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Since the 1990s, the short story has re-emerged in the German-speaking world as a vibrant literary genre. This volume aims to establish a framework for further research into this rich field. The introduction and six thematic chapters discuss theories of the short-story form, literary-aesthetic questions, and key trends in the twenty-first century. Seven chapters on significant literary figures from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland then offer a range of theoretical and thematic approaches to individual stories and collections. Finally, two original translations showcase contemporary short-story writing in German.
The Catholic Church still takes an ambivalent stance toward homosexuality, declaring that homosexuals should be respected and not discriminated against while morally condemning their intimate relationships. This volume presents exegetical, theological, and ethical arguments as well as evidence from the human sciences to advocate for the recognition of homosexuality as a natural variant of the human capacities to love and to form relationships.
Following discussions on scientific biography carried out over the past few decades, this book proposes a kaleidoscopic survey of the uses of biography as a tool to understand science and its context. The authors belong to a variety of academic and professional fields, including the history of science, anthropology, literary studies, and science journalism. The period covered spans from 1732, when Laura Bassi was the first woman to get a tenured professorship of physics, to 2009, when Elizabeth H. Blackburn and Carol W. Greider were the first women's team to have won a Nobel Prize in science.
Ulrike Draesner is a prize-winning writer of novels, short stories, critical essays and poetry, and one of the foremost authors in Germany today. While a number of volumes have been published in German on her work, the current Companion offers the first volume on Draesner in English, capitalising on the interest in her work in Germany and further afield. Introducing Draesner’s major novels and short stories, poetry collections and essays, as well as giving an overview of existing research focusing on migration, memory, science, gender and bodily experience, chapters by international scholars in this volume also break new ground by focussing on visual culture, poetology, nature, the posthuman and Draesner’s reception of English literature and medieval culture. A comprehensive bibliography, commissioned interview and original writing by Draesner make the volume a valuable research tool for scholars and students. This will become essential reading for all those interested in Draesner, women’s writing, literature and history, and contemporary German prose and poetry.
Die bewährte Dokumentation der zeitgenössischen deutschsprachigen Literaturszene umfasst über 9.000 Einträge lebender Verfasserinnen und Verfasser schöngeistiger Literatur in deutscher Sprache: Adressen, Lebensdaten, Mitgliedschaften, Auszeichnungen sowie 140.000 Veröffentlichungen; im Anhang u. a.: Übersetzer, Verlage, Literaturpreise, Fachverbände, Literaturhäuser, Zeitschriften, Agenturen; Festkalender, Nekrolog, geographische Übersicht.
AN ODE TO WALKING FROM ONE OF THE WORLD'S LEADING EXPLORERS AND THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SILENCE 'Erling Kagge is a philosophical adventurer - or perhaps an adventurous philosopher' New York Times ____________________________________ 'After having put my shoes on and let my thoughts wander, I am sure of one thing - to put one foot in front of the other is one of the most important things we do.' From those perilous first steps as a toddler, to great expeditions, from walking to work to trekking to the North Pole, Erling Kagge explains that he who walks goes further and lives better. Walking is a book about the love of exploration, the delight of discovery and the equilibrium that can be fou...
Bühnenbildnerinnen stehen in dieser Studie erstmals im Mittelpunkt einer Analyse. Bettina Behr würdigt ihre Geschichte im deutschsprachigen Europa und holt dabei vierzehn Szenografinnen vor den Vorhang – von Natalia Goncarova bis Anna Viebrock. Der Stellenwert der Bühnenbildkunst und der Gender Studies in der Theaterwissenschaft werden analysiert, ebenso die Rahmenbedingungen des Studiums – eine Ausbildung, die aktuell überwiegend von Frauen ergriffen wird. Da die Praxis jedoch zeigt, dass nach wie vor Männer bessere Chancen vorfinden, den Beruf ausüben zu können, werden Empfehlungen zu mehr Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in diesem kulturellen Feld formuliert. Das Buch leistet somit einen Beitrag zur berufsbezogenen Genderforschung ebenso wie zur Szenografie.
Varför går vi? I den här lilla, essäistiska boken går den norske äventyraren och passionerade vandraren Erling Kagge på djupet med gåendet. Människor har alltid gått och gåendets betydelse för folkhälsan kan inte underskattas. Redan för 2 400 år sedan varnade den moderna medicinens fader Hippokrates för läkarnas felmedicinering och underströk att ingen medicin är så välgörande som att placera den ena foten framför den andra, "att gå är människans bästa medicin". I den här boken blandas historiska nedslag och anekdoter, samtidigt som författaren påminner om vikten av att våra fotsulor behåller markkontakten. Så mycket i vår vardag handlar om att hålla ett högt tempo men att gå är raka motsatsen - det går långsamt. Det är därför det är något av det mest radikala vi kan göra. Författaren delger oss sina intryck från den dagliga promenaden till jobbet, liksom från långa vandringar till Nord- och Sydpolen eller genom New Yorks kloaksystem. För vare sig du går för att uppnå 10 000 steg om dagen, lösa ett problem eller ge dig ut i naturen finns det inget bättre sätt att färdas. Så låt oss gå!