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Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1092

Digital Healthcare Empowering Europeans

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-05-08
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  • Publisher: IOS Press

The digitization of healthcare has become almost ubiquitous in recent years, spreading from healthcare organizations into the homes and personal appliances of practically every citizen. Thanks to the collective efforts of health professionals, patients and care providers as well as systems developers and researchers, the entire population of Europe is able to participate in and enjoy the benefits of digitized health information. This book presents the proceedings of the 26th Medical Informatics in Europe Conference (MIE2015), held in Madrid, Spain, in May 2015. The conference brings together participants who share their latest achievements in biomedical and health Informatics, including the ...

Rare Tumors In Children and Adolescents
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 522

Rare Tumors In Children and Adolescents

This is the first book to be devoted exclusively to rare tumors in children and adolescents, and its aim is to provide up-to-date information on their diagnosis and clinical management. The opening section addresses general issues including epidemiology, risk factors/etiology, biology and genetics, early detection, and screening. It also discusses solutions to assist in the management of rare tumors, such as international networking and internet platforms. In the second section, specific malignancies are described, with practical guidance on diagnostic workup, multimodal therapy, follow-up, and adverse effects. Discussion of differential diagnosis encompasses both frequent and rare tumor types, which should enable the clinician to take rare entities into account during the diagnostic assessment. Each chapter goes on to provide detailed therapeutic guidelines for specific rare tumors. The authors are a multidisciplinary group of specialists who have dedicated themselves to this group of tumors.

The Invisible Hand of Cancer
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 150

The Invisible Hand of Cancer

Oncology is a field characterized as “medicine of high complexity” and cancer is generally regarded as a complex system. Therefore, it cannot be classified and treated according only to its biology. Even though research on the biology of cancer has increased and more studies have been published, the related sociological, political and economic dimensions, as well as mathematical models that predict whether this condition will take one course or another, have often been neglected. The Invisible Hand of Cancer—The Complex Force of Socioeconomic Factors in Oncology Today unfolds the variables behind the biological disease, exploring the social aspects and presenting cancer as a model insi...

Collaboration and Technology
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 375

Collaboration and Technology

th This volume constitutes the proceedings of the 16 Collaboration Researchers' International Working Group (CRIWG 2010) Conference on Collaboration and Technology. TheconferencewasheldinMaastricht,The Netherlands. The pre- ous ten CRIWG conferences wereorganizedin Madeira, Portugal(2000),Da- stadt, Germany (2001), La Serena, Chile (2002), Autrans, France (2003), San Carlos,CostaRica (2004),PortodeGalinhas,Brazil(2005),Medina delCampo, Spain (2006)Bariloche,Argentina (2007),Omaha NE, USA (2008),and Pesoda R´ egua, Douro, Portugal (2009). CRIWG conferences follow a simple recipe for success: good papers, a relatively small number of attendees, extensive time for lively and constructive discu...

Assessing Health-related Quality of Life of Children
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 252

Assessing Health-related Quality of Life of Children

Assessing health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of Children has been a popular topic in recent years worldwide. However, there are several issues/gaps in this research area which need to be addressed. For instance, previous studies on HRQOL of Children populations have normally used HRQOL instruments designed for adults. These measurements may not be suitable for children as they are in a series of cognitive developmental stages and have different perspectives towards the relative importance of HRQOL dimensions. In order to tackle this issue and to accurately measure children’s HRQOL, a set of dedicated HRQOL instruments should be first developed and validated. The validated instruments could then be applied to the population measuring their HRQOL. In addition, the HRQOL information collected could be translated into health utility score if it is measured by utility instruments (e.g., EQ-5D-Y) for the population. Moreover, the relevant studies on these issues is still lacking especially in non-western countries.

Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Evidence-based Public Health Measures Fostering Child and Adolescent Mental Health
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 185

Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Evidence-based Public Health Measures Fostering Child and Adolescent Mental Health

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a major impact on infants, children, and adolescents. While the clinical course of SARS-Cov2 is generally mild in young subjects, significant challenges in this age group have been identified regarding mental health. These challenges were associated with social distancing and public health measures employed to limit infection rates. Different countries chose to adopt different public health strategies concerning the extent of social isolation of children, for example, whether and how long schools were closed. Pandemic isolation as a natural experiment allows for assessing the consequences for the psychosocial development and mental health of the next generation....

DHealth 2022
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 298

DHealth 2022

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-06-17
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  • Publisher: IOS Press

Digital technology is now an indispensible part of modern healthcare, and this reliance is only likely to increase, with the healthcare of the future set to become ever more data-driven, decision-supporting, deep, and simply more digital. This book presents the proceedings of the 16th annual conference on Health Informatics Meets Digital Health (dHealth 2022), held on 24 and 25 May 2022 in Vienna, Austria. In keeping with its interdisciplinary mission, the conference series provides a platform for researchers and decision makers, health professionals and healthcare providers, as well as government and industry representatives, to discuss innovative digital health solutions to improve the qua...

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 748

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2002
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Pädiatrische Endokrinologie und Diabetologie
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 598

Pädiatrische Endokrinologie und Diabetologie

Das Standardwerk für die dreijährige Zusatzweiterbildung Kinder-Endokrinologie und –Diabetologie vereint zwei Subdisziplinen der Pädiatrie. Der Bogen spannt sich von den physiologischen Grundlagen bis hin zum speziellen Wissen über bestimmte Krankheitsentitäten und Untersuchungstechniken. Zudem werden Referenzwerttabellen für unterschiedliche Mess- und Laborwerte bereitgestellt.

Psychische Erkrankungen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 1305

Psychische Erkrankungen

Fundiertes Lehrbuch und praxisbezogenes Nachschlagewerk – das ist der "Berger". Klar strukturiert und gut verständlich: Sie erfahren alles über die Grundlagen der Diagnostik und Therapie und die gesamte Krankheitslehre. Das alles in übersichtlicher, einheitlicher Kapitelstruktur, die es Ihnen leicht macht, Zusammenhänge zu verstehen und schnell das für Sie Relevante zu finden. Neu in der 7. Auflage: - Neue Gliederung in Anlehnung an ICD-11 - Neue Kapitel: u.a. Genderinkongruenz, Lernentwicklungsstörung, Katatonie, anhaltende Trauerstörung, Störungen durch Verhaltenssüchte (pathologisches Glücksspiel, pathologisches Spielen, ...) - Berücksichtigung der Transition: Verlaufsprognose und Bedeutung für das Erwachsenenalter - Noch mehr Videos - Alle Inhalte komplett überarbeitet und aktualisiert QR-Codes im Buch führen zu vielen ergänzenden Videos und Podcasts. Das Buch eignet sich für: - Weiterbildungsassistent*innen und Fachärzte Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie - Psychologische Psychotherapeut*innen