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This volume in the Routledge Global Human Resource Management Series is dedicated to analyzing the process of trust development between managers and subordinates in different countries of the main cultures of the world. Behaviors and trust are linked in a process that can reinforce or diminish the trust between the two parties. This book examines that process in an array of countries, contextualizing each setting through a brief historical, institutional, and cultural overview. Addressing the dominant HR practices and the main local leadership styles of each country, it draws upon an extensive country-by-country data set of leader-subordinate trust to analyze the universal and culturally-spe...
This fifth volume of the JIDR is devoted to a wide range of research themes, which are all linked to the concepts of learning, motivation and happiness, both implicitly and explicitly. The discussions in these articles highlight several recurring and yet under-researched issues in these fields. The most critical of these themes is what leads to excellence in learning, well being and optimism levels. In publishing this symposium, we believe that our 18 authors offer pertinent reflections upon this valid question.
This forth volume of the JIDR is devoted to a wide range of research themes, which are all linked to the concept of diversity; both implicitly and explicitly. In addition, this volume showcases research related to the doctorate journey. As the mission statement and title of our journal suggests, our goal is to promote excellence in publications with a focus on both doctorate studies and also on research disseminated from specific doctorate studies. In next year's journal, empirical data will be presented which investigates variables which impact the 'safe navigation of the doctoral voyage'. Elements such as choice of research methodology, professional background, family issues, career path, gender and choice of supervisor all impact the success rate of PhD candidate. Two of our articles this year therefore showcase the doctoral research journey.
This informative Field Guide to Intercultural Research is specifically designed to be used in the field, guiding the reader away from pitfalls and towards best practice. It shares valuable fieldwork challenges and experiences, as well as insights into key methodological debates and practical recommendations relevant to both new and seasoned researchers.
By combining new research on leadership and workspaces, Leadership in Spaces and Places argues for a radical reconceptualization of leadership. They argue leadership is not only about leaders themselves, but is also affected by the built environment. <
A continuation of the ongoing Oxford University's Centre for the Study of Values in Education and Business. The papers deal with the interactive effect of business and education as well as the moral and ethical concerns underpinning each.
Chronology of British blues performances and news.
«Det er en påfallende, ja, nesten grotesk, mangel på samsvar mellom denne nevrotiske, selvhelende trangen til å skape kvalitet i verket og måten han tok hånd om sitt eget liv på. Verket falt på plass takket være Pushwagners ærgjerrighet, mens livet gikk opp i limingen, sprakk og falt fra hverandre på grunn av slendrian.» "Hariton Pushwagner" er den første fullstendige biografien om den myteomspunne og folkekjære pop art-kunstneren. Pushwagner var selv en viktig kilde, og boka rommer store mengder nytt og ukjent stoff. Han var en moderne Peer Gynt, og vi følger ham fra barndom og oppvekst i Oslo, til en utagerende og selvdestruktiv tilværelse preget av rus. Leseren tas med på studie- og arbeidsopphold i inn- og utland, blant annet i Paris, Midtøsten, London og New York, og ikke minst får vi ta del i den store suksessen han opplevde i sine siste leveår. Boka presenterer en høyaktuell kunstner som gjennom hele karrieren skildret den vestlige sivilisasjonen på vei mot ragnarok, krig, undertrykkelse, robotifisering, apati og forurensning. Først og fremst er det en brutalt ærlig fortelling om et ekstremt kunstnerliv.