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This book aims to enhance understanding of school choice as a supra-national travelling policy, explored in two strikingly different societies: Latin American Chile and North European Finland. Chile was among the first countries to implement school choice as a policy, which it did comprehensively in the early 1980s through the creation of a market environment. Finland introduced parental choice of a school on a very moderate scale and without the market elements in the mid-1990s. Predominant aspects of Chilean basic schooling include provision by for-profit and non-profit private and municipal organisations, voucher system, parental co-payment and ranking lists. Finland persists in keeping e...
Tiivistelmä: Lasten metakognition kehittyminen ensimmäisten kouluvuosien aikana.
Lapsi ei halua eroon vanhemmistaan pitkiksi päiviksi isoihin ryhmiin, joissa hän joutuu kalastamaan huomiota vierailta tai vaihtuvilta aikuisilta. Tällaiset erot voivat vahingoittaa lasta tavalla, jolla on monenlaisia vaikutuksia pitkälle aikuiselämään. Kirjassa tarkastellaan hyvän hoivan laatuvaatimuksia lapsen näkökulmasta riippumatta siitä, hoidetaanko lasta kotona vai päivähoidossa. Etenkin kolmen ensimmäisen vuoden ajan lapsi tarvitsee syntymästä saakka häntä hoivannutta henkilöä. Myös tämän jälkeen kanssakäyminen emotionaalisesti merkityksellisten aikuisten kanssa vaikuttaa lapsen kiintymysmallin kehittymiseen. Se toimii ihmissuhteiden perustana ja vaikuttaa si...
Students' difficulties in producing texts that meet the requirements of academic writing are a recurring concern for teaching staff and those responsible for university courses. Various initiatives are currently being taken, mainly at undergraduate level, to help students improve the quality of their writing. Research into metacognitive processes and the self-regulation of learning can be used to support the design of these writing support systems, particularly by providing a better understanding of the students' difficulties. This book reviews the concepts of metacognition and self-regulation in relation to writing processes. It analyses the metacognitive components involved in text production, their links with successful writing and their individual and contextual determinants. It completes this analysis by drawing on the teaching and assessment of writing in higher education. All of these elements are articulated around a multifactorial modeling of the learning and teaching of academic writing.
Les difficultés des étudiants à rédiger des textes conformes aux exigences de l’écriture académique sont une préoccupation récurrente des équipes pédagogiques et des responsables des formations universitaires. Des initiatives diverses se déploient, principalement en licence, pour aider les étudiants à améliorer la qualité de leurs écrits. Les recherches sur les processus métacognitifs et d’autorégulation de l’apprentissage peuvent servir d’appui à la conception de ces dispositifs de soutien à l’écriture, notamment en permettant une meilleure compréhension des difficultés des étudiants. Cet ouvrage fait le point sur les concepts de métacognition et d’autor...
Six authors in teacher education from the University of Helsinki asks readers to consider teachers from various points of view: their mindset, moral dilemmas, approach to rules, recipes for good teaching, and views of supervision. Posing the question as to how the quality of teaching can be improved, the authors answer, "A reflective teacher is one who uses the principles of research in his/her thinking in making decisions...." Most of the authors' conclusion are based upon research data from questionnaires, conferences, and interviews, primarily with Finns. No subject index. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR