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"Deflateables concentrates on the very limited knowledge of vacuum constructions and develops a range of aesthetic, technical and functional design possibilities."--Back cover.
Challenges the market and creates discussions on the basis of concrete material. This book also focuses on non technological topics. It discusses items such as issues of strategy and the analysis of customer desires and demands.
Die Fassade ist die Schnittstelle des Gebäudes mit seiner Umwelt. Dort treffen bauphysikalische Parameter wie Wärme, Feuchte, Schall und Licht auf das Haus und wirken auf es ein. Alle diese Einflüsse bedürfen der Regulierung durch die Gebäudehülle, um Behaglichkeit für den Nutzer und Funktionstüchtigkeit der Architektur zu gewährleisten. Diese Einführung erläutert die wichtigsten Phänomene, um dann den Bezug zur Baupraxis herzustellen: Welche Materialien reagieren in welcher Weise auf diese Faktoren? Wie gehen Fassadensystemen mit Wärme, Feuchte, Schall und Licht um? Das praxisorientierte Buch, entstanden aus der Zusammenarbeit eines Architekten und eines Bauingenieurs, beschreibt die wichtigsten Fassadenmaterialien und -konstruktionen im Hinblick auf ihre bauphysikalische Performance.
This books comprises various themes around imaginary facades and building envelopes. Aspects such as function integration, networking of elements, new structures and materials, as well as the addition of functions to existing structures are investigated in around 85 examples.
Jedes Gebäude besteht aus Teilen, die vielfältig organisiert werden können. Wände etwa lassen sich auf unterschiedliche Weise anordnen, um ihre Hauptfunktionen – Tragen, Trennen und Schützen – optimal wahrzunehmen. Das Buch stellt die gängigen Tragsysteme wie Scheiben-, Massiv- oder Skelettbauweise vor und zeigt deren Auswirkung auf das Gesamtgefüge. Es erklärt, wie Räume vertikal oder horizontal verbunden und zu einem Ganzen zusammengesetzt werden können. Die einzelnen Elemente wie Geschossdecken, Dächer, Öffnungen oder Fundamente werden in ihren Funktionen und mit ihren Verbindungsmöglichkeiten dargestellt. Das Buch zeigt hinter der Fülle der möglichen Details die Prinzipien der Detaillierung. Zahlreiche, eigens angefertigte Zeichnungen erklären die Prinzipien der Bauteile und verdeutlichen diese dann an realisierten Projekten.
This book provides readers with a timely guide to the application of biomimetic principles in architecture and engineering design, and describes various aspects of motion in living systems. Geometric, mechanical and rhythmic parameters are listed and illustrated using examples from flora and fauna, and contextualized within an integrated mapping of biomechanical combinations that have proved their success in the course of evolution. For designers, the schemes identify those aspects that have a high probability of being efficiently combined, paving the way for new solutions and offering a method of evolutionary problem solving. The book guides readers through the field of nature-inspired design, offering an extraordinary resource for professional architects, engineers and designers, as well as for researchers and students. Throughout the book, natural evolution is approached as a powerful resource that can enrich architecture and design by providing innovative, optimal and sustainable solutions.
"International Facades - CROFT" links the fields of architecture, building services and building physics. It aims at an international diversity in façade design to reduce energy consumption in building design. Current architectural planning practices, such as the International Style, perceive the climate often as a problem, rather than an opportunity to work with it. This doctoral thesis presents a “Facade Expert Tool” (FET) that analyses the climate and the combination of the façade and building services. The goal of FET is to easily analyse the climate of a particular location and to then limit the possible combination of façade and building services components to a practical level. Through FET Marcel Bilow has developed “Climate Responsive Optimised Facade Technologies” (CROFT). CROFT demonstrates the potential for sustainable building operation through the use new technologies that respond to the requirements posed on façades in climate zones as divers as those found in Moscow, Singapore, Berlin and Dubai.
This book shows the potential of Additive Manufacturing (AM) for the development of building envelopes: AM will change the way of designing facades, how we engineer and produce them. To achieve today’s demands from those future envelopes, we have to find new solutions. The term ‘AM Envelope’ (Additive Manufacturing Envelope) describes the transfer of this technology to the building envelope. Additive Fabrication is a building block that aids in developing the building envelope from a mere space enclosure to a dynamic building envelope. AM offers the opportunity to manufacture facades ‘just in time’. It is no longer necessary to store or produce large numbers of parts in advance. In...
This book brings together the papers presented at the Smart and Sustainable Built Environments Conference, 2018 (SASBE).This latest research falls into two tracks: smart and sustainable design and planning cities; and the technicalities of smart and sustainable buildings. The growth of smart cities is evident, but not always linked to sustainability. This book gives an overview of the latest academic developments in increasing the smartness and sustainability of our cities and buildings. Aspects such as inclusivity, smart cities, place and space, the resilient city, urbanity and urban ecology are prominently featured in the design and planning part of the book; while energy, educational buildings, comfort, building design, construction and performance form the sub-themes of the technical part of the book. This book will appeal to urban designers, architects, urban planners, smart city designers and sustainable building experts.