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É com imensa satisfação que o Instituto Brasileiro de Política e Direito do Consumidor – BRASILCON traz aos leitores a obra coletiva 'Direito do consumidor aplicado: garantias do consumo', como resultado das publicações havidas no sítio jurídico CONJUR ( no período compreendido entre dezembro de 2020 a agosto de 2022. O BRASILCON mantém na festejada e distinta estrutura digital a (re)conhecida coluna semanal "garantias do consumo', através da qual infindáveis temas relacionados ao direito do consumidor são desenvolvidos e divulgados contribuindo não apenas com o saber científico dirigido à dogmática consumerista, mas essencialmente com a contextualização cr...
Esta obra tem o desafio de compreender os impactos da pandemia da Covid-19 nas relações contratuais de transporte aéreo à luz da teoria da imprevisão. Busca-se apresentar ao leitor como a aplicação da teoria da imprevisão no período pandêmico, em especial no setor aéreo, se tornou necessária para evitar um colapso econômico no setor, sendo que as leis oriundas desse período geraram uma percepção de desequilíbrio na relação consumerista, o que levou a uma busca de decisões judiciais para contrapor a sensação de perda, e como o diálogo das fontes possibilita o equilíbrio nas relações contratuais, fortalecendo o sistema protetivo do consumidor, alçado como um direito fundamental pela Constituição Federal de 1988.
This book analyzes the main Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) used in science education and the main theoretical approaches that support science education mediated by ICT in order to show how digital technologies can be employed in Inquiry-Based Science Education. It presents the results of a comprehensive review of studies focusing both on the use and effects of digital technologies in science education and on the different theoretical approaches that support the use of ICTs in science teaching.By doing so, the book provides a useful summary of the current research in the field and a strong analysis of its limitations. It concludes that there are few studies that report strat...
"... En esta tierra de gigantes -como la llamó Magallanes- en la cual tenemos la posibilidad de hablar en este momento, nos gustaría repetir también nosotros aquel primer experimento: quisiéramos hacer que el derecho reflexione sobre si mismo y se observe utilizando también los conceptos de naturaleza, de limite y de alteridad. Ellos, en efecto, no son precisamente solamente técnicas de observación del viejo Pigafetta, sino que son los conceptos grabados en la cultura occidental, en la semántica de la auto-descripción de la sociedad moderna, y son también conceptos que el derecho usa para observar la realidad que él mismo produce, en otros términos, para construirse a si mismo co...
Reviews the development of CA systems globally and elaborates on science underlying the key CA system components. Assesses the latest evidence on improving soil and crop health and CA system resilience through the application of the core CA system principles. Includes case studies reviewing current science on optimising CA cropping systems involving cereal, legume, horticultural and tree crops as well as integrating livestock in CA systems.
Originally published in 1983. A broad examination of the ways in which teachers gain and use knowledge about their work is presented in this book. At the time, within curriculum studies, there was a developing greater understanding of the major role that teachers play in the implementation of materials within the classroom - as autonomous agents holding, using and creating knowledge of particular kinds which informs all of their work. This book presents a case study using retrospective interviews with a high school English teacher. Through analysis of this series of interviews, this study describes and outlines the structure of the knowledge she uses and the views she has of her concerns.
Comparative constitutional change has recently emerged as a distinct field in the study of constitutional law. It is the study of the way constitutions change through formal and informal mechanisms, including amendment, replacement, total and partial revision, adaptation, interpretation, disuse and revolution. The shift of focus from constitution-making to constitutional change makes sense, since amendment power is the means used to refurbish constitutions in established democracies, enhance their adaptation capacity and boost their efficacy. Adversely, constitutional change is also the basic apparatus used to orchestrate constitutional backslide as the erosion of liberal democracies and dem...
The mind-blowing true story of Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel beyond their portrayal on Netflix. Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar was a devoted family man and a psychopathic killer; a terrible enemy, yet a wonderful friend. While donating millions to the poor, he bombed and tortured his enemies - some had their eyeballs removed with hot spoons. Through ruthless cunning and America's insatiable appetite for cocaine, he became a multi-billionaire, who lived in a $100-million house with its own zoo. Pablo Escobar: Beyond Narcos demolishes the standard good versus evil telling of his story. The authorities were not hunting Pablo down to stop his cocaine business. They were taking over it. Shaun Attwood's War on Drugs trilogy - Pablo Escobar, American Made, and We Are Being Lied To - is a series of harrowing, action-packed and interlinked true stories that demonstrate the catastrophic consequences of drug prohibition."
Una novela de sueños y descubrimiento donde el misticismo y la sabiduría indígena chocan con el poder y la autoridad de la Iglesia y la Inquisición. Uriel, un aspirante a escritor, está misteriosamente atrapado en el cuerpo de Diego, un novicio franciscano del siglo diecisiete. Uriel cree haber tenido un grave accidente y no sabe si se encuentra en estado catatónico, de ensoñación, o de transición hacia otra vida o dimensión. Diego ha sido acusado de herejía en la Cd. de México y, para expiar sus pecados y evitar ser quemado en la hoguera de la Inquisición, sus superiores lo envían a Nuevo México con la misión de catequizar a los apaches. Allí Uriel/Diego se encuentra y conv...
'The Decay of Lying' sees Oscar Wilde explore his deepest preoccupations about the relationship between life and art, and examine the work of such writers as Shakespeare and Balzac.