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Love is the most important and intense experience of our life. It pushes us to elation, to heartbreak, to sing for joy and sob in disappointment. Connecting in this way to others is an essential quality of being human: without love, we don’t learn and develop properly as children and we don’t flourish as adults – in short, we’re starved of what we need. But love is on the verge of monumental change. Sex robots are already on the market, polyamory is gaining ground, drugs are being developed that can make you fall in love, and AI and robotics are set to revolutionize how we relate to each other. Debates about whether more than two people should be able legally to get married are heati...
Unconscious bias: persistent prejudiced behaviour that clashes with our consciously held beliefs. Its effects can be corrosive, even lethal. It robs organizations of talent, science of breakthroughs, politics of insight, individuals of their futures and communities of justice. So what real-world steps can we take to counteract it? Drawing on ten years' immersion in the topic, Jessica Nordell digs deep into the cognitive science and social psychology that underpin efforts to create change, and introduces us to the people who are practising a range of promising methods: the police using mindfulness to regulate high-stress situations; the doctors whose diagnostic checklists help eliminate bias in treatment; the lawyers and educators striving to embed equality all the way from the early-years playroom to the boardroom. Biased behaviour can be ended. This path-breaking, inspiring and indispensable book shows us how.
The new issue of the Jahrbuch erziehungswissenschaftliche Geschlechterforschung (Yearbook of Gender Studies in Education) focuses on the significance of care for education. While care is receiving increasing attention in educational science, there is a lack of gender-theoretical foundations. The volume offers analyses of the connection between care and pedagogy from the perspective of educational gender studies, therefore contributing to closing this research gap.
Eğitimin farklı araştırmacılar tarafından yapılmış farklı tanımları bulunmaktadır. Ancak eğitim literatüründe en bilinen ve en yaygın tanıma göre eğitim “bireyin davranışında kendi yaşantısı yoluyla ve kasıtlı olarak istendik davranış meydana getirme sürecidir” (Ertürk, 1997). Eğitim sürecinde bireylerde istenilen değişiklikleri gerçekleştirmek için yapılan uygulamaların tümü ise öğretimdir. Diğer bir ifade ile öğretim, öğrenmenin gerçekleşebilmesini amaçlayan planlı, kasıtlı ve sistematik bir eğitimdir. Öğretim, inişler ve çıkışlardan, yavaş tırmanışlardan ve baş döndürücü hızlarda aşağı inişlerden oluşan bir roller coaster gibidir. Canlandırıcı, yorucu, korkutucu ve eğlencelidir. Etkili bir öğretim süreci ise eğitim bilimlerinin konusu olmakla birlikte ağırlıklı olarak zorunlu eğitim dönemi ve çocukluk üzerine araştırmalara odaklanmıştır. Oysa nitelikli insan gücünün ve meslek elemanlarının yetiştirildiği en önemli eğitim öğretim dönemi üniversite yıllarıdır.
Die große Bedeutung geschlechterbezogener Faktoren für Bildungsprozesse in der frühen Kindheit ist heute unumstritten. Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt fundiert Grundlagen und Methoden zu den Themen körperliche Entwicklung, Gender und Sexualität. Entlang aktueller Theorien und Forschungsergebnisse werden zentrale Fragen der psychosexuellen und geschlechtsbezogenen Entwicklung thematisiert. Konkrete Übungen regen zur Reflexion eigener Haltungen in der pädagogischen Arbeit mit Mädchen und Jungen an. Daran anknüpfend werden Ansatzpunkte und Konzepte geschlechterbewusster und sexualpädagogischer Handlungskompetenz im Elementarbereich eingeführt und anhand vieler Praxisimpulse veranschaulicht.
Standaardwerk inclusiviteit en diversiteit. Voor de lezers van Kahneman en Haidt. Vooroordelen vormen een van de grootste problemen van deze tijd, zowel maatschappelijk, persoonlijk als professioneel. Jessica Nordell schreef het standaardwerk om onbewuste vooroordelen te herkennen en blijvend te veranderen. Nordell beschrijft hoe vooroordelen werken, hoe we anders leren denken en hoe we deze verandering kunnen bestendigen. Het boek is uniek in zijn soort: het is breder, genuanceerder en meer onderbouwd dan wat er tegenwoordig verschijnt over discriminatie, racisme en gender. 'Een baanbrekende analyse van vooroordelen en hoe we die kunnen voorkomen.' – The Guardian
This work documents the findings of a research project which investigated the ways in which teachers and students used formative assessment to improve the teaching and learning of science in some New Zealand classrooms. It will be of interest to graduate students and researchers, as well as teacher educators, curriculum developers, and assessment specialists.