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Today, Europe is a favoured destination for refugees from all over the world. We might have forgotten an earlier exodus during the aftermath of the Second World War in the opposite direction. Jewish survivors of the Holocaust aimed for Palestine, and after 1948, the State of Israel. Protestants from the Netherlands, Switzerland, America and Germany intended to join the Jewish people in their new homeland by building the village Nes Ammim. The Netherlands had been occupied during the war; Switzerland had remained neutral. Germany carried the taints of guilt and defeat, the United States the laurels of the victor. What made them work together? And why did the Americans and the Swiss withdraw i...
This book traces the historical phenomenon of “the Jew as Legitimation.” Contributors discuss how Jews have been used, through time, to validate non-Jewish beliefs. The volume dissects the dilemmas and challenges this pattern has presented to Jews. Throughout history, Jews and Judaism have served to legitimize the beliefs of Gentiles. Jews functioned as Augustine’s witnesses to the truth of Christianity, as Christian Kabbalist’s source for Protestant truths, as an argument for the enlightened claim for tolerance, as the focus of modern Christian Zionist reverence, and as a weapon of contemporary right wing populism against fears of Islamization. This volume challenges understandings of Jewish-Gentile relations, offering a counter-perspective to discourses of antisemitism and philosemitism.
Hebrew Texts in Jewish, Christian and Muslim Surroundings offers a new perspective on Judaism, Christianity and Islam as religions of the book. Their problematic relation seems to indicate that there is more that divides than unites these religions. The present volume will show that there is an intricate web of relations between the texts of these three religious traditions. On many levels readings and interpretations intermingle and influence each other. Studying the multifaceted history of the way Hebrew texts were read and interpreted in so many different contexts may contribute to a better understanding of the complicated relation between Jews, Christians and Muslims. These studies are dedicated to Dineke Houtman honouring her work as professor of Jewish-Christian relations.
Analyzing the previously unexplored religious views of the Nazi elite, Richard Steigmann-Gall argues against the consensus that Nazism as a whole was either unrelated to Christianity or actively opposed to it. He demonstrates that many participants in the Nazi movement believed that the contours of their ideology were based on a Christian understanding of Germany's ills and their cure. A program usually regarded as secular in inspiration - the creation of a racialist 'people's community' embracing antisemitism, antiliberalism and anti-Marxism - was, for these Nazis, conceived in explicitly Christian terms. His examination centers on the concept of 'positive Christianity,' a religion espoused by many members of the party leadership. He also explores the struggle the 'positive Christians' waged with the party's paganists - those who rejected Christianity in toto as foreign and corrupting - and demonstrates that this was not just a conflict over religion, but over the very meaning of Nazi ideology itself.
When conjuring an image of “settlers” in the Holy Land, one hardly envisions vast numbers of European and North American Evangelical Protestants. Yet this is precisely the picture set forth in this book. The region has witnessed settlement, conquest, destruction, and resettlement from time immemorial. But the story of Protestants settling in the Land and staking their own claim, while missionizing among the population, has yet to be told in its fullness. The Protestant Settlers of Israel tells that tale, including a discussion of the present-day whereabouts of some 100,000 Protestant individuals living in the State of Israel, with a steady rate of expansion and growth in some circles.
For the latest thinking about the international financial system, monetary policy, economic development, poverty reduction, and other critical issues, subscribe to Finance & Development (F&D). This lively quarterly magazine brings you in-depth analyses of these and other subjects by the IMF’s own staff as well as by prominent international experts. Articles are written for lay readers who want to enrich their understanding of the workings of the global economy and the policies and activities of the IMF.
Reyer Van Zwaluwenburg was born 24 February 1832 in Oldebroek, Netherlands. He immigrated to America 16 May 1850 with his father Aart Van Zwaluwenburg and step-mother Elizabeth Brozius. Reyer married Sara Kools 4 November 1855 in Kalamazoo, Michigan. They lived in Michigan and were the parents of seven known children. Reyer died 20 September 1913. Descendants lived in Michigan, New York, Illinois, California and elsewhere.
Mit dem Synodalbeschluss zur Erneuerung des Verhältnisses von Christen und Juden der Evangelischen Kirche im Rheinland im Jahr 1980 hat erstmals eine evangelische Landeskirche in Deutschland das christlich-jüdische Verhältnis und den christlich-jüdischen Dialog sowohl ekklesiologisch als auch strukturell im eigenen Selbstverständnis verankert. Seither folgten die meisten Landeskirchen innerhalb der EKD wie auch die EKD selbst diesem Weg. Aus Anlass des 40jährigen Jubiläums des Rheinischen Synodalbeschlusses erscheinen in dem Band Beiträge zur Entwicklung und Bedeutung der jüdisch-christlichen Beziehungen und des Dialogs bis heute. Autoren und Autorinnen tragen Einsichten aus der bib...
Dieser Band versammelt die Beiträge der 10. und 11. Konferenz des Comeniusrats protestantisch-theologischer Fakultäten in Mittel- und Osteuropa und den Niederlanden: "Wege zur Versöhnung zwischen Konfliktparteien" fand 2015 in Komárno, Slowakei, statt, "Theologie in einer Welt der Ideologien: Autorisierung oder Kritik?" 2018 in Kampen, Niederlande. Die Autoren erörtern eine Vielfalt von (inter)disziplinären Fragen, konkreten Aspekten und Implikationen des christlichen Glaubens für die Gegenwart. Zu diesen gehören die Suche nach Wegen zu individueller und gesellschaftlicher Versöhnung auf christlicher Grundlage, die Vermischung von Theologie und Ideologie, wie Kernelemente christlich...
Das Christentum hat in der Antike entscheidende Impulse zum Aufbau einer Lehr-Lern-Kultur aus dem Judentum ubernommen, diese Verbindung zum Judentum jedoch spater weithin aus dem Blick verloren. Vor diesem Hintergrund sucht Bernd Schroder Brucken fur das Gesprach zwischen gegenwartiger christlicher Religionspadagogik und Judentum. In den Blick kommt dabei die Praxis judischen Lernens im heutigen Israel sowie in Deutschland, doch im Mittelpunkt stehen Ansatze deutschsprachiger judischer Religionsdidaktik aus der Zeit vor der Schoah ebenso wie Theorien judischen Lehrens und Lernens aus dem heutigen Israel. Gerahmt werden diese materialen Rekonstruktionen von Uberlegungen zum Stellenwert des christlich-judischen Gesprachs fur Praktische Theologie und Religionspadagogik. Beide konnen nicht vom Judentum handeln, ohne den Diskurs mit ihm zu pflegen.