menopause women have a lower mortality of CVD in comparison to men, which equalises after menopause. In addition to sex differences in the incidence of CVD, there are also distinct sex differences in the phenotype of atherosclerotic plaques...

Interacting with biological membranes using organic electronic devices
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 77

Interacting with biological membranes using organic electronic devices

Many physiological processes are reliant on activities in the cell membrane. These activities are of great importance to our well-being since they allow the cells to respond to their environment and communicate with each other to function as tissues and organs. In this thesis the use of organic electronic devices to interface with cell membranes has been explored. Organic electronics are especially suited for the task given their ability to transduce ionic to electronic signals. Four scientific papers are included in the thesis, where organic electronic devices are used together with living cells and supported lipid bilayers (SLB). In the first paper a ferroelectric cell release surface is p...

Canadian Slavonic Papers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 664

Canadian Slavonic Papers

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2001
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  • Publisher: Unknown


  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 141


Tolvåriga Eira har aldrig lekt med dockor, ändå läser hon den lilla annonsen flera gånger. Det låter läskigt med människohår på en docka. Kommer det från ett barn eller en vuxen? Lite senare samma dag ringer en okänd man och påstår att dockan i annonsen hör hemma hos Eira. Och nästa dag hänger dockan i en plastpåse utanför hennes dörr. Det är bara början på en lång kedja av obehagliga händelser. Var kommer egentligen dockan ifrån? Och vad vill den Eira? Går det ens att göra sig av med den? Susanna Lönnqvist har skrivit en klassisk rysare för bokslukare som älskar Ingelin Angerborn, Petrus Dahlin och Kristina Ohlsson.

Pilbergens skugga
  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 229

Pilbergens skugga

Oupphörlig spänning i fantastisk äventyrshistoria En tidig morgon väcks Signe av ett pickande ljud mot fönstret. Det är en liten fågel en signalsångare som bär med sig meddelandet: Kungen av sten, idag klockan åtta. Utan minsta tvekan packar Signe ryggsäcken med nödvändigheter och beger sig av. Hon styr stegen mot Grågläntan, där skogen breder ut sig och de spetsiga Pilbergen reser sig i fjärran. I 23 dagar har Signe väntat på budet, alltsedan Lumi fördes bort av De Riktiga Störstas hantlangare. Lumi, sagoberätterskan och vattenvändaren, men mest av allt Signes älskade moster. Var finns hon nu? Och vad vill de henne egentligen? Hur ska Signe klara sig under den långa ovissa vandringen, även om signalsångaren hittar vägen? Pilbergens skugga är en härlig äventyrshistoria i samma anda som Bröderna Lejonhjärta och Ishavspirater. Susanna Lönnqvists klassiska skildring av det Goda i kamp mot det Onda berättas med stigande spänning och med ett fantastiskt galleri av karaktärer som Signe träffar utmed sin stundtals mycket farliga väg. En bladvändare av högsta klass! Detta är den första boken om Pilbergen.

День поэзии Марины Цветаевой
  • Language: ru
  • Pages: 120

День поэзии Марины Цветаевой

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1997
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Juhani Linnovaaran elämä
  • Language: fi
  • Pages: 242

Juhani Linnovaaran elämä

  • Categories: Art

Juhlitun taiteilijan uskomaton elämä Taiteilija, professori Juhani Linnovaara (s. 1934) on maamme kansainvälisesti tunnetuimpia taidemaalareita sekä graafikko, kuvanveistäjä ja kultasepän koulutuksen saanut korumuotoilija. Karismaattisen taiteilijan elämä on ollut yhtä värikäs ja vivahteikas kuin hänen käyttämänsä paletti. Linnovaaran harvinaisen kiehtova polku taiteilijana on ollut uteliasta ihmettelyä ja syvällistä pohdintaa elämän ja taiteen mysteerien edessä. Kirja on puhetta niin täyttymyksestä ja ilosta kuin taiteilijan kohtaamista haasteista. Tarina etenee tuokiokuvina, merkityksellisinä tapahtumina ja käänteinä, kuin tihentyminä elämän langassa. Linnov...

Sävelten tyttäret
  • Language: fi
  • Pages: 481

Sävelten tyttäret

The book presents the biographies and work lists of 126 Finnish women composers born between 1784 and 1909. Based on large-scale archival research, it is the first comprehensive historical account of Finnish women composers and their cultural heritage. The authors draw on feminist music history and the sociohistorical approach to find out who these women were, what kind of music they wrote, and how their careers reflected European cultural and social history. The treatise highlights the influence of girls’ schools, women’s suffrage movements and other socio-political developments on the musical culture of women. Concepts such as “composer”, “woman” and “Finnish” were assumed to be open and inclusive throughout the research, in terms of both musical style and diversity in cultural background. In concentrating on music-making by women, the book opens up radically new vistas on Finland’s music and cultural history, and it rectifies previous erroneous conceptions about women’s composership and their artistic work. In short, it exposes the richness in the sonic and intellectual heritage of Finnish women composers, as well as its significance in society today.

China and Japan in the Russian Imagination, 1685-1922
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 239

China and Japan in the Russian Imagination, 1685-1922

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-03-05
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Throughout the centuries, as Russia strove to build itself into an imperial power equal to those in the West, China and Japan came to occupy a special place in Russians’ view of the orient. Never colonised by Russia or the West, China and Japan were linked not only to the greatest of Russian imperial fantasies, but also, conversely, to a deep sense of insecurity regarding Russia’s place in the world, a sense of insecurity which deepened as China and Japan began to modernise in the later nineteenth century. Drawing on a wide range of works by Russian writers and thinkers, Lim sets out how Russian perceptions of China and Japan were formed from Muscovy’s first contacts with China in the late seventeenth century, through to the aftermath of Russia’s defeat by Japan in the early twentieth century.