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Nico isn’t like most children. At night, when he sleeps, Nico’s dreams come to life, and he enters into a fantastic world of adventure, along with his friend, Góreck. But one night, Nico doesn’t fall asleep, and Góreck is left alone, in the darkness. To find his friend, Góreck must leave the familiar land of dreams, and enter a labyrinth of memories. Traversing a land between dreams and reality, Góreck must find Nico and rescue him, or be lost forever within the Maze. Winner of the Angelo Agostini Award for Best New Release and nominated for four HQ Mix Awards, Dark Horse Books is proud to present, Thiago Souto’s Maze!
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 29th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality, REFSQ 2023, which took place in Barcelona, Spain, during April 17-20, 2023. The 12 full technical design and scientific evaluation papers, 8 short research previews and vision papers, and 5 experience reports presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 78 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Requirements communication and conceptualization; NLP and machine learning for AI; RE for artificial intelligence; crowd RE; and RE in practice.
"Sobre castelos de areia e como sobrevivi ao burnout" é uma história em quadrinhos em formato de zine de Aureliano que fala sobre as conflitantes sensações que o autor vivenciou ao se demitir logo após uma severa crise de burnout. Uma história tocante de 30 páginas, agora em versão digital pela Conrad.
Amarelo Seletivo conta a história de André, um garoto nipo-brasileiro que questiona o preconceito que sofre por sua origem, enquanto busca aprender mais sobre si mesmo e sobre a terra dos seus avós: Okinawa. Uma história em quadrinhos nipo-brasileira, escrita em estilo mangá por Ricardo Tayra e ilustrada por TalessaK, agora em versão digital pela Conrad Editora. História premiada com a categoria Bronze no 16th Japan Internacional Manga Award, premiação japonesa para mangás produzidos fora do Japão.
This volume represents the 20th International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG), 2023. ITNG is an annual event focusing on state of the art technologies pertaining to digital information and communications. The applications of advanced information technology to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security, and health care are the among topics of relevance to ITNG. Visionary ideas, theoretical and experimental results, as well as prototypes, designs, and tools that help the information readily flow to the user are of special interest. Machine Learning, Robotics, High Performance Computing, and Innovative Methods of Computing are examples of related topics. The conference features keynote speakers, a best student award, poster award, service award, a technical open panel, and workshops/exhibits from industry, government and academia. This publication is unique as it captures modern trends in IT with a balance of theoretical and experimental work. Most other work focus either on theoretical or experimental, but not both. Accordingly, we do not know of any competitive literature.
“Enfrentamento à Covid-19: Ações da Pró-Reitoria de Extensão e Cultura da UFPE” é o título de uma série e-books, em quatro volumes, que apresenta relatos de experiências de 40 ações extensionistas, que ajudaram no combate e prevenção da Covid-19 em 2020 e 2021. Os textos abordam desde a produção de insumos e EPIs, como álcool e escudos faciais, até teleatendimentos médicos, divulgação científica e ações assistenciais e anti-fake news. Os trabalhos estão organizados em: 1 - Assessoria Técnica e Fabricação de Produtos; 2 - Telessaúde e Orientação Profissional; 3 - Qualidade de Vida e Assistência Social; e 4 - Comunicação Pública e Divulgação Científica....
Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and is one of the planet's richest places for bird diversity, especially when it comes to the number of endemic species. Brazil's Atlantic Forest region is one of the most dazzling of all. Immediately surrounding São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, this area of Brazil is also a relatively accessible area to birders from around the world. In the Birds of Brazil Field Guides, the Wildlife Conservation Society brings together a top international team to do justice to the incredible diversity of Brazilian birds. This second guide presents 927 bird species, 863 illustrated, that occur in just the southeastern Atlantic Forest biome (Mata Atlântica in Portuguese). Of these species, 140 are endemic and 105 near endemic to just this region; 83 of these are threatened. Modern and compact, this field guide provides illustrations of unparalleled quality, key field marks, and regional range maps to facilitate easy recognition of all species normally occurring in this vibrant and critically important area of Brazil.
Veda consegue ajuda médica e Machi finalmente pensou que poderia descansar um pouco de sua longa viagem, porém, seus supostos salvadores surpreendem a herdeira de Ikhael, que cai sem consciência. Afinal, o que esses desconhecidos querem?! Echoes - Além do Limiar é um quadrinho em estilo mangá de Eliana Oda, são 25 páginas no 24o capítulo, não perca.
This volume presents the 17th International Conference on Information Technology—New Generations (ITNG), and chronicles an annual event on state of the art technologies for digital information and communications. The application of advanced information technology to such domains as astronomy, biology, education, geosciences, security, and healthcare are among the themes explored by the ITNG proceedings. Visionary ideas, theoretical and experimental results, as well as prototypes, designs, and tools that help information flow to end users are of special interest. Specific topics include Machine Learning, Robotics, High Performance Computing, and Innovative Methods of Computing. The conference features keynote speakers; a best student contribution award, poster award, and service award; a technical open panel, and workshops/exhibits from industry, government, and academia.
Com realização conjunta da ADG Brasil – Associação dos Designers Gráficos e da Adegraf – Associação dos Designers Gráficos do Distrito Federal, a 12ª Bienal Brasileira de Design Gráfico apresenta um rico panorama representativo dos diferentes segmentos e linguagens existentes atualmente no design brasileiro: mais de 500 projetos desenvolvidos entre 2015 e 2016, selecionados por um júri composto por renomados profissionais de 23 países e 13 estados brasileiros.