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This edited collection offers an in-depth analysis of the complex and changing relationship between the arts and their markets. Highly relevant to almost any sociological exploration of the arts, this interaction has long been approached and studied. However, rapid and far-reaching economic changes have recently occurred. Through a number of new empirical case studies across multiple artistic, historic and geographical settings, this volume illuminates the developments of various art markets, and their sociological analyses. The contributions include chapters on artistic recognition and exclusion, integration and self-representation in the art market, sociocultural changes, the role of the gallery owner, and collectives, rankings, and constraints across the cultural industries. Drawing on research from Japan, Switzerland, France, Italy, China, the US, UK, and more, this rich and global perspective challenges current debates surrounding art and markets, and will be an important reference point for scholars and students across the sociology of arts, cultural sociology and culture economy.
“Is democracy in crisis?” Against the background of a visible loss of trust in political, economic, religious and other institutions in Japan and Germany, this question is being posed with increasing urgency. This volume brings together contributions from political sciences, sociology, economics, psychology, history, law, and educational science to shed light on the future of our democracies, economies, educational systems, party politics, national policies, and social-structural changes, as well as socialization in the family and school, and related value changes. By focusing on Japan and Germany, and including examples from Western Europe and East Asia, this publication will determine transnational tendencies and provide an understanding of the different consequences of development from country to country against the background of different historical-cultural traditions and institutional realities.
The definitive new translation of Max Weber’s classic work of social theory—arguably the most important book by the foremost social theorist of the twentieth century. Max Weber’s Economy and Society is the foundational text for the social sciences of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, presenting a framework for understanding the relations among individual action, social action, economic action, and economic institutions. It also provides a classification of political forms based upon “systems of rule” and “rulership” that has shaped debate about the nature and role of charisma, tradition, legal authority, and bureaucracy. Keith Tribe’s major new translation presents Ec...
This book examines the transnational phenomenon of Japonisme in the exoticist and “autoexoticist” literature of the late nineteenth century. Focusing on the way in which reciprocal processes of transcultural acquisition – by Japan and from Japan – were portrayed in the medium of literature, the book illustrates how literary Japonisme and the wider processes whereby Japan, with its alien exotic culture and unique refined aestheticism, was absorbing Western civilization in its own way in the late nineteenth century at the same time as the phenomenon of Japonisme was occurring in Western fine arts, which were inspired by traditional Japanese artistic practices. Specifically, the book focuses on the literary works of Lafcadio Hearn and Pierre Loti, who travelled from France and America, respectively, to Japan, and Mori Ōgai and Natsume Sōseki, who in turn went, respectively, to Germany and England from Japan. Exploring the eclectic hybridity of Japan’s modernization during the late nineteenth century, this book will appeal to students and scholars of Japanese Studies, Postcolonial Studies and Comparative Literature.
The focus on concepts of power and domination in societal structures has characterized sociology since its beginnings. Max Weber’s definition of power as “imposing one’s will on others” is still relevant to explaining processes in the arts, whether their production, imagination, communication, distribution, critique or consumption. Domination in the arts is exercised by internal and external rulers through institutionalized social structures and through beliefs about their legitimacy, achieved by defining and shaping art tastes. The complexity of how the arts relate to power arises from the complexity of the policies of artistic production, distribution and consumption—policies whi...
Ein Foto aus dem »Situation Room« im Weißen Haus, in dem sich am 1. Mai 2011 das nationale Sicherheitsteam der US-Regierung versammelte, ging um die Welt. An Kommentaren zu diesem Foto fehlt es nicht - wohl aber an wissenschaftlich begründeten Aussagen. Das Buch versammelt ein breites Spektrum soziologischer, kunst- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Analysen und bündelt sie in einer methodischen Reflexion. Mit Beiträgen von Ruth Ayaß, Roswitha Breckner, Horst Bredekamp, Michael Diers, Michael Kauppert, Irene Leser, Katja Müller-Helle, Susann Neuenfeldt, Ulrich Oevermann, Jürgen Raab, Gerhard Schweppenhäuser und Boris Traue.
Der Ansatz der Lebenswissenschaften, Liebe auf biochemische Prozesse im menschlichen Körper zurückzuführen, wird zurzeit stark beachtet. Dieses Buch möchte solche Prozesse nicht leugnen. Aber es vertritt die Auffassung, dass erst ihre gesellschaftlich-kulturelle Überformung dem Phänomen Liebe die Gestalt verleiht, die für die Erlebenswirklichkeit des Menschen entscheidend ist. Wie werden die körperlich-seelischen Vorgänge ausgelöst, und wie werden sie gedeutet? Welche Werte, Normen und Leitbilder werden mit ihnen verknüpft? Welche gesellschaftlichen Regeln bestimmen den Umgang mit ihnen? Diese Fragen können nur vor dem Hintergrund des historischen Wandels beantwortet werden und fordern Historiker und Philologen, Soziologen und Kulturwissenschaftler gemeinsam heraus.
This book examines how Asianism became a key concept in mainstream political discourse between China and Japan and how it was used both domestically and internationally in the contest for political hegemony. It argues that, from the early 1910s to the early 1930s, this contest changed Chinese and Japanese perceptions of ‘Asia’, from a concept that was foreign-referential, foreign-imposed, peripheral, and mostly negative and denied (in Japan) or largely ignored (in China) to one that was self-referential, self-defined, central, and widely affirmed and embraced. As an ism, Asianism elevated ‘Asia’ as a geographical concept with culturalist-racialist implications to the status of a full...
Die Vielfalt kultursoziologischer Ansätze, Diskurse, Arbeitsfelder und Methoden wird in diesem Handbuch kompakt dargestellt. Geboten wird damit die Möglichkeit zur Orientierung innerhalb des heterogenen Feldes der Kultursoziologie. Unterschiedliche Positionen und das mit ihnen jeweils verbundene Verständnis von ‚Kultur‘ werden sichtbar gemacht und die Leser_innen zur weiterführenden Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Forschungsfeld eingeladen. Band 1 des Handbuchs widmet sich dem Begriff der Kultur, der Kontextualisierung des Themenfeldes ‚Kultursoziologie‘ im interdisziplinären Umfeld, seiner Entwicklung und gegenwärtigen Ausformung in unterschiedlichen Weltregionen sowie zentralen kultursoziologischen Autor_innen.
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