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Praktik Pembangunan: Paradigma dan Realitasnya Dalam Konteks Sumatera Utara
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 322

Praktik Pembangunan: Paradigma dan Realitasnya Dalam Konteks Sumatera Utara

Pada dasarnya pembangunan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat merupakan kegiatan pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan lingkungan hidup akan berdampak pada perubahan fungsi kehidupan. Dalam perspektif ini pembangunan disamakan dengan modernisasi (westernisasi) yaitu: pertumbuhan ekonomi, runtuhnya ikatan-ikatan tradisional dalam masyarakat, industrialisasi dan terbukanya pasar-pasar lokal (globalisasi). Oleh karena itu, tata kelola dan cara-cara dalam membangun akan menentukan besaran dampak yang akan terjadi pada keberlanjutan kehidupan dimasa yang akan datang. Buku ini berfokus dalam membahas pembangunan yang berkeadilan dalam kasus praktik pembangunan di Sumatera Utara dipilih karena bentuknya tangible, menempati aspek ruang dan waktu sehingga bersinggungan erat dengan isu pelayanan publik, sosial dan lingkungan, dan menyentuh banyak aspek unsur keadilan. Berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengamatan penulis suatu keadilan memang mudah untuk dituliskan dan dirumuskan. Sayangnya, keadilan juga tidak mudah untuk dilaksanakan, direalisasikan, dikoordinasikan, dan diperjuangkan.

“Hadapi Pandemi dengan Semangat Brikolase Kewirausahaan”
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 300

“Hadapi Pandemi dengan Semangat Brikolase Kewirausahaan”

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: GUEPEDIA

“Hadapi Pandemi dengan Semangat Brikolase Kewirausahaan” Kolase Perjuangan Bisnis dalam Menghadapi Resesi Ekonomi dan Peranan Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia Penulis : Delly, Intan, Daisy, Virginia, Mentari, Fani, Ayundha, Devinta, Maria, Ahmadi, Ahmi, Dominikus, Ramadhani, Johnny Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm No. QRCBN : 62-39-9740-872 Terbit : Mei 2022 www.guepedia.com Sinopsis : Pandemi Covid-19 membawa perubahan besaran kondisi bisnis serta sistem dalam kehidupan secara mendetail. Sebaran pandemi, menyebabkan kelumpuhan hamper pada keseluruhan sector, baik ekonomi, social, maupun politik. Buku ini, menceritakan tentang kondisi real-time UMKM di Indonesia dalam menghadapi pandemic dan resesi ekon...

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 322


Puji syukur selalu kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah Swt. yang telah memberikan semua nikmat-Nya sehingga penulis berhasil menyelesaikan buku yang berjudul Dinamika Kejahatan dan Pencegahannya: Potret Beberapa Kasus Kejahatan di Provinsi Riau ini dengan tepat waktu tanpa adanya kendala yang berarti. Keberhasilan penyusunan buku ini tentunya bukan atas usaha penulis saja, tetapi ada banyak pihak yang turut membantu dan memberikan dukungan untuk suksesnya penulisan buku ini. Untuk itu, penulis mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak yang telah memberikan dukungan, baik secara morel ataupun materiel sehingga buku ini berhasil disusun. Buku yang ada di hadapan pembaca ini tentu tidak luput dari kekurangan. Selalu ada celah untuk perbaikan. Oleh karena itu, kritik, saran, serta masukan dari pembaca sangat kami harapan. Untuk itu, kami sangat terbuka supaya buku ini semakin sempurna dan lengkap.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 300


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-11-10
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  • Publisher: Unknown

This is the first study to examine in detail ritual objects known as 'Lamak', a fascinating and unique form of ephemeral material culture which is a prominent feature of Balinese creativity.

Coastal Planning and Management
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 406

Coastal Planning and Management

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2005-06-09
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  • Publisher: CRC Press

The first comprehensive tool-kit for coastal planners and those aiming to achieve effective coastal management worldwide. Coastal Planning and Management provides a link between planning and management tools and thus includes all stages in the process, from development through evaluation to implementation. Drawing on examples of successful coastal planning and management from around the world, the authors provide clear and practical guidelines for the people who make daily decisions about the world's coastlines. Coastal Planning and Management is an invaluable resource for professionals in environmental and planning consultancies, international organizations and governmental departments, as well as for academics and researchers in the local and international fields of geography, marine and environmental science, marine and coastal engineering and marine policy and planning.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 439


This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences, ICONESS 2021, held in Purwokerto, Indonesia, in July 2021. The 60 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 100 submissions. The papers reflect the conference sessions as follows: Education (Curriculum and Instruction, Education and Development, Educational Psychology, Mathematic Education, Science Education, Social Science Education, Measurement and Evaluation, Primary Education, and Higher Education); Religion (Islamic Education, Fiqh, Science and Technology, Halal Science, Islamic Civilization, Shariah Economic), and Literation (Teaching English as a Second Language/TESL, Language and Communication, Literacy).

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 695


We are delighted to deliver the Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Education, Science and Culture (ICIESC). This conference was organized by Research and Community Service Centre of Universitas Negeri Medan (LPPM UNIMED) held virtually on 31 August 2021. By raise up the main theme of Leading Recovery: “The New Innovation in Education, Science and Culture After a Global Pandemic”, the 3rd ICIESC conference shows up several interested topics as a Science Education, Vocational Education, Social Science and Humanities, Management Innovation and Heritage Culture. Some of the topics been interested topic and important to be discussed. With the number participant i...

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 584

The Epidemiology of Plant Diseases

Plant disease epidemiology is a dynamic science that forms an essential part of the study of plant pathology. This book brings together a team of 35 international experts. Each chapter deals with an essential component of the subject and allows the reader to fully understand how each exerts its influence on the progress of pathogen populations in plant populations over a defined time scale. This edition has new, revised and updated chapters.

The Sphagnum Species of the World
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 435

The Sphagnum Species of the World

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-11-21
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Sphagnum specialist Dierk Michaelis documents the worldwide known peat moss species (genus Sphagnum) and presents keys for their identification. It represents the updated, supplemented English language version of the author's original peat moss flora of 2011 (in German), the first overall presentation of Sphagnum since Carl Warnstorf's "Sphagnologia Universalis" of 1911. Compared to the German edition, 12 species have been added, 23 new plates were added, the chapters on phylogeny and research history have been revised and a new chapter on Sphagnum ecology has been added. Since Warnstorf's comprehensive work, numerous names have been recognized and revised as synonyms - particularly by Andre...

IC2RSE 2019
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 635

IC2RSE 2019

As an annual event, The 3rd International Conference Community Research and Service Engagements (IC2RSE) 2019 continued the agenda to bring together researcher, academics, experts and professionals in examining selected theme by applying multidisciplinary approaches. In 2019, this event will be held in 4 December at Florida-Maryland Room, JW Marriot Hotel. The conference from any kind of stakeholders related with Education, Information Technology, Mathematics and Social Related Studies. Each contributed paper was refereed before being accepted for publication. The double-blind peer reviewed was used in the paper selection.