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The dynamics of economic development and its dependence on global interactions are growing faster than ever before. This makes forecasting the future particularly difficult. Nevertheless, a look at long-term trends offers an opportunity to open the discussion about what reality might await us tomorrow and how we intend to deal with it. From the point of view of the member institutes of the Fraunhofer Group for Innovation Research, this paper presents a selection of trends that will have a significant impact on innovation systems in the period up to 2030. On this basis, theses for innovation in the year 2030 are derived providing the baseline for discussions on the requirements to ensure future competitiveness.
Virtually all areas of life were plunged into crisis when the Covid-19 pandemic struck in 2020. While innovation offers paths out of the crisis, many aspects of innovation are themselves feeling the effects of it. Against this backdrop, the question is how the Covid-19 pandemic will impact the future of innovation. In the following section, we will examine this by reviewing the “Understanding Change, Shaping the Future. Impulses for the Future of Innovation” paper in a pandemic context. Starting with the relevant trends for innovation systems identified in 2018, and the theses developed on this basis, we would once again like to take you forward in time to 2030. From this vantage point we will look back on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on innovation systems and examine the resulting opportunities and risks in more detail. Among the trends considered relevant for innovation systems were the digital transformation, the growing complexity of innovation systems, the continuously expanding stakeholder base, a more frequent use of Open Science approaches, and a trend towards the development of holistic and systemic solutions.
Roadmapping as a method for integrated strategic planning of products, technologies, processes, services, or business models is in the focus of the Roadmapping Field Study. Since the contents and areas of application of roadmaps vary greatly in practice, we set ourselves the goal for the Roadmapping Field Study of finding out how roadmapping is used in the real world. The study was first conducted in 2015. The current study is an online survey with 190 participants. We asked for the organizational areas of application and the content, the organizational integration, the use of information sources, methods, and tools as well as for the challenges and best practices. In addition to the results, differences to the 2015 study as well as correlations are discussed. The results include, for example, that roadmaps are predominantly used for products in strategic planning and rather rarely for production planning.
This book prepares leaders for fundamental change processes of organizations. In times of radical changes and unplanned crises, ambidexterity has become a key competence of global companies. Ambidextrous organizations manage to improve their core business, while at the same time opening up new business fields for the future. To unlock innovation next to the running business, it is essential for leaders to be ambidextrous. How these balanced leaders can operate with two different styles is demonstrated in numerous practical examples and tips for successful implementation. The book illustrates how the trade-off can be turned into an elegant balancing act. Learn how to become an ambidextrous le...
How do companies identify potentially disruptive technologies? How are they evaluated? And how are potentially disruptive technologies developed and implemented in companies? The disruption field study addresses these questions with the aim of providing insights into the actual handling of potentially disruptive technologies by companies.
The World Guide to Special Libraries lists about 35,000 libraries world wide categorized by more than 800 key words - including libraries of departments, institutes, hospitals, schools, companies, administrative bodies, foundations, associations and religious communities. It provides complete details of the libraries and their holdings, and alphabetical indexes of subjects and institutions.
Im Impulspapier »Wandel verstehen, Zukunft gestalten« aus dem Jahr 2018 wurden Thesen für Innovationen im Jahr 2030 dargestellt und darauf basierend Aufgaben für Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft abgeleitet, um auch in Zukunft in Innovationssystemen wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Das Update der Impulse für die Zukunft der Innovation wirft nun einen Blick darauf, wie die Covid-19 Pandemie die 2018 prognostizierten Entwicklungen beeinflusst. Auf dieser Basis werden die Thesen hinterfragt und weiterentwickelt. Darüber hinaus werden Chancen und Risiken der Pandemie für Innovationssysteme diskutiert. Unter den Einflussfaktoren wird beispielsweise die Digitalisierung durch d...
Die Dynamik der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung und deren Abhängigkeit von globalen Wechselwirkungen wachsen heute schneller denn je. Das macht Zukunftsprognosen besonders schwierig.Dennoch bietet der Blick auf langfristig prägende Trends die Chance, eine Diskussion darüberzu eröffnen, welche Realität uns morgen erwarten könnte und wie wir damit umgehen wollen.Dieses Impulspapier stellt aus Sicht der Mitgliedsinstitute des Fraunhofer-Verbunds Innovationsforschung eine Auswahl derjenigen Trends dar, die Innovationssysteme im Zeitraum bis 2030 wesentlich beeinflussen werden. Auf dieser Grundlage werden Thesen für Innovation im Jahr 2030 abgeleitet und beschrieben, welche Aufgaben sich daraus für Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft ergeben.
L’accélération sans précédent de la dynamique du développement économique et de sa dépendance par rapport aux interactions mondiales rend les prédictions particulièrement difficiles. Néanmoins, l’analyse des tendances à long terme permet d’ouvrir une discussion sur les réalités qui pourraient nous attendre compte tenu des tendances à long terme, il convient d’ouvrir le débat sur les réalités de demain et sur la manière dont nous voulons les gérer. Les instituts du Fraunhofer-Verbund Innovationsforschung souhaitent présenter dans ce document de réflexion une sélection des principales tendances susceptibles d’influencer significativement les systèmes d’innovation d’ici à 2030. Sur la base de ces tendances, ce document tire des enseignements des thèses sur l’innovation d’ici à 2030 et décrit la nature des tâches qui en résulteront pour le monde économique, politique, scientifique et social.