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Los cambios sociales y tecnológicos que se están produciendo en los últimos años, influyen en las relaciones interpersonales, especialmente en las edades más tempranas y en la adolescencia. Como resultado de la presencia actual y predominante de los dispositivos móviles (ya sean teléfonos, tablets o pantallas, entre otros medios digitales) en la sociedad moderna, los docentes y las familias deben comenzar a dialogar sobre el uso adecuado de los mismos, así como de los valores éticos y ciudadanos que se proyectan hacia los niños y jóvenes. Porque la adquisición de dispositivos móviles, en las escuelas y en el hogar, presupone una aceptación tácita de los riesgos que ello puede generar.
En la presente obra se pretenden explorar las prácticas comunicativas y el consumo cultural de adolescentes en las pantallas digitales, esa generación que crece junto a las tecnologías digitales, ordenadores, videojuegos, cámaras digitales o teléfonos móviles con acceso a un mundo inexplorado e interminable de redes sociales y aplicaciones (Fortunati y Magnanelli, 2002; Ling, 2002; Sánchez-Carbonell, Graner y Beranuy, 2007). La multifuncionalidad del móvil y sus atributos, lo hacen singularmente atractivo para jóvenes y adolescentes.
Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities is intended to be a key resource on the biodiversity conservation crisis in the tropics and subtropics for university professors, university students, researchers, practitioners in grassroots local community organizations, technical staff of non-profit conservation and development organizations, wildlife managers and other technicians in the resource extraction industries, government and policy makers. This book provides unique exposure to the experiences of Latin American, Asian and African conservation scientists working on the ground.
This book examines the theory and praxis of the legal concept of subsidiarity and the policy paradigm of multilevel governance, providing an updated overview on how subnational and national authorities engage within the EU institutional framework. Providing a theoretical assessment of real-life case studies, the book reflects on a number of key events from the negotiations of the European Convention to the process that led to the "Brexit" referendum and assesses the key agendas and institutional ethos of most actors involved in EU policymaking. It particularly focusses on the EU engagement of so-called non-privileged actors, such as subnational authorities from the UK, Germany, Austria, Ital...
Walter of Châtillon’s Latin epic on the life of Alexander the Great was a twelfth- and thirteenth-century “best-seller:” scribes produced over two hundred manuscripts. The poem follows Alexander from his first successes in Asia Minor, through his conquest of Persia and India, to his progressive moral degeneration and his poisoning by a disaffected lieutenant. The Alexandreis exemplifies twelfth-century discourses of world domination and the exoticism of the East. But at the same time it calls such dreams of mastery into question, repeatedly undercutting as it does Alexander’s claims to heroism and virtue and by extension, similar claims by the great men of Walter’s own generation. This extraordinarily layered and subtle poem stands as a high-water mark of the medieval tradition of Latin narrative literature. Along with David Townsend’s revised translation, this edition provides a rich selection of historical documents, including other writings by Walter of Châtillon, excerpts from other medieval Latin epics, and contemporary accounts of the foreign and “exotic.”
This publication summarizes the studies carried out at two of the most active volcanoes of Chiapas (Mexico): El Chichón and Tacaná. El Chichón erupted explosively in 1982 killing more than 2000 people being the worst volcanic disaster in Mexico, and Tacaná produced two mild phreatic explosions in 1950 and 1986. Only after these explosions a surge of new studies began to unreveal their volcanic history and impact. This book presents the state of the art advances in topics related to the geologic setting of the two volcanoes, their eruptive history and composition of erupted products, the hydrothermal systems and their manifestations. Volcanic hazards and risks and possible mitigation plans are discussed based on the experience of the catastrophic eruption of El Chichón that occurred in 1982. The book will also include previously unpublished material on the flora and the fauna of the region and archaeological and social aspects of the area that is inhabited by indigenous people.
In this groundbreaking ethnographic study, Patty Kelly examines the lives of the women who work in the Zona Galactica, a state-run brothel in Chiapas's capital city. By delving into lives that would otherwise go unremarked, Kelly documents the modernization of the sex industry during the neoliberal era in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez and illustrates how state-regulated sex became part of a broader effort by government officials to bring modernity to Chiapas, one of Mexico's poorest and most conflicted states. Kelly's innovative approach locates prostitution in a political-economic context by treating it as work. Most valuably, she conveys her analysis through vivid portraits of the lives of the sex workers themselves and shows how the women involved are neither victims nor heroines.
Shared, posted, tweeted, commented upon, and discussed online as well as off-line, internet memes represent a new genre of online communication, and an understanding of their production, dissemination, and implications in the real world enables an improved ability to navigate digital culture. This book explores cases of cultural, economic, and political critique levied by the purposeful production and consumption of internet memes. Often images, animated GIFs, or videos are remixed in such a way to incorporate intertextual references, quite frequently to popular culture, alongside a joke or critique of some aspect of the human experience. Ideology, semiotics, and intertextuality coalesce in the book’s argument that internet memes represent a new form of meaning-making, and the rapidity by which they are produced and spread underscores their importance.