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The Uncook Book by Tanya Maher is the perfect book for anyone who wants to celebrate life through food. Raw food really gives you that opportunity because it gives you so much energy and clarity - but this book is as much about pleasure and enjoying life as it is about health. Offering easy-to-follow, accessible recipes with a modern edge, Tanya draws on her years of experience as a raw food nutritionist and guides you through brilliant basics, fun family favorites and elegant entertaining with living foods. As more and more people begin to appreciate the huge health benefits that a raw food lifestyle offers, Tanya makes it easy to either greatly increase your intake of raw foods or embrace this way of eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner if it feels right for you - while still enjoying a busy social calendar! With beautiful photography, easy-to-source, familiar ingredients, and pull-out information on the benefits they offer your body, these recipes are so tasty that you will want to make them again and again. And if you think you're going to be deprived of anything at all, there's even a section on delicious superfood cocktails!
Change the way you see your food - and your body - forever. If you've ever struggled with diets, food, body image or your weight, then The Goddess Revolution is your new handbook for life. Imagine how much you would fall in love with your life again if you weren't so consumed by negative thoughts about food, your weight and your body? Imagine if you could effortlessly find yourself at your perfect weight, in your perfect body, and feel happier and freer around food than ever before? All women are born Goddesses - but we tell ourselves over and over again that for some reason, we don't deserve to feel good. We berate ourselves in the mirror, refuse to accept compliments and use food as a puni...
If you've ever struggled with diets, food, body image, or your weight, then The Goddess Revolution is your new handbook for life. Imagine how much you would fall in love with your life again if you weren’t so consumed by negative thoughts around food, your weight, and your body? Imagine if you could effortlessly find yourself at your perfect weight, in your perfect body, and feel happier and freer around food than ever before? All women are born Goddesses – but we tell ourselves over and over again that for some reason, we don’t deserve to feel good. We berate ourselves in the mirror, refuse to accept compliments and use food as a punishment/reward system to mask how we are really feel...
'My aim is to make changing the way you eat easy, attainable and non-threatening. I want to take food back to basics: simple, healthy, plant-based recipes, full of unprocessed natural ingredients that taste great. Just remember what you need to help you THRIVE (tasty, healthy recipes that increase vitality effortlessly).' Saskia Be fit and strong not skinny, happy not guilty with 100 healthy recipes for every day, deliciously free from meat, dairy and wheat. Saskia's delicious, easy-to-make recipes will prove to sugar addicts, hardened carnivores and dairy lovers that plant-based eating is delicious, fun and satisfying - as well as really good for you. Recipes are either quick and simple or ...
Menjalin rumah tangga selama 5 tahun, tanpa kehadiran seorang anak, bisa tetap membuat hidup Laisa dan Angkasa bahagia. Namun siapa sangka setelah naik jabatan di perusahaannya, Angkasa malah menduakan Laisa? Menikah tanpa Laisa ketahui, bahkan telah mempunyai anak dari istri keduanya, Inggi. Laisa berusaha mempertahankan keutuhan keluarganya, namun Angkasa memilih pergi. Sayangnya saat Angkasa pergi, Laisa malah hamil. Sanggupkah Laisa bertahan sendirian di tengah kehamilannya tanpa Angkasa? Apakah Angkasa akan mempertahankan Laisa dan anak mereka? Sementara, dulu Angkasa pernah menjalin hubungan rahasia dengan Inggi sebelum menikah dengan Laisa. Sampai mempunyai anak bernama Anggi, yang tak diketahui Angkasa.
Judul : Too Good To Be True (But, it's True) Penulis : Shinta Fury Afrilia Halaman : 239 halaman Ukuran : 14x20 cm Jenis Kertas : Bookpaper Editor : IMFieda Penata Letak : Moufie ISBN : 978-623-306-719-5 Blurb : Zahra Mayzura, seorang gadis berusia 20 tahun yang bermimpi untuk menjadi seorang entertainer terkenal harus mengubur mimpinya dalam-dalam karena sang ibu sangat menentang keinginannya. Oleh karena itu, sang ibu mengirim putri sulungnya itu untuk kembali kuliah setara D1 di Islamic Enterpeneur Academy (IEA), sebuah lembaga pendidikan berasrama yang bersistem mirip-mirip pondok pesantren. Kisah asmara Zahra dengan pelatih dance-nya, Kang Tae Hyeong, yang notabane merupakan idol dari K...
We are living in interesting times! You and so many others are recognising that this world and much of what you have based your life on is no longer making sense, but where do you find the answers? The Girl Next Doors Theory of Everything is not just another self-help book. It is the prerequisite to life. It is packed with profound information that you have probably never been told. It will fill in the blanks of what life is all about, who you really are, why you are here and where you are going next. It provides you with the tools to recover your knowledge and understanding of yourself, your place in the universe, and your purpose and potential. It also explains how we have created, and why...
Menjelang 3 dekade atau tahun ke-30 Slank berkarya di blantika musik Indonesia, Slank mendapat hadiah berupa novel politik (semua umur) karangan Sukardi Rinakit berjudul ‘SLANK 5 HERO DARI ATLANTIS (Peace: Virus Padi dan Sayur)’ dimana kelima personil Slank menjadi tokoh utama dalam novel fiksi tersebut. Novel politik setebal 272 halaman yang diterbitkan oleh ‘Galang Pustaka’ ini mengisahkan tentang 5 orang pemuda yang nggak lain adalah personil Slank yang berpetualang di Negara Atlantis, sebuah negara dengan tata kehidupan yang nggak jauh berbeda dengan keadaan sekarang. Pada awalnya Atlantis dikenal paling makmur di dunia, namun dikarenakan tindak kejahatan mulai dari kekerasan hingga korupsi merajalela, maka negara tersebut semakin kacau ditambah lagi dengan beragam bencana alam yang diramalkan bakal memporakporandakan Atlantis. Buku terbitan GalangPress (Galangpress Group).
Dalam benaknya Aiza sudah merancang masa depan indah bersama lelaki yang menjadi impiannya. Bertahun-tahun ia menanti kedatangannya kembali. Berharap cintanya mendapatkan balasan. Namun, dia lupa, bahwa berharap pada selain-Nya sering berujung kecewa. Rasa sakit pun di alaminya, saat lelaki yang namanya selalu ia langitkan datang bersama calon istrinya. Lalu bagaimana Aiza menghadapinya? Akankah impiannya tetap terwujud?
NAJIHA, nama gadis itu tetapi Burhan menganggapnya Ellina. Malah berkali-kali lelaki itu memanggilnya begitu. Lalu, dia cuba mengelak daripada Burhan tetapi kebetulan-kebetulan selalu menemukan mereka. Pensyarahnya, Wan Azmi juga menyangka dia, Ellina walaupun tahu nama sebenarnya Najiha. Kedua-dua lelaki itu mengaku jatuh kasih kepadanya tetapi Najiha rasakan dia hanyalah pesona bayangan Ellina. Justeru itu, dia memilih Redza yang buta sebagai pasangan hidup walaupun keputusannya amat mengecewakan Zarul yang menantinya sekian waktu. Namun selepas satu tahajud bersama, Redza menghembuskan nafas akhir di pangkuannya. Najiha rebah lagi di kaki takdir. Dia pakai baju Redza, dia tidur beralas pelekat Redza. Air matanya tumpah tiada tersukat. Luluh seluruh hidupnya. Dia rasakan semua itu kerana dosa-dosanya yang lalu.