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The Cambridge Companion to Ian McEwan
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 233

The Cambridge Companion to Ian McEwan

Provides a thorough overview of Ian McEwan's fiction, articulating his place in the canon of contemporary fiction.

Python beyond Python
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 247

Python beyond Python

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-07-14
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  • Publisher: Springer

This collection of original, interdisciplinary essays addresses the work of Monty Python members beyond the comedy show, films, and live performances. These men are prolific creators in a variety of artistic realms beyond the confines of the comedy troupe. Their work as individuals, before and after coming together as Monty Python, demonstrates a restless curiosity about culture that embraces absurdity but seldom becomes cynical. Python members collectively and individually create unique approaches to theatre, film, video games, comic books, business training videos and more. Python Beyond Python increases our understanding of this often neglected work and the meanings of Monty Python.

Theory That Matters
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 339

Theory That Matters

“Covering an impressive scope of subjects in literary and cultural theory, from Freud, Heidegger and Barthes to Fish, Rorty and Bhabha, Theory That Matters offers a welcome up-to-date assessment of the state of the discipline. Such a recapitulation serves as a point of departure for the examinations of the new practices across the arts and media and of the innovative interpretative tools suggested by these practices. The contributors take their examples from an amazing variety of contexts and thus prove that the very dynamics of theory is a fascinating phenomenon. Succeeding several recent anthologies that have cast doubt on the aims of theory, the present volume launches its defence and, at the same time, demonstrates that this is not to be achieved at the expense of praxis. The book clearly shows that theory owes its currency to its multiple functions, among others, as a procedure of interpretation, a vehicle for philosophical reflection, and a formulation of an ideological stance.” – Marek Paryz, Associate Professor, Institute of English Studies, University of Warsaw; Editor of the Polish Journal for American Studies

Kobieta, sztuka i kolonizacja. Wizerunki kobiet w strefie kontaktu indyjsko-brytyjskiego
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 102

Kobieta, sztuka i kolonizacja. Wizerunki kobiet w strefie kontaktu indyjsko-brytyjskiego

Książka dr Doroty Kamińskiej-Jones pomyślana została jako analiza wizerunków kobiet stworzonych w złożonej przestrzeni kontaktu indyjsko-brytyjskiego, jaki zachodził od początków wieku XVII do połowy XX w., ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem prac pochodzących z drugiej połowy XVIII w. i wieku XIX. […] Autorka łączy w rozprawie warsztat historyka sztuki z metodologiami stosowanymi w szeroko pojmowanych badaniach kulturowych, w tym przede wszystkim odwołując się do dyskursu postkolonialnego i feministyczno-genderowego. Prezentowane analizy zostały starannie osadzone we właściwym im kontekście historycznym i społeczno-kulturowym, dając wyraz pogłębionemu r...

Collecting the Revolution
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 217

Collecting the Revolution

In the late 1960s, student protests broke out throughout much of the world, and while Britain’s anti-Vietnam protestors and China’s Red Guards were clearly radically different, these movements at times shared inspirations, aspirations, and aesthetics. Within Western popular media, Mao’s China was portrayed as a danger to world peace, but at the same time, for some on the counter-cultural left, the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) contained ideas worthy of exploration. Moreover, because of Britain’s continued colonial possession of Hong Kong, Britain had a specific interest in ongoing events in China, and information was highly sought after. Thus, the objects that China exported—pr...

Banned Emotions
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 201

Banned Emotions

Who benefits and who loses when emotions are described in particular ways? How do metaphors such as "hold on" and "let go" affect people's emotional experiences? Banned Emotions, written by neuroscientist-turned-literary scholar Laura Otis, draws on the latest research in neuroscience and psychology to challenge popular attempts to suppress certain emotions. This interdisciplinary book breaks taboos by exploring emotions in which people are said to "indulge": self-pity, prolonged crying, chronic anger, grudge-bearing, bitterness, and spite. By focusing on metaphors for these emotions in classic novels, self-help books, and popular films, Banned Emotions exposes their cultural and religious r...

In the Mirror of the Past
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 113

In the Mirror of the Past

These days, we are ever more often confronted by overwhelming events. Searching for a way to understand them, we turn to mythic archetypes still present in our culture. The authors of these essays pose questions about the reliability of the archetypes found in tradition, history, and scattered mythologemes. The essays in this collection deal with the presence of mythic time in modern speculative fiction, such as fantasy and alternate histories, and discuss major mythologemes and their functions in popular literature and extra-literary reality. The authors show how mythopoeic fiction becomes a (genetically) modified mythic mirror in which we hope to see answers to vexing questions, or just a reality superior to the ordinary one. In the Mirror of the Past: Of Fantasy and History is a collection of seven essays by American and Polish authors, including Brian Attebery, Terri Doughty, and Marek Oziewicz, with Mircea Eliade’s concept of “return from history to History” as their underlying theme.

The World of E. M. Forster – E. M. Forster and the World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 169

The World of E. M. Forster – E. M. Forster and the World

  • Categories: Art

Half a century after his demise, and over a century after the publication of his first novel Where Angels Fear to Tread in 1905, E. M. Forster still remains within the scope of interest of readers and critics. His life and his works continue to stir emotions and raise questions concerning humanity, nationality, and world culture(s). However, the opinions vary as to the continuation of the interest in the writer and his works. Some see him and his novels as old-fashioned, while others, like Zadie Smith, find Forster inspiring and the ‘muddled’ protagonists of his books fascinating. Is the interest in this writer to continue, or is it doomed to gradual oblivion? What is there in his life a...

Czas przeszły zatrzymany
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 189

Czas przeszły zatrzymany

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015
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  • Publisher: CAMPIDOGLIO

Pewnym człowiekiem owładnęła idea, by stworzyć miejski park-muzeum, w którym zamknie i utrwali całą szwedzkość. To nie koniec. Udało mu się zebrać na to fundusze i zrealizować ten niezwykły pomysł. Takie rzeczy tylko w Szwecji? Otóż nie, idea Skasenu, bo o nim mowa, zainspirowała również Polaków. Czy jednak trzymali się oni pierwowzoru? Jak realizujemy tę ideę dzisiaj, gdy muzea na wolnym powietrzu to już nie tylko chatki, ale całe ośrodki, takie jak Rynek Galicyjski? Co za tym wszystkim stało i stoi? O tym wszystkim w fascynujący sposób opowiada Łukasz Bukowiecki, zupełnie odczarowując kojarzące się zazwyczaj z nudą słowo skansen.

  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 497


Książka Ksenologie, powstała pod wspólną redakcją Kseni Olkusz i Krzysztofa M. Maja, jest szóstym tomem serii „Perspektywy Ponowoczesności”, zbierającym wielowymiarowe studia na temat tytułowej filozofii tego, co obce (ξενον), w myśl propagowanego przez Bernharda Waldenfelsa przekonania, iż „ile porządków, tyle obcości”. Nowy interdyscyplinarny, monograficzny tom jest w historii cyklu „Perspektywy Ponowoczesności” szczególny, bo znacząco metarefleksyjny. Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta pokazuje w nim w sposób bezpośredni, że pomieszanie sfery społecznej i kulturowej w jego nazwie nie jest przypadkowe. Trawestując Foucaulta, można powiedzieć, że w rama...