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Tjeerd Dijkstra (1931) speelde een belangrijke rol in de Nederlandse architectuur en cultuur tijdens de tweede helft van de twintigste eeuw en het begin van deze eeuw. Zijn architectonische productie is zelfbewust en doordacht. Zijn invloed reikt echter veel verder. Hij schreef over architectonische kwaliteit en het beoordelen daarvan. Als hoogleraar aan de TU Delft voerde hij belangrijke onderwijsvernieuwingen door. Hij was lange tijd Rijksbouwmeester, maar ook als supervisor betrokken bij een aantal belangrijke projecten op het gebied van architectuur en stedenbouw, onder andere bij de nieuwbouw voor de Leidse Universiteit en de ontwikkeling van de Amsterdamse IJ-oevers. Als bestuurder van de Groene Amsterdammer wist hij dit vrijzinnige opinieweekblad door roerige tijden heen te leiden.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics, PRIB 2010, held in Nijmegen, The Netherlands, in September 2010. The 38 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 46 submissions. The field of bioinformatics has two main objectives: the creation and maintenance of biological databases and the analysis of life sciences data in order to unravel the mysteries of biological function. Computer science methods such as pattern recognition, machine learning, and data mining have a great deal to offer the field of bioinformatics.
Improvements in task performance following practice can occur as a result of changes in distinct cognitive and neural processes. In some cases, we can improve our performance by selecting a more successful behavior that is already part of our available repertoire. Skill learning, on the other hand, refers to a slower process that results in improving the ability to perform a behavior, i.e., it involves the acquisition of a behavior that was not available to the controller before training. Skill learning can take place both in the sensory and in the motor domains. Sensory skill acquisition in perceptual learning tasks is measured by improvements in sensory acuity through practice-induced chan...
As one of the many by-products of Moore’s Law, personal computers have, in recent decades, become powerful enough to record real-time eye movements with video-based eye trackers. The decrease in the prices of eye tracking systems (ETSs) has been accelerating since the 1990s, and their use in a variety of scientific domains expanding. ETSs and related applications have shown a lot of promise in recent years, and their widespread and ever-increasing use in mainstream/personal equipment for daily life has transformed them from a novelty into a relatively common tool. This book showcases the state of the art in current eye tracking research by bringing together work from a wide range of applic...
Annotation. This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the joint conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: ECML PKDD 2010, held in Barcelona, Spain, in September 2010. The 120 revised full papers presented in three volumes, together with 12 demos (out of 24 submitted demos), were carefully reviewed and selected from 658 paper submissions. In addition, 7 ML and 7 DM papers were distinguished by the program chairs on the basis of their exceptional scientific quality and high impact on the field. The conference intends to provide an international forum for the discussion of the latest high quality research results in all areas related to machine learning and knowledge discovery in databases. A topic widely explored from both ML and DM perspectives was graphs, with motivations ranging from molecular chemistry to social networks.
This state-of-the-art survey is dedicated to the memory of Emmanuil Markovich Braverman (1931-1977), a pioneer in developing machine learning theory. The 12 revised full papers and 4 short papers included in this volume were presented at the conference "Braverman Readings in Machine Learning: Key Ideas from Inception to Current State" held in Boston, MA, USA, in April 2017, commemorating the 40th anniversary of Emmanuil Braverman's decease. The papers present an overview of some of Braverman's ideas and approaches. The collection is divided in three parts. The first part bridges the past and the present and covers the concept of kernel function and its application to signal and image analysis as well as clustering. The second part presents a set of extensions of Braverman's work to issues of current interest both in theory and applications of machine learning. The third part includes short essays by a friend, a student, and a colleague.
Monografie van de Nederlandse architect (1947), ontwerper van o.a. het amusementspaleis in Zandvoort.
Geschiedenis van de Academie van Bouwkunst in Amsterdam. Begonnen in 1908 als een 'winteravondcursus' heeft de Academie zich in een eeuw tijd ontwikkeld tot de multidisciplinaire masteropleiding van vandaag, die jaarlijks vele tientallen studenten voorbereidt op een loopbaan als architect, stedenbouwkundige of landschapsontwerper. Roemrijke episoden komen aan bod, zoals de verbondenheid in de jaren vijftig en zestig met de wereldberoemde Forum-beweging en het baanbrekende werk van Academiestudenten voor de stadsvernieuwing in de jaren zeventig. Aandacht wordt geschonken aan de verhouding tot het Nieuwe Bouwen in de jaren twintig en dertig, de identiteit van de opleiding in de vroege wederopbouwjaren en de omvang en de gevolgen van de studentenrevolte aan het eind van de jaren zestig. De ontwikkeling van het leerplan komt ter sprake en er worden verbanden gelegd met de vorming van het architectenberoep, de ruimtelijke ontwikkeling van Amsterdam en de veranderende bouwopgave.