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A key reading for leaders that outlines how to effectively innovate for the future and boost growth, while running the core business. - Alex Osterwalder, Co-author of Business Model Generation. Winner of the 2018 CMI Management Book of the Year Award for Innovation and Entrepeneurship The Corporate Startup is a practical guide for established companies that aspire to develop and sustain their innovation capabilities. * The world around us is changing rapidly. There is now more pressure on established companies to innovate. * The challenge most companies face is how to develop new products for new markets, while managing their core business at the same time. * The principles and practices out...
"Perusahaan besar harus berinovasi atau mati. Tinggal bagaimana caranya. Perusahaan perlu panduan; sebuah perjalanan yang bisa memulai proses perubahan organisasi mereka menjadi mesin inovasi. The Corporate Startup adalah panduan tersebut. Buku ini berisi metodologi yang sudah terujiseperti penerapan prinsip Lean Startup dan sebagainyauntuk membangun budaya inovasi." - Ben Yoskovitz, salah satu penulis Lean Analytics dan Mitra Pendiri Highland BETA. Teknologi dan perangkat lunak telah mengubah wajah bisnis, dan akan terus menciptakan semakin banyak perubahan yang dramatis. Jika jajaran pemimpin perusahaan sampai tak menyadari betapa perubahan-perubahan ini berdampak pada bisnisnya, merek...
Currently, there is no official method for how to measure innovation in business. This is where Innovation Accounting comes in. This book helps businesses to develop their level of capability and performance within innovation and accounting. This guide provides examples of tools, templates, and frameworks that businesses can utilize to improve their business culture, inspire innovation, and find a way to measure innovation. In a world where numbers, statistics, and analytics are increasingly becoming the most important aspect of everyday business, this book can help to find meaning in innovative practices and measure them. This will allow you to demonstrate to stakeholders how capital is used, and the impact it has on the business. So whether you're managing a lean startup aiming to meet a particularly difficult to meet KPI, or a corporation aiming to replicate the level of success you achieved in your most recent financial quarter, this book will contain something for everyone.
Leadership memang dapat dipelajari, namun banyak mereka yang telah 'membawa' sikap leadership sejak lahir. Tentunya sebuah pelajaran leadership harus terus diasah sehingga bisa memiliki dampak luar biasa bagi perubahan kehidupan kita. "Natural born leader" atau terlahir dengan sikap pemimpin sudah lumrah kita dengar dan sering digunakan untuk menjelaskan sikap dari atasan kita, rekan kerja atau bahkan teman kita. Namun, bagaimana pemimpin yang tidak memiliki natural born leader? Apa saja hal perlu diasah? Dan bagaimana caranya menjadikan leadership sebuah gaya hidup dan kebiasaan dalam beraktivitas? Tentu ada serangkaian proses yang perlu dijalani. Mulai dari penguatan mental, wawasan, hingga hal-hal yang sifatnya teknis praktis. Buku ini berusaha menghadirkan proses itu untuk bisa dijalani bersama.
「5つの原則」で組織を変え、「4つの実践」で現場を変える 既存事業を回しながら新規事業を成長させるフレームワーク 【本書の目的】 ・中~大企業をイノベーション体質に変える ・組織と個人のイノベーション力を両方とも伸ばす ・スタートアップ手法を既存企業に適応させる ・既存事業を活かしながら、事業のバランスを取る ・アイデア発想から持続的なビジネスモデル構築まで導く 【内容紹介】 優れたアイデアを出し、ニーズを裏づけ、 リソースや収益性の確かなビジネスモデルを構築し、 時代に合わせて...
An essential business guide on how to develop an organization's innovation culture and internal entrepreneurs (intrapreneurs) The Intrapreneur’s Journey: Empowering Employees to Drive Growth is an essential guide on effectively creating and implementing a sustainable culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within organizations. The book is based on the insight that established organizations see continuous delivery of innovative products, services and processes when they enable teams of entrepreneurial employees to think and behave like start-ups. Three qualities make this book unique. First, it explores the theory and practice of intrapreneurship and innovation with a particular, but no...
In the era of digitalization, learning is an art crafted with fascination. I, take the sole responsibility of drafting and publishing the contents of the e-magazine that is designed in line with the real-time industry standards. The self-paced e-learning magazine is an opportunity for the learners looking forward to get a broader view of different aspects of SAP and related technologies. The e-magazine has been divided into six modules with each of them covering different areas of the subject. This book has been published in view of audience from various backgrounds with a common goal of learning. At the end is a quiz for a quick reflection of learning. Overall, the e-book has been designed in a relatively simple, yet largely efficient manner welcoming all the learners.
Tipps und Tricks für die ideale Veränderung im Management-Alltag Veränderungsprozesse für ein innovatives Unternehmen – das ist die Aufgabe vom Change Management. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit durch rasante Veränderungen in Technik und Markt, muss man sich diesen anpassen braucht intensivere Anstrengungen. Hierbei sind also die Tools vom Change Management sehr hilfreich für ein agiles Arbeiten und eine bessere interne Unternehmenskommunikation. Zusammen mit Mitarbeitern kann eine kraftvolle Vision entwickelt werden, sodass der Change im Management-Alltag verankert werden kann. Um etwas zu bewegen und zu verändern, ist die Zusammenarbeit und die Kommunikation entscheidend. Mit 85 Geschichten, Modelle und Erlebnisse aus dem Führungsalltag und mehr als 250 Tipps aus der Praxis gelingt das Veränderungsmanagement für Unternehmen und wir mit Cartoons humoristisch untermalt. Für alle, die mit Veränderungen zu tun haben!
CMI-Managementbuch des Jahres 2018 für Innovation und Unternehmertum Dieses Buch hilft Organisationen aller Größen beim Management von Innovationen. Dabei setzt das Playbook illustrierte Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen ein, um die Leser durch die Prozesse zur Schaffung eines Ökosystems zu begleiten, das Innovationen auf allen Ebenen eines Unternehmens fördert. Jury CMI Managementbuch des Jahres Große Unternehmen müssen sich verändern, um zu überleben. Die Frage ist, wie. Sie brauchen eine Anleitung, einen Prozess, mit dem sie ihre Organisation in einen Innovationsmotor verwandeln können. The Corporate Startup ist diese Anleitung. Es stellt eine praxiserprobte Methode vor, mit der ...
One of the world's foremost chess writers provides everything you need to know about chess endgames! Assuming no specialized endgame knowledge, John Nunn presents 100 key endgame concepts, and explains how they are used to win games or save difficult positions. He covers all the main types of endgames and typical thinking methods, and so equips readers with all the skills needed to excel in this vital phase of the game up to good club level and beyond. The endgame is the stage of the game where precision is most important, and where errors are punished most drastically. It is also deceptive: many endgame positions look too simple to require prior knowledge, but yet contain fiendish concealed...