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Monasticism has a special position in the history of pastoral care. It produced innovations in various aspects of pastoral care despite, or more precisely, because of its isolation in legal or social terms from the secular world. The thirteen papers contained in this volume will reveal that there was a great variety in the ways pastoral care continued to be practised by monasticism, depending on time, space, and the nature of each religious order. Adopting a comparative approach, their historical and geographical range of investigation is not limited to medieval Europe but expands to the Americas and even to Japan in the early Modern Age. This volume bases on a conference held on 1 and 2 March 2019 at Okayama University, Japan, as part of the close collaboration between a Japanese research group on Christian/Buddhist religious movements and the Research Project "Monasteries in the High Middle Ages: Innovation Laboratories for European Life Designs and Regulatory Models" of the Saxon and the Heidelberg Academies of Sciences and Humanities, as well as the Research Center for Comparative History of Religious Orders (FOVOG, Dresden).
Il volume raccoglie i principali saggi che nel corso della sua carriera accademica Maria Pia Alberzoni ha dedicato agli Umiliati, una esperienza di vita religiosa, maschile e femminile, che coinvolse laici e chierici e si svilupp’o a partire dalla fine del XII secolo a Milano per poi diffondersi rapidamente in tutta l’Italia centro-settentrionale. I saggi sono l’esito di studi che hanno rinnovato profondamente la storiografia sugli Umiliati e hanno raggiunto importanti risultati in particolare sugli inizi dell’ordine, sulle regole adottate e sul processo di istituzionalizzazione promosso e guidato dal papato
Als grundlegendes Motiv christlicher Theologie und Frömmigkeitspraxis besitzt ‚Einsamkeit‘ eine bis in die Spätantike reichende Tradition. Doch erst ab dem 11. Jahrhundert ergriff die Suche nach religiöser Abgeschiedenheit nicht mehr nur einzelne Spitzenasketen, sondern aus ihr erwuchsen neue soziale Formationen, von denen sich einige als eremitische Orden etablieren konnten. Die religiösen Reformbewegungen enthielten die Idee der Weltflucht und mit ihr jene der geistlichen solitudo als monastisch-programmatisches Leitmotiv, welches in Kombination mit der gemeinschaftlichen Lebensform ein scheinbares Paradoxon erzeugte. Hier setzt die ideengeschichtlich orientierte Studie an und zeichnet am Beispiel der frühen Kamaldulenser, Kartäuser und Zisterzienser nach, wie hochmittelalterliche Reformtheologen diese Ambivalenz lösten. Dabei werden sowohl vielfältige Gedankenhorizonte als auch die Veränderungen der Semantik von ‚Einsamkeit‘ innerhalb monastischer Diskurse und Rezeptionsstränge thematisiert.
Im Jahr 1724 veranlasste Eugen Schmid nach seiner Wahl zum Abt von Waldsassen unverzüglich die Einrichtung einer neuen Stiftsbibliothek. Um den Schauraum mit seiner faszinierenden Ausstattung gab es, beginnend im späten 19. Jahrhundert, rege kunsthistorische Bemühungen. Wenig Beachtung fand bisher der Buchbestand, der nach der Säkularisation 1803 in die Provinzialbibliothek Amberg überführt wurde. Die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des vorliegenden Bandes nehmen einen breiteren Zugriff auf die Bibliothek vor. Es werden nicht nur neue Thesen zur Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte und kritische Fragen zur Ikonologie des Saales vorgetragen, sondern auch verschiedene Aspekte der Bestandsstruktur und -charakteristik untersucht. Es gibt erste Schritte zur Auswertung des Bibliothekskatalogs von 1742/43. Der in Amberg erhaltene Waldsassener Inkunabelbestand wird vollständig dokumentiert.
Cistercian Spirituality: An Ashram Perspective is a spiritual directory written by Fr. Francis Acharya for the monastic community that he founded at Kurisumala (Kerala, India). As the editor, Fr. Michael Casey, relates in the introduction: This book is offered to a wider world in the hope that it will serve as a means of making and deepening contact with the spirit of the Cistercian tradition not so much as it is written but as it has been lived for over six decades by a deeply spiritual man. To those who know of Kurisumala Ashram or who have read the biography of Fr. Francis, it will provide a gateway to an understanding of the interior life of this remarkable monk. In particular, his descr...
Two opposing views of the future in the Middle Ages dominate recent historical scholarship. According to one opinion, medieval societies were expecting the near end of the world and therefore had no concept of the future. According to the other opinion, the expectation of the near end created a drive to change the world for the better and thus for innovation. Close inspection of the history of prognostication reveals the continuous attempts and multifold methods to recognize and interpret God’s will, the prodigies of nature, and the patterns of time. That proves, on the one hand, the constant human uncertainty facing the contingencies of the future. On the other hand, it demonstrates the f...
In Essays on Derek Parfit's On What Matters, seven leadingmoral philosophers offer critical evaluations of the central ideaspresented in a greatly anticipated new work by world-renowned moralphilosopher Derek Parfit. Presents critical assessments of what promises to be one of thekey moral philosophy texts of our time Features essays by a team of leading philosophers includingPrinceton's Michael Smith, one of the world's leadingmeta-ethicists Addresses Parfit's central thesis - that the main ethicaltheories can agree on what matters - as well as his defense ofmoral realism
Although historical work on the early Middle Ages relies to an enormous extent on the evidence provided by charters and other such documents, the paradigms within which such documents are interpreted have changed relatively slowly and unevenly. The critical turn, the increasing availability of digital tools and corpora for study, and the acceptance among charter specialists that their discipline can inform a wider field all encourage rethinking. From 2006 to 2011, a series of sessions at the Leeds International Medieval Congress addressed this by applying new critiques and technologies to early medieval diplomatic material from all over Europe. This volume collects some of the best of these ...
Between Integration and Secession asks whether Muslim minorities can co-exist with the majority and other cultures within non-Muslim states. Moshe Yegar's excellent new work examines the radicalization of Muslim communities during the nationalist fervor that swept southeast Asia in the aftermath of World War II. The book's grand historical scope traces the theological and political impact of the postwar Islamic renaissance on the creation of Muslim separatist tendencies and heightened religious consciousness. Drawing on a wealth of archival and secondary sources, Yegar examines three cases of rebellion in Muslim minorities: in the Philippines, in Thailand, and in Burma/Myanmar. He studies the communities' struggle to define their aims-be it for communal separation, autonomy, or independence-and the means each has at their disposal to achieve them.
This book challenges, with several powerful arguments, some of our deepest beliefs about rationality, morality, and personal identity. The author claims that we have a false view of our own nature; that it is often rational to act against our own best interests; that most of us have moral views that are directly self-defeating; and that, when we consider future generations the conclusions will often be disturbing. He concludes that moral non-religious moral philosophy is a young subject, with a promising but unpredictable future.