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This book examines the notion of storytelling in videogames. This topic allows new perspectives on the enduring problem of narrative in digital games, while also opening up different avenues of inquiry. The collection looks at storytelling in games from many perspectives. Topics include the remediation of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness in games such as Spec Ops: The Line; the storytelling similarities in Twin Peaks and Deadly Premonition, a new concept of ‘choice poetics’; the esthetics of Alien films and games, and a new theoretical overview of early game studies on narrative
Contributors from a range of disciplines explore boundary-crossing in videogames, examining both transgressive game content and transgressive player actions. Video gameplay can include transgressive play practices in which players act in ways meant to annoy, punish, or harass other players. Videogames themselves can include transgressive or upsetting content, including excessive violence. Such boundary-crossing in videogames belies the general idea that play and games are fun and non-serious, with little consequence outside the world of the game. In this book, contributors from a range of disciplines explore transgression in video games, examining both game content and player actions. The co...
21st Century Medievalisms. Between the Global and Individual is an edited volume consisting of 14 chapters by scholars interested in contemporary medievalisms across the world. It is a timely contribution to the growing scholarship on medievalisms offering chapters that consider both the individual experiences of medievalisms, as well as those of societies and cultures at large. The chapters of the book are grouped into three parts, the first explores stereotypes and myths in medievalisms; the second examines medievalisms that speak to particular communities and audiences; and the third studies how medievalisms are impacted by or stimulate conversations of politics and gender. These chapters...
Rozprawa Stanisława Krawczyka […] jest niezwykła: precyzyjna w namierzaniu celu i odmierzaniu racji, dojrzała metodologicznie, odkrywcza, przekonująca. A także pod wieloma względami pionierska, jako że nie znajdziemy w polskiej humanistyce tak kompletnej socjologicznej analizy literatury. […] O ile gust inteligencki popychał fantastykę ku sprawom ważnym, o tyle gust popularny przeciąga fantastykę na stronę rozrywki, przyjemności, odpoczynku i kompensacji. Autor stawia więc proste i zarazem bardzo trafne pytanie: skąd wzięło się – wcale nie tak oczywiste – połączenie gustu inteligenckiego z prozą fantastyczną w polskiej kulturze, skoro zasadniczo fantastyka (od ...
Laughter is often no laughing matter, and, as such, it deserves continued scholarly attention as a social, cultural and historical phenomenon. This collection of essays is a meeting ground for scholars from several disciplines, including historians, philologists, and scholars of social sciences, to discuss places and roles of laughter in history, in historical narratives, and in cultural anthropology from prehistory to the present. The common foci of the papers gathered in this volume are to examine laughter and its meanings, to reflect on the place of laughter in Western history and literature, to disclose laughter’s manipulative potential in historical and literary narratives, to see it in the light of the concepts of carnivalesque and playfulness, to see it as a reflection of hysterical historicizing, to see its place in comedy, farce, grotesque and irony, and to see it against its broadly understood theoretical, philosophical and psychological aspects. The book will appeal chiefly to an academic readership, including students, historians, literary and cultural scholars, sociologists, and cultural anthropologists.
Tom ten powstał z wdzięczności i prawdziwej potrzeby serca. Nie w jubileuszach rzecz, ale w jubilowaniu: w radości, że bywaliśmy u Staszka na Krupniczej, że nas obdarzył przyjaźnią. Bez spotkania z Profesorem Stanisławem Balbusem, bez spotkania ze Staszkiem, bylibyśmy dziś kimś innym, gdzie indziej. Taki prezent od losu nie zdarza się dwa razy – bo, jak wiadomo, nic dwa razy się nie zdarza. Cieszymy się, że tak wiele osób zechciało włączyć się w naszą wdzięczność i radość. Bardzo serdecznie dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy wzięli udział w przygotowaniu i tworzeniu księgi prac ofiarowanych Stanisławowi Balbusowi, najpierw jej Autorom, a potem także osobom i instytucjom, które to przedsięwzięcie na różne sposoby życzliwie wspierały, zwłaszcza Wydziałowi Polonistyki UJ.
This book examines how the young in Northeast Asia engage with the political, especially in terms of the production, reformulation, or contestation of their national identities. Through case studies covering China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea and Taiwan, the contributions provide a study of the online spaces where youth engage with current debates regarding national identities. The book also unpacks the distinctive forms of expression and negotiation of national identities favoured by younger generations across Northeast Asia and asks questions specifically raised by their political mobilisation. For example, how their public mobilisation for a given cause has forced them to rethink their place in national and global communities. This book will be a valuable resource for scholars and students of East Asian culture and politics, media studies and youth studies. The Introduction of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
Whether intentional or not, the power of a moment in popular culture like The Witcher can illuminate and question what might be taken for granted or left unseen in our world. Theology, Religion and The Witcher: Gods and Golden Dragons takes a profound look at the intersection of popular culture and religious studies in Andrzej Sapkowski’s Witcher. The twelve contributors offer close readings and analysis of an eclectic tapestry of characters and stories from The Witcher games, live action role play, Netflix series, short stories and novels. This book is not only an exploration of religious symbolism or theology in the stories, but how dialogue, events and imagery in The Witcher intersect with the real world in which we live, where religious ideologies continue to shape global politics and lives, shifting and pressing upon the entirety of civilization, for better or for worse.
This book focuses on the almost entirely neglected treatment of empire and colonialism in videogames. From its inception in the nineties, Game Studies has kept away from these issues despite the early popularity of videogame franchises such as Civilization and Age of Empire. This book examines the complex ways in which some videogames construct conceptions of spatiality, political systems, ethics and society that are often deeply imbued with colonialism. Moving beyond questions pertaining to European and American gaming cultures, this book addresses issues that relate to a global audience – including, especially, the millions who play videogames in the formerly colonised countries, seeking to make a timely intervention by creating a larger awareness of global cultural issues in videogame research. Addressing a major gap in Game Studies research, this book will connect to discourses of post-colonial theory at large and thereby, provide another entry-point for this new medium of digital communication into larger Humanities discourses.