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Beginning with an overview of data and concepts developed in the EU-project HABIT-CHANGE, this book addresses the need for sharing knowledge and experience in the field of biodiversity conservation and climate change. There is an urgent need to build capacity in protected areas to monitor, assess, manage and report the effects of climate change and their interaction with other pressures. The contributors identify barriers to the adaptation of conservation management, such as the mismatch between planning reality and the decision context at site level. Short and vivid descriptions of case studies, drawn from investigation areas all over Central and Eastern Europe, illustrate both the local im...
This book compares the lessons learned from a wetland-perspective approach to the changing climate and the requirements of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) with regard to environmental conservation. Examples from Germany and Poland are discussed due to the efficiency of their respective implementations of water conservation policies. Although the general scientific interest in specific issues such as wetlands, climate change, nature conservation and the WFD enjoy a well established position in international environmental research, these four elements are rarely considered together due to the complexity of the processes, biased scenarios of global change and subjective policy background. Major challenges involved in carrying out environmental conservation actions that assess the potential impacts of climate change and management plans on water bodies are identified. The results of this approach are addressed to practitioners in the field of adaptive management in a wetlands context.
The International Encyclopedia of Primatology represents the first comprehensive encyclopedic reference focusing on the behaviour, biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, and taxonomy of human and non-human primates. Represents the first comprehensive encyclopedic reference relating to primatology Features more than 450 entries covering topics ranging from the taxonomy, history, behaviour, ecology, captive management and diseases of primates to their use in research, cognition, conservation, and representations in literature Includes coverage of the basic scientific concepts that underlie each topic, along with the latest advances in the field Highly accessible to undergraduate and graduate students in primatology, anthropology, and the medical, biological and zoological sciences Essential reference for academics, researchers and commercial and conservation organizations This work is also available as an online resource at
Global news on anthropogenic climate change is shaped by international politics, scientific reports and voices from transnational protest movements. This timely volume asks how local communities engage with these transnational discourses. The chapters in this volume present a range of compelling case studies drawn from a broad cross-section of local communities around the world, reflecting diverse cultural and geographical contexts. From Greenland to northern Tanzania, it illuminates how different understandings evolve in diverse cultural and geographical contexts while also revealing some common patterns of how people make sense of climate change. Global Warming in Local Discourses constitu...
Klimawandel und Klimafolgen erfordern in der Konsequenz der Erkenntnis um ihre anthropogenen Ursachen einen veränderten Umgang mit Raum und Natur. Das Projekt Natur ist der zentrale inhaltliche Ansatz des gesamträumlichen Konzepts Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung, das in dieser Schrift exemplarisch am Beispiel der Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar entwickelt wird, in der Absicht, gesellschaftliche Partizipation und die räumliche Umsetzung der Transformation zu befördern.
為補足國內都市氣候治理研究之缺口,本書從經濟學、空間規劃、社會學與環境科學等角度出發,著重在都市氣候變遷之治理、減緩、調適與空間規劃等面向。以都市作為氣候治理單位,不僅因為都市是最消耗能源的區域,都市面臨的災害風險與脆弱度提高,還因為都市已成為氣候變遷關鍵的行動單位。 全書有十二章,著重在以下三個部分:一是氣候變遷對於都市建城環境的衝擊,以暴露度與脆弱度分析都市面臨的環境風險;二是從社會經濟作用之領域分析都市氣候政策是透過哪些治理關係而被具體落實,並探討氣候變遷對於都市空間規劃的衝擊;三是分析都市可以透過哪些減緩與調適策略減少溫室氣體排放或改變土地使用情形。 透過對臺灣都市空間規劃體制及氣候政策研擬之檢討,作者群對於臺灣都市氣候治理提出多項具體建議。
Moritz Gies untersucht die durch das Natura 2000-Recht geforderte Anpassung an die Folgen des Klimawandels und zeigt, dass sich diese nicht nur durch Managementmaßnahmen, sondern auch durch intensivierten Schutz zur Bewahrung der Erhaltungsziele umsetzen lassen. Dabei plädiert der Autor dafür, die Mittel des allgemeinen Verwaltungsrechts zur vor- und nachsorgenden Anpassung von Dauerentscheidungen zielorientiert einzusetzen. Indem die Grundsätze der Klimafolgenanpassung mit den rechtlichen Anforderungen des europäischen Naturschutzrechts und dem flexiblen Instrumentarium des Verwaltungsverfahrensrechts in Beziehung gesetzt werden, lässt sich die nötige Anpassungsfähigkeit herstellen.
Als Springer Reference liefert die komplett neu bearbeitete 3. Auflage sowohl eine kompetente Einführung für Studierende als auch ein Lern- und Nachschlagewerk für Praktiker der Landschaftsplanung und der Nachbardisziplinen. Sie beschreibt alle wichtigen planerischen Instrumente des Naturschutzes, die sich aus der Landschaftsplanung im weiteren Sinne auf der Ebene von Bund, Ländern, Regionen und Kommunen ergeben, und darüber hinaus die rechtlichen Vorschriften der EU, des Bundes und der Länder. Dabei geht es gleichermaßen um juristische Grundlagen, ökologische Fakten und planerische Arbeitsabläufe, ergänzt durch praktische Anwendungsbeispiele, wie das Management ausgewählter Schutzgüter und ein nachhaltiges Nutzungsmanagement. Im Unterschied zu anderen Büchern im Themenfeld Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung behandelt dieses Buch detailliert die Instrumente im Naturschutz und weniger ausführlich die Analyse und Bewertung des Naturhaushaltes mit seinen Schutzgütern.p>
THIS ONE’LL KILLYA By Jerry Rannow Springer McKay is a formerly successful Hollywood comedy writer whose failing career is rescued when studio mogul Buddy Brightman greenlights his pilot idea. When Springer learns that Brightman intends to steal the project out from under him, he confronts the man only to find that Brightman has been brutally murdered! Springer has no choice but to become the world’s first comedy-writer detective and investigate Brightman’s murder to clear himself—an investigation that will lead him on a journey of sex, drugs and violence as his raw nerve and unorthodox methods of gumshoeing make him the target of his own murder.
Longlisted for the Center for Fiction's 2021 First Novel Prize 'A striking first novel . . . unusual and surprisingly witty' Sunday Times Culture 'Inspired by a real man, this modern-day Call of the Wild is funny, moving and ceaselessly compelling' People Magazine In 1916, Sven Ormson leaves Stockholm to seek adventure in Svalbard, an Arctic archipelago where darkness reigns four months of the year, and where he might witness the splendour of the Northern Lights one night or be attacked by a polar bear the next. After a devastating accident while digging for coal, Sven heads north again and ends up on an uninhabited fjord living in a hut he builds, alone except for the company of a loyal dog...