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The contributions in this volume were presented at a NATO Advanced Study Institute held in Erice, Italy, 4-19 July 2013. Many aspects of important research into nanophotonics, plasmonics, semiconductor materials and devices, instrumentation for bio sensing to name just a few, are covered in depth in this volume. The growing connection between optics and electronics, due to the increasing important role plaid by semiconductor materials and devices, find their expression in the term photonics, which also reflects the importance of the photon aspect of light in the description of the performance of several optical systems. Nano-structures have unique capabilities that allow the enhanced perform...
The structures of many natural products are given in standard textbooks on organic chemistry as 'established facts'. Yet for those natural products whose structures were determined between 1860 and 1960 by classical chemical methods, the lines of evidence are frequently buried under any number of investigations that led to dead ends and to revised structure assignments. Since very little is known about the structure clarification of these products at present, this volume serves to shed light once again on the achievements of previous generations of chemists, who worked with minimal experimental tools. The selection of the 25 representative examples is subjective and arbitrary, dictated by th...
Be it eyeglasses or telescopes, camera or movie lenses, microscopes or microsurgical instruments, the ZEISS brand stands for technology that pushes the limits of what is possible. Relatively little is known about the company’s founder Carl Zeiss (1816 – 1888). Who was the man who set about revolutionizing optical device construction from his workshop in the small town of Jena ? Was the company established on solid entrepreneurial foundations, or was Carl Zeiss surprised, and ultimately overwhelmed, by his own success? The historian Stephan Paetrow and the Head of the ZEISS Archives, Wolfgang Wimmer, have embarked on a journey to discover the life and work of a man who was a husband, a technician and an entrepreneur: this is the story of Carl Zeiss. This biography also takes a look at how topical the Zeiss legacy is by talking to a family member, company representatives and an extraordinary scientist of the modern era.
To create photonic multi-chip modules, integrated photonic chips need to be connected internally and to external glass fibers. A novel approach to address this task is the concept of photonic wire bonding, where free-standing polymer waveguides are printed in-situ by two-photon polymerization. This book contains a detailed description of the methodology of photonic wire bonding together with a number of key experiments.
Self-coherent receivers are promising candidates for reception of 100 Gbit/s data rates in optical networks. Self-coherent receivers consist of multiple optical delay interferometers (DI) with high-speed photodiodes attached to the outputs. By DSP of the photo currents it becomes possible to receive coherently modulated optical signals. Especially promising for 100 Gbit/s networks is the PolMUX DQPSK format, the self-coherent reception of which is described in detail.
This work presents the application of organic semiconductor distributed feedback laser as free-space excitation source in Raman spectroscopy. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering effect is exploited to improve the detection sensitivity. The SERS conditionis achiedved by using substrates consisting of gold-coated polymeric nanopillar arrays. The organic-laser-excited SERS measurements are applied to verify the concentration variation of biomolecule adenosine in aqueous solutions.
Intended as a text for upper-division undergraduates, graduate students and as a potential reference, this broad-scoped resource is extensive in its educational appeal by providing a new concept-based organization with end-of-chapter literature references, self-quizzes, and illustration interpretation. The concept-based, pedagogical approach, in contrast to the classic discipline-based approach, was specifically chosen to make the teaching and learning of plant anatomy more accessible for students. In addition, for instructors whose backgrounds may not primarily be plant anatomy, the features noted above are designed to provide sufficient reference material for organization and class present...
Polycystine radiolaria are exclusively marine protists and are found in all ocean waters, from polar regions to the tropics, and at all water depths. There are approximately 600 distinct described living species and several thousand fossil species of polycystines. Radiolarians in general, and polycystines in particular, have recently been shown to be a major component of the living plankton and important to the oceanic carbon cycle. As fossils radiolarians are also fairly common, and often occur in sediments where other types of fossils are absent. This has made them very valuable for certain types of geologic research, particularly estimating the geologic age of the sediments containing the...
Major challenges in nanoparticle and nanocomposite development are the control of particle size and shape, and to achieve uniform particle dispersion. In this book, the application of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for nanocomposite and nanoparticle characterization is investigated. Industrial requirements are robustness, small system cost and size, and an open path towards parallelization. We design and investigate silicon photonic integrated OCT systems that comply with these requirements.
Ein einzigartiger Blick in eine umfangreiche Privatsammlung historischer Mikroskope aus dem 17. bis 19. Jh., deren Anziehungskraft sich nicht nur dem Eingeweihten erschließt. Vom Flohglas bis zum hochentwickelten Forschungsinstrument, vom Taschenmikroskop bis zum Seefernrohr: durch das geniale Zusammenspiel von technischem Wissen und hoher handwerklicher Kunstfertigkeit vereinen die vorgestellten 35 optischen Geräte Komplexität und Anmut. Wertvolle Materialien wie vergoldetes und graviertes Messing, Elfenbein, Eben- und Palisanderholz, Reptilien- haut und Leder zeugen vom hohen repräsentativen Stellenwert mancher Exponate; unter den Herstellern finden sich die weltweit berühmtesten, wie z.B. Joseph v. Fraunhofer und Vincent Chevalier.