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  • Language: da
  • Pages: 449


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-03-21
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  • Publisher: Modtryk

En kvinde bliver fundet myrdet i sin lejlighed, efter at hun har været på Tinder-date. Hendes krop er tømt for blod, og politiet finder bide­mærker på halsen. Medierne og politiets ledelse presser hårdt på for at få en hurtig opklaring af den bestialske sag, og politiet ved, at der kun er én mand, der kan løse opgaven: Harry Hole. Harry Hole, der nu underviser på Politiskolen, har de seneste tre år levet et fredsommeligt liv sammen med sin Rakel, og han har intet ønske om at vende tilbage til det sted, der tog næsten alt fra ham. Men da endnu et offer bliver fundet, går det op for Harry, at han er nødt til at sætte alt til side for endelig at få fat i den morder, det aldrig lykkedes ham at fange. Hans jagtinstinkt er vakt. TØRST er den 11. roman om Harry Hole, Oslo Politis måske bedste, måske værste, men under alle omstændigheder mest sagnomspundne drabsefterforsker.

Tørst - 2
  • Language: da
  • Pages: 413

Tørst - 2

TØRST: en (stærk) trang, længsel eller lyst efter noget ... En aggressiv virus har spredt sig som en løbeild gennem Stockholm og har efterladt byen i kaos. Folk kæmper for overlevelse i efterdønningerne fra sygdommens rasen, da en ny trussel gør sit indtog. De, der ikke allerede er smittet, skal holde sig inden døre, når solen er gået ned. For når mørket falder på, kommer de frem: de forandrede. TØRST er anden bog i Raseri-serien. Bøgerne i serien er blevet hyldet af læsere, lyttere og anmeldere og kan sammenlignes med tv-serier som The Last of Us og The Walking Dead. Når han ikke skriver, er Andreas Ek politimand og arbejder som tekniker i politiefterforskninger, og det er de erfaringer, han bruger i sit nervepirrende forfatterskab.

Aristotle De Anima
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 713

Aristotle De Anima

Originally published in 1907, this book contains the ancient Greek text of Aristotle's De Anima, his treatise on the differing souls of living things. An English translation is provided on each facing page, and Hicks supplies a very detailed commentary on each line at the end of the book, as well as a summary of each section. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Greek philosophy and the history of classical scholarship.

Aristotle de Anima
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 722

Aristotle de Anima

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1993
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  • Publisher: CUP Archive


De anima
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 722

De anima


  • Language: en
  • Pages: 567


The “definitive biography” of the poet and political dissident who became the last president of Czechoslovakia—and first president of the Czech Republic (Walter Isaacson). This portrait of Vaclav Havel, iconoclast and intellectual, renowned playwright turned political dissident, president of a united then divided nation, and dedicated human rights activist, is written by his former press secretary, advisor, and longtime friend—and recounts the turbulent twentieth-century era through which he prevailed. Havel’s lifelong perspective as an outsider began with his privileged childhood in Prague and his family’s blacklisted status following the Communist coup of 1948. This feeling of ...

Anatomy of a Duchy
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 335

Anatomy of a Duchy

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-07-06
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  • Publisher: BRILL

In Anatomy of a Duchy David Kalhous analyses military, social and "ideological" factors which may have led to the stabilisation of the P?emyslid regnum in 10th and 11 th century.

  • Language: sv
  • Pages: 299


Alkoholen, kändisarna och kärleken hur långt kan man gå för att bli älskad? Från den hånade majspipan med tobak på skolavslutningen i mellanstadiet till Manilla-fyllan som blev en rikssnackis, och flickvännen Cecilias ultimatum: om du inte kan hantera alkoholen lämnar jag dig. Kristoffer har bränt relationer så länge han kan minnas. I jakten på att bli älskad har han sprungit ifrån dem som betytt mest, och stoppat i sig alldeles för mycket av allt sånt som andra vet att akta sig för. I takt med att karriären gått uppför har hålet i hans hjärta blivit djupare. Ställd inför utsikten att ännu en gång förlora allt tar han till dagboken för att komma underfund med s...

Swedish Dissertations and Their Subjects, 1600–1820 (Volume One)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 606

Swedish Dissertations and Their Subjects, 1600–1820 (Volume One)

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-09-09
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This book challenges previous notions of early modern dissertations as unimaginative academic exercises. It argues for their continuous importance in the scholarly and scientific discourse, and describes the richness and diversity of their subjects and themes. The book contains a complete catalogue of the almost twenty thousand Swedish dissertations defended in Uppsala, Lund and Åbo between 1600 and 1820. The catalogue includes longer comments about and descriptions of a few thousand of these dissertations, and also provides an analysis of how different subjects have evolved over time.

Curse of the Riftborn
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 154

Curse of the Riftborn

A serial killer has reigned free in the city of Ebria for longer than anyone could remember. Some claimed it to be a vengeful spirit seeking justice in a city of corruption. Others say it's a powerful undead, practitioner of magic, or worse yet...both. There are rumors it's one person and others saying it’s an entire cabal. Many have tried to bring the killer to justice, but for centuries all have failed. Meira Dyel - a young woman plagued by a lifetime of nightmares is tasked to find the killer when Ryn - her friend and mentor, becomes the latest victim. With the aid of her friend and fellow guildsman Darven, she hunts for the Ebrian Slayer and learns a truth about herself so profound it threatens to unravel her already fragile psyche.