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Singing the Right Way
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 297

Singing the Right Way

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Singing the Right Way enters the world of Orthodox Christianity in Estonia to explore musical style in worship, cultural identity, and social imagination. Through both ethnographic and historical chapters, author Jeffers Engelhardt reveals how Orthodox Estonians give voice to the religious absolute in secular society. Based on a decade of fieldwork, Singing the Right Way traces the sounds of Orthodoxy in Estonia through the Russian Empire, interwar national independence, the Soviet-era, and post-Soviet integration into the European Union. Approaching Orthodoxy through local understandings of correct practice and correct belief, Engelhardt shows how religious knowledge, national identity, and social transformation illuminate how to "sing the right way" and thereby realize the fullness of Estonians' Orthodox Christian faith in context of everyday, secular surroundings. Singing the Right Way is an innovative model of how the musical poetics of contemporary religious forms are rooted in both consistent sacred tradition and contingent secular experience. This landmark study is sure to be an essential text for scholars studying the ethnomusicology of religion.

Institutional Legacies of Communism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 270

Institutional Legacies of Communism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-07-03
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Twenty years after the demise of communist policy, this book evaluates the continuing communist legacies in the current minority protection systems and legislations across a number of states in post-communist Europe. The fall of communism and the process of democratisation across post-communist Europe led to considerable change in minority protection with new systems and national political institutions either developed or copied. In general, the new institutions reflected the practices and experiences of (western) European states and were installed upon advice from European security organisations. Yet many ideas, legislative frameworks, policies and practices remained open to interpretation ...

On Becoming a Psychologist
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 177

On Becoming a Psychologist

On Becoming a Psychologist explores the professional identity construction of psychology students, examining their entry into the psychology profession from a socio-cultural perspective. The book brings together socio-cultural approaches and Dialogical Self Theory to gain comprehensive insight into the developmental processes behind the formation of professional identity. It conceptualises the process of becoming a psychologist as an intrapersonally and interpersonally unique semiotic process of self-regulation that unfolds through dialogical relations with the individual’s socio-cultural surroundings. Building on empirical research, the book outlines the results of a longitudinal study of...

Language Acquisition
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 293

Language Acquisition

This volume brings together a selection of articles about research conducted on language acquisition in the Baltic States, namely in Latvia and Lithuania, a field which has witnessed massive growth in recent years. The book begins with an introduction which specifies the problems investigated by the contributions in order to acquaint the reader with current issues and research in linguodidactics and applied linguistics. The volume will particularly appeal to scholars of language acquisition, as well as anyone interested in research and practical activities concerning language education in the Baltic States.The papers compiled here are grouped into five sections: language acquisition in the c...

Publishers' International ISBN Directory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1648

Publishers' International ISBN Directory

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Cosmopolitanism, Migration and Universal Human Rights
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 305

Cosmopolitanism, Migration and Universal Human Rights

This book describes the potential and challenges of cosmopolitanism from a philosophical and historical point of view. Through the prism of cosmopolitanism, this book considers how the recent surge in migration is affecting our current reality, while also taking stock of the contemporary potential of cosmopolitan ideas. It considers and compares the significance of religion and culture for the wider societal acceptance or rejection of refugees. Moreover, the book examines the European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence on immigration policies, non-refoulement, humanitarian law and gender. It presents empirically based research of a quantitative, qualitative and comparative nature regarding the determinants of attitudes towards cosmopolitanism and more generally concerning public opinion on migration issues, and reflects on conceptions of and attitudes towards citizenship, while also imagining new forms of citizenship. This book serves as a comprehensive overview and resource for migration scholars from the social sciences and the humanities, as well as students and other stakeholders in the fields of migration and human rights.

Archaeology of Spiritualities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 281

Archaeology of Spiritualities

Archaeology of Spiritualties provides a fresh exploration of the interface between archaeology and religion/spirituality. Archaeological approaches to the study of religion have typically and often unconsciously, drawn on western paradigms, especially Judaeo-Christian (mono) theistic frameworks and academic rationalisations. Archaeologists have rarely reflected on how these approaches have framed and constrained their choices of methodologies, research questions, hypotheses, definitions, interpretations and analyses and have neglected an important dimension of religion: the human experience of the numinous - the power, presence or experience of the supernatural. Within the religions of many ...

Rhyme and Rhyming in Verbal Art, Language, and Song
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 289

Rhyme and Rhyming in Verbal Art, Language, and Song

This collection of thirteen chapters answers new questions about rhyme, with views from folklore, ethnopoetics, the history of literature, literary criticism and music criticism, psychology and linguistics. The book examines rhyme as practiced or as understood in English, Old English and Old Norse, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and Karelian, Estonian, Medieval Latin, Arabic, and the Central Australian language Kaytetye. Some authors examine written poetry, including modernist poetry, and others focus on various kinds of sung poetry, including rap, which now has a pioneering role in taking rhyme into new traditions. Some authors consider the relation of rhyme to other types of form, notably alliteration. An introductory chapter discusses approaches to rhyme, and ends with a list of languages whose literatures or song traditions are known to have rhyme.

  • Language: et
  • Pages: 397


Subkultuure võib käsitleda kui ühiskonna eesliini ja katsepolügooni, samuti võib neid näha Lääne massikultuuri ekspansioonina Eestis. Subkultuure võib vaadelda kui hirmutavat ja hälbivat vastuhakku. Aga neid võib käsitleda ka kultuuri avangardi või pärisosana. Vastilmunud raamatu puhul on tegemist sotsioloogilise lähenemisega subkultuuridele nii teoreetiliselt kui ka empiiriliselt. Kogumikus on analüüsitud üsna erinevaid nähtusi – artistide loomingulisest eneseväljendusest ja ühiskonnakriitikast kuni seadusega pahuksis olevate teismeliste vägivalla kontrollimisel põhinevate suhtlusnormideni. Kogumiku üheks eesmärgiks on olnud täita termin „subkultuurid” eesti keeles sisuga ning seepärast on kaasatud erinevad nähtused, mida subkultuuriks nimetada võib. Raamat algab teoreetiliste käsitlustega, aga koosneb lõviosas empiirilistel uurimustel põhinevatest artiklitest, mis räägivad subkultuuriliste stiilide kohanemisest Eestis, subkultuuri ja kultuuri piiridest ning struktuuride mõjust subkultuuridele.

Teacher's Personality and Professionalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 200

Teacher's Personality and Professionalism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010
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  • Publisher: Peter Lang

The papers in this collection analyse the professionalism of teachers in Estonia and neighbouring countries from several perspectives. Data from the OECD TALIS survey have been used to study the transformation of the teaching profession in recent years. As Estonia is bicultural, one paper deals with the transition to Estonian as the language of instruction in Russian-medium schools. Teacher professionalism is related to communication skills and this is also explored. It is generally accepted that teachers' beliefs guide them in their daily work, and so three papers deal with the professional self and self-efficacy beliefs among teachers. In addition, an adaptation of the Teacher Efficacy Scale to the Estonian context is presented. The professional experience of young teachers is analysed and a comparison of the school practicum in teacher training in the Netherlands, Estonia and Finland is explored. Finally, the stress that teachers experience has been studied along with the preferred strategies for coping.