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Covering colobine biology, behaviour, ecology and conservation, this book summarises current knowledge of this fascinating group of primates.
A critical take on the convergence of human rights discourse with the counterterrorism agenda revealing its effects on developing countries.
Deep-water (below wave base) processes, although generally hidden from view, shape the sedimentary record of more than 65% of the Earth’s surface, including large parts of ancient mountain belts. This book aims to inform advanced-level undergraduate and postgraduate students, and professional Earth scientists with interests in physical oceanography and hydrocarbon exploration and production, about many of the important physical aspects of deep-water (mainly deep-marine) systems. The authors consider transport and deposition in the deep sea, trace-fossil assemblages, and facies stacking patterns as an archive of the underlying controls on deposit architecture (e.g., seismicity, climate change, autocyclicity). Topics include modern and ancient deep-water sedimentary environments, tectonic settings, and how basinal and extra-basinal processes generate the typical characteristics of basin slopes, submarine canyons, contourite mounds and drifts, submarine fans, basin floors and abyssal plains.
This is an open access book. With the rapid advancement of augmented reality, blockchain, and the internet, the metaverse is now within reach like never before. Companies are continuously pushing the boundaries of innovation to cater to the ever-evolving needs of consumers. They employ a diverse range of strategies to elevate the value of their products and stay ahead of the competition. However, not every company manages to achieve this feat, often due to resource limitations and the ability to understand dynamic market trends. The 20th INSYMA (International Symposium on Management) is bringing you further into the metaverse. This year’s theme is “The Metaverse and Beyond: Opportunity or Disaster? New Realities In Workplaces.
This is an open access book. The INSYMA 19 will be the first INSYMA to be held in a hybrid format; the offline event will be held in Bali, Indonesia. Bali is chosen as the location of the INSYMA because it is known as Indonesia’s most famous tourist destination, not only for domestic but also for foreign tourists. Both offline and online presenters are welcome to contribute to this year’s conference. This is an open access book.
The past three decades since the end of the Cold War have been a time of remarkable change for Southeast Asia. Long seen as an arena for superpower rivalry, Southeast Asia is increasingly coming into its own by locating itself at the forefront of regional integration initiatives that involve not only the states of the region, but major external powers such as the United States, China, India, Japan, and Australia. Extensively updated and revised in light of these changes and developments, this fifth edition of Dictionary of the Modern Politics of Southeast Asia remains indispensable. This new edition starts with profiles of each Southeast Asian country, before providing over 500 alphabeticall...
Buku ini patut dibaca bagi kalangan akademisi, praktisi, terutama mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri (PTKIN) yang minat dan konsetrasinya di bidang Syariah dan Hukum. Buku ini juga direkomendasikan kepada masyarakat secara umum. Tema tata kelola yang baik (Good Governance) menarik dicermati terutama pasca jatuhnya era Orde Baru yang bergolak begitu dahsyat. Seperti menemukan jati dirinya kembali, pasca Orde Baru Indonesia memasuki masa Reformasi. Perbaikan di semua aspek kehidupan.
This book introduces the fundamentals, enhancements, applications, and modeling of heat transfer phenomena. Topics covered include heat transfer equations and applications in the estimation of heat energy transportation, heat transfer in specific applications, microchannel flow, condensation of refrigerants in modified heat exchanger tubes, alteration of tube surface texture for augmentation of heat transfer, boiling, etc. Also considered are fouling mitigation approaches to prolong heat exchanger operation, as well as tube coatings, heat exchanger digital twins, and various surface alteration techniques. Double-pass solar air heating and phenomena including heat transfer through thin liquid film and surface texture alteration for boiling heat transfer are discussed.
Biografi profesional "M.R. Karliansyah, 30 Tahun Menekuni Pengendalian Pencemaran, Dari Amdal sampai Pemulihan Lingkungan" mengisahkan perjalanan karier Muhammad Rizali Karliansyah selama 30 tahun mengabdi kepada bangsa dan negara melalui Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan (Bapedal) dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK), dan meninggalkan banyak jejak "legacy" yang bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Sebelum purnabakti, Karliansyah adalah Direktur Jenderal Pengendalian Pencemaran dan Kerusakan Lingkungan KLHK.