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This edited volume explores the different ways in which members of the European Union have interacted with Kosovo since it declared independence in 2008. While there is a tendency to think of EU states in terms of two distinct groups – those that have recognised Kosovo and those that have not – the picture is more complex. Taking into account also the quality and scope of their engagement with Kosovo, there are four broad categories of member states that can be distinguished: the strong and weak recognisers and the soft and hard non-recognisers. In addition to casting valuable light on the relations between various EU members and Kosovo, this book also makes an important contribution to the way in which the concepts of recognition and engagement, and their relationship to each other, are understood in academic circles and by policy makers.
Established in 1918, as a new state the First Czechoslovak Republic was keen to project a distinct image. Participation in World Fairs offered the perfect opportunity-. In this comprehensive account of Czechoslovak participation in international exhibitions of the interwar period Marta Filipová looks beyond the sleek façade of the modernist pavilions to examine the intersections of architecture, art and design with commercial interests, state agendas, individual action and the public, offering a complex insight into the production and reception of national displays. The rich collection of images – mainly photographs – provides a close look at the Czechoslovak pavilions. The design, con...
With forty-two extensively annotated maps, this atlas offers novel insights into the history and mechanics of how Central Europe’s languages have been made, unmade, and deployed for political action. The innovative combination of linguistics, history, and cartography makes a wealth of hard-to-reach knowledge readily available to both specialist and general readers. It combines information on languages, dialects, alphabets, religions, mass violence, or migrations over an extended period of time. The story first focuses on Central Europe’s dialect continua, the emergence of states, and the spread of writing technology from the tenth century onward. Most maps concentrate on the last two cen...
Ky vëllim, i përbërë nga gjashtë studime të mirëfillta analitiko-historike dhe tre kontribute të karakterit ligjërim/rrëfim, ofron një vështrim historik të marrëdhënieve njëshekullore shqiptaro-çeko(slovake) jo vetëm në lëmet diplomatike dhe ekonomiko-tregetare, por dhe ato njerëzore, kulturore e arsimore. Ky libër zbulon se shqiptarët dhe çekët edhe pse gjeografikisht pak larg njëri-tjetrit, politikisht ndonjëherë jo dhe aq të interesuar, kanë kultivuar e kultivojnë jo vetëm lidhje të forta tregtare por edhe simpati reciproke që kanë ardhur si pasojë e lidhjeve të hershme si dhe shtimit në vazhdimësi të kontakteve të drejtëpërdrejta. Këto simpati ...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed papers of the 16th International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2011, held in Blois, France, in July 2011. The 20 revised full papers together with 4 short papers were carefully selected from 38 submissions. The papers cover various topics such as applications of automata in computer-aided verification; natural language processing; pattern matching, data storage and retrieval; document engineering and bioinformatics as well as foundational work on automata theory.
Kniha přehledně a poutavě seznamuje čtenáře se složitou a stále živou problematikou jihovýchodní Evropy. Vnitřní členění do pěti částí postihuje složitý vývoj balkánských zemí v průběhu první světové války, meziválečném období, za druhé světové války, v letech studené války a ve složitých devadesátých letech. V jednotlivých částech se autor věnuje jak obecným problémům regionu (včetně souvislostí s evropským, případně celosvětovým vývojem), tak dějinám (především politickým a ekonomickým) jednotlivých zemí. Úvod a závěr knihy jsou stručnou rekapitulací situace na Balkáně na začátku minulého století a na začátku století současného. Práce je určena studentům humanitních oborů, především moderních dějin a přidružených disciplín, a každému, kdo se zajímá o historii i současnost této neklidné oblasti.