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Kaya Şahin's book offers a revisionist reading of Ottoman history during the reign of Süleyman the Magnificent (1520–66). By examining the life and works of a bureaucrat, Celalzade Mustafa, Şahin argues that the empire was built as part of the Eurasian momentum of empire building and demonstrates the imperial vision of sixteenth-century Ottomans. This unique study shows that, in contrast with many Eurocentric views, the Ottomans were active players in European politics, with an imperial culture in direct competition with that of the Habsburgs and the Safavids. Indeed, this book explains Ottoman empire building with reference to the larger Eurasian context, from Tudor England to Mughal India, contextualizing such issues as state formation, imperial policy and empire building in the period more generally. Şahin's work also devotes significant attention to the often-ignored religious dimension of the Ottoman-Safavid struggle, showing how the rivalry redefined Sunni and Shiite Islam, laying the foundations for today's religious tensions.
The subject of this two-volume publication is an inventory of manuscripts in the book treasury of the Topkapı Palace in Istanbul, commissioned by the Ottoman sultan Bayezid II from his royal librarian ʿAtufi in the year 908 (1502–3) and transcribed in a clean copy in 909 (1503–4). This unicum inventory preserved in the Oriental Collection of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára Keleti Gyűjtemény, MS Török F. 59) records over 5,000 volumes, and more than 7,000 titles, on virtually every branch of human erudition at the time. The Ottoman palace library housed an unmatched encyclopedic collection of learning and literature; hence, ...
This book is part of the book series titled Natural Products Chemistry of Global Plants, and examines the rich plant diversity of Turkey, with descriptions of the plants and pharmacognosy properties. There is a focus on the chemistry of natural products and areas rich in folklore and botanical medicinal uses are covered with a particular interest in the region of Anatolia. This book focuses on the chemistry of the natural products, and where possible links these molecules to pharmacological modes of action. Students and professionals interested in the ethnobotany, chemistry, pharmacology and biological activites of species used medicinally in Turkey will benefit from this book. Features Addr...
This books aims at analyzing Turkish foreign and security policies in the 21st century. Turkey’s foreign and security policies have become the focus of academic discussions since Turkey is located in the middle of the most unstable region in the world. Turkey’s self-assured foreign policy has similarly attracted the attention of academicians worldwide. Meanwhile, Turkey’s security policy has also been the subject of discussions as the country has been struggling with ethnic terrorism for 35 years. Furthermore, the US invasion of Iraq and the recent Syrian civil war, along with other factors, have caused religious radicalism to expand its power throughout the Middle East, which has heavily impacted on Turkey’s security. Turkey’s longstanding problems with its neighbors have also affected the general characteristics of its foreign policy, particularly leading to its securitization.
This book discusses the Caucasus, analysing its strategic aspects and the policies of Russia towards the region throughout history and especially during the Putin administration. It also considers Russia’s relations with both Azerbaijan and Georgia after they gained their independence, and sheds light on the Chechen-Russian conflict and Russo-Georgian Wars that took place following the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
A union list of serials commencing publication after Dec. 31, 1949.
“Sağlık Bilimleri Alanında Uluslararası Araştırmalar” başlıklı kitabımız sağlık bilimlerinin çeşitli alanlarındaki makaleleri içermektedir. Bu kitap, multidisipliner sağlık ekibindeki tüm bireylerin akademik çalışmalarının bir arada yer almasını ve ulaşılabilmesini sağlamaktadır.
Innovation and Global Issues Congress I kapsamında sunulan akademik çalışmaların tam metinlerinin bulunduğu, multidisipliner çalışmalar içeren değerli akademik bir eserdir.
It is a valuable academic work that contains extended abstracts of the academic studies presented within the scope of Innovation and Global Issues Congress I in Patara Antique city and includes multidisciplinary studies. Innovation and Global Issues Congress I kapsamında sunulan akademik çalışmaların geniş özet metinlerinin bulunduğu, multidisipliner çalışmalar içeren değerli akademik bir eserdir.