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In 1973, after several years of bitter dispute, the Board of Trustees of the American Psychiatric Association decided to remove homosexuality from its official list of mental diseases. Infuriated by the Board's action, a substantial number of dissident psychiatrists charged the association's leadership with capitulating to the pressures of Gay Liberation groups, and forced the board to submit its decision to a referendum of the full APA membership. Ronald Bayer presents a political analysis of the psychiatric battle involved, from the first confrontations organized by gay demonstrators at psychiatric conventions to the referendum initiated by orthodox psychiatrists. The result is a fascinating view of the individuals who led the debate and the fundamental questions that engaged them: social and cultural values, the definition of disease, and the nature of sexuality. Available for the first time in paperback, the book includes a new afterword by the author.
An up-to-date review of the full range of affirmative treatments and therapies for lesbian and gay clients.
Same-sex marriage emerged in 2004 as one of the hottest issues of the campaign season. But in a severe blow to gay rights advocates, all eleven states that had the issue on the ballot passed amendments banning the practice, and the subject soon dropped off the media’s radar. This pattern of waxing and waning in the public eye has characterized the debate over same-sex marriage since 1996 and the passing of the Defense of Marriage Act. Since then, court rulings and local legislatures have kept the issue alive in the political sphere, and conservatives and gay rights advocates have made the issue a key battlefield in the culture wars. The Politics of Same-Sex Marriage brings together an esteemed list of scholars to explore all facets of this heated issue, including the ideologies and strategies on both sides of the argument, the public’s response, the use of the issue in political campaigns, and how same-sex marriage fits into the broad context of policy cycles and windows of political opportunity. With comprehensive coverage from a variety of different approaches, this volume will be a vital sourcebook for activists, politicians, and scholars alike.
A major text for clinicians and researchers who have an interest in homosexuality and homosexual patients with mental disorders, this book is an up-to-date review as well as a handbook covering the full range of affirmative treatments and therapies for lesbian and gay clients. Expert contributors look at problems caused by stigma and homophobic societal attitudes and discuss methods that can be used to work with gay clients in a positive context. Other issues of particular importance in working with lesbians and gay men are addressed.
Every year the few hundred members of the Committees, Task Forces, and Councils of the American Psychiatric Association meet in Washington, D.C. to conduct their business. They deliberate on a wide variety of issues encompassed in the activities of each group. The psychiatrists constituting this mixed and somewhat elite group include some of the better-known and promising people in the profession, which makes the plenary session and cocktail party good occasions to meet old friends and to make new ones. Several years ago one of us (N.B.L.) attended this gathering as a member of a soon-to-be defunct group, the Committee Liaison with the American College of Physicians, and met Ann Chappell, a ...
The family, that most fundamentalof human groups, is currently perceived to be changing in response to social, biological, cultural and technological developments in our postmodernsociety. While the observed changes in families have been considered by some sociologists to be evidence of adaptation and, therefore, normal, the authors of this volume, consider them maladaptive. Viewing society from the point of view of clinical psychiatry, they point to greatly increased numbers of children born to single mothers, soaring rates of divorce, a statistically confirmed increase in mental disorders, increase in reported incest, high rates of depression in younger people and escalation of the amount ...
Even now, at the end of the twentieth century, many still have difficulty standing up and saying, "I am the parent of a gay child." Something to Tell You recounts the stories of families whose lives have been touched by the discovery that a child is lesbian or gay—how it affects and influences people's perceptions of their children and even changes the self-image of parents themselves. Focusing on fifty average families—not people seen in clinics or therapy—the authors found a consistent pattern of change: first negative, then positive. Sometimes the news led parents and siblings to form stronger bonds with the child, with each other, and with other relatives and friends. In many cases...
If ever a book could be called timely, this is it. Sleep disorders medicine has made rapid advances in recent years. The field has attained growing respectability, with a textbook recently published, a congressionally man dated National Commission on Sleep Disorders Research, and a growing public awareness of the importance of sleep disorders. However, this rapid growth has made the discrepancy among certain components of the field all the more obvious. Thus, we find that patients who complain of insom nia are almost never in the majority of those seen in sleep disorders centers, in spite of the well-known fact that the prevalence of such individ uals in our society is by far the largest. Cu...
Parasocial Romantic Relationships: Falling in Love with Media Figures explores how, why, and to what effect individuals develop romantic feelings toward people they “know” from the media. These imaginary, one-sided relationships, dubbed parasocial romantic relationships, are both profound and pervasive, Riva Tukachinsky Forster argues. These relationships can take many forms, including adolescents who develop celebrity crushes on popular music artist, anime enthusiasts who “marry” their favorite characters, and fanfiction authors who insert themselves into narratives as romantic interests of the protagonist. Through analysis of surveys, in-depth interviews, and historical examples, t...
This multiauthored textbook is directed to the psychiatric resident and other professionals who are interested in the issues, strategies, and methods of psychiatric research. Although the field of psychiatry has not attained the scientific rigor and clinical sophistication of some of its sister disciplines in the medical arena, considerable progress has been made in the last decade or two, and a full understanding of the types of articles that now appear in such publications as the American Journal of Psychiatry, the Archives of General Psychi atry, and the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry requires a fair amount of knowledge about research design and strategy. Whereas articles in psychiatric journals 20 years ago dealt mainly with psycho dynamic topics and utilized nonexperimental observations, today their counter parts are concerned mostly with psychobiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment, and employ scientific experimental designs. The trend of applying scientific methodology to research in psychiatry is increasing and undoubtedly will continue to do so in the future.