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This book presents the ability to bring together a single work of scientific articles from the best minds of the Institute of Environment and Energy of the University of São Paulo to analyze the legal, regulatory, and technical architecture of the natural gas exploration chain in Brazil. The theme is current and relevant, considering that global conflicts are relevant to the energy issue and access to means of energy generation.Also, with the change of the Brazilian regulatory framework for the gas market, to promote its deconcentration and facilitate the entry of new entrants, knowledge of the current rules is of paramount importance for scholars on the subject. The deconcentration of the market will result in increased competitiveness and investment by the private sector in the gas sector, resulting in a reduction in fuel prices. Hope the readers enjoy it!
O ano de 2021 ficou marcado na história da indústria do gás natural brasileira, porquanto após alguns anos de debate no Congresso Nacional, tivemos a promulgação da Lei 14.134, de 8 de abril (Nova Lei do Gás). Nessa Obra, destacamos algumas das principais alterações na sistemática comparativamente ao diploma anterior, tal qual a adoção do regime de autorização ao invés da concessão para a realização do transporte de gás; enquadramento do gasoduto de transporte a partir de sua função; – movimentação ou conexão a fontes de suprimento; garantia de acesso a essential facilities; regras para estimular a comercialização de gás, dentre outras. Desejamos, assim, uma boa leitura e que essa Obra sirva como um ponto inicial para os anos vindouros de elaboração do arcabouço regulatório.
A obra apresenta uma caracterização geral da evolução da indústria petrolífera, dos primórdios até a contemporaneidade. Enfatiza a presença das corporações multinacionais do setor e sua importância na integração regional da América do Sul, elaborando um estudo comparativo sobre a atuação de empresas como as PDVSA, da Venezuela YPF, da Argentina Petrobras, do Brasil e PEMEX, do México, que serviu de inspiração a suas congêneres sul-americanas. Enfoca, também, as novas fronteiras de exploração de petróleo e gás, envolvendo a problemática marítima do offshore e os aspectos da regulação dessas fontes energéticas mostra como a “maldição dos recursos naturais” atinge países detentores de vastas reservas petrolíferas e apresenta as diferentes formas de enfrentamento da doença holandesa e redução da dependência desta renda. Discute, ainda, um trabalho que revela a importância do petróleo no desenvolvimento regional do Brasil e relata experiências internacionais sobre o pagamento de royalties e também o caso brasileiro, apontando corrupção, assistencialismo e clientelismo como práticas comuns na distribuição desta renda.
This volume showcases the presentations and discussions delivered at the 2018 POMS International Conference in Rio. Through a collection of selected papers, it is possible to review the impact and application of operations management for social good, with contributions across a wide range of topics, including: humanitarian operations and crisis management, healthcare operations management, sustainable operations, artificial intelligence and data analytics in operations, product innovation and technology in operations management, marketing and operations management, service operations and servitization, logistics and supply chain management, resilience and risk in operations, defense, and tourism among other emerging Operations Management issues. The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) is one of the most important and influential societies in the subject of Production Engineering and, as an international professional and academic organization, represents the interests of professionals and academics in production management and operations around the world.
Constituye para mí una especial satisfacción y un honor participar en este Tercer Congreso de ASIDE en representación de la Federación Europea de Asociaciones de Derecho de la Energía (EFELA) y de la Asociación Española de Derecho de la Energía (AEDEN), sintiéndome también parte activa y muy comprometida en el esfuerzo de ampliar esta fecunda comunidad de juristas de la energía latinoamericana a España —como parte de la misma realidad y cultura jurídica—, así como a los numerosos países de Europa que se integran en EFELA.
The official word on kayaking basics from the American Canoe Association, the nation's most respected authority on paddling, Essentials of Kayak Touring and Essentials of River Kayaking provide beginning paddlers with everything they need to enjoy a safe kayak outing. Beginning with instructions on how to be safe in the water, including proper use of equipment, preparing for cold, wind, and waves, and learning basic skills such as how to maintain their balance, these texts provide thorough information for those just starting to paddle. Find out how to select a kayak, proper lifting and carrying techniques, and how to launch it into the water. With well-written text and illustrations, learn all the basic strokes and maneuvers and important rescue techniques. Appendices include a glossary of kayaking terms and a list of resource organizations. Paddling safely requires, above all, the exercise of good judgment. And part of developing good judgment is understanding the challenges and hazards inherent in any situation and one's own ability to meet them.
The two-volume set LNAI 13653 and 13654 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, BRACIS 2022, which took place in Campinas, Brazil, in November/December 2022. The 89 papers presented in the proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 225 submissions. The conference deals with theoretical aspects and applications of artificial and computational intelligence.
"This book is based on a dissertation that was generously supported by the International Max Planck Research School on successful dispute resolution in International law, a research school organized by Heidelberg University and the Max Planck Institute for comparative public law and International law in Heidelberg."
This is a compilation of bibliographic (historical and descriptive) information for the minerals first described from Brazil; it includes both valid and invalid, discredited species, unnamed, unidentified, problematic minerals, and so on. This work brings together as much data as possible concerning type mineral species. It will save future researchers a lot of work because it contains data from many publications that are difficult to obtain.